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Posts posted by RIDDUM_N_STYLE

  1. They've booked the Reigns/Lesnar match but the narrative has been the title is on the line only if Reigns beats Balor and tbh they don't really need the title to sell the match, let Finn have the run he never got with the Universal belt through to the December PPV or the Rumble and put the belt back on Reigns to do the inevitable Rock match at Mania

  2. When I was younger it was always one year a Haven/Butlins/Pontins break then the next year/2 years after off to Spain. 2 of the best were one year going to a Haven camp in Yorkshire as a big group of 3/4 families where my older cousins were drooling after the male yellow coat reps and one of my younger cousins and my little sister would drive everyone nuts by constantly singing the 'Finger Song'. The other was another Haven camp in Scotland, we took my cousin Ant from Weston with us to keep me company and we spent the whole time trying to best each other on the arcades and one night stayed up late as one of the channels was showing The Lost Boys, which neither of us had seen before

    One of the funnier Spain holidays was a few months after my aunt passed away, we took my cousin Kate (who I've always had more of a sister bond with as we're the closest in age) to Estartit with us to lift her spirits and took our older cousin as a company, we had one day where it was like being back home as it belted it down for practically the entire day so we spent most of it in the club under the hotel in a kids/teen club watching movies

    Most of the better holidays though for me came after my teens, having a lot more freedom to do things on my own, such as going out and exploring the local areas in Marmaris and Benidorm (the latter being the first holiday I had a room to myself instead of being in a family room) when I didn't fancy staying round by the pool, or getting to live out childhood dreams like doing the tour of MSG with my dad in New York and seeing Times Square all lit up at night

  3. 2003 I joined this place as a fresh faced 18 year old about to brave the wide world after bombing my A Levels, flash forward to today as a 36 year old working in a retail job for over 7 years that can one day give me something to be happy about then the next 3/4 turn me into a moaning grumpy twat, bit like watching WWE's output these days

  4. 20 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

    First taste of NXT for ages. Didn't see it all, I was a bit in and out of sleep tbh. Agree with the general take that it was a fun show and it looked and felt much better. However, the camera work was absolutely nauseating. It wasn't just the cuts, which there were millions of, but all sorts of strange angles, zooms and the camera swaying and wandering. It's just atrocious. I sit wondering how anyone could possibly think this is acceptable direction but there are about 10 posts before me and none of them are complaining so maybe no-one cares. The ring looked absolutely massive too.

    The "2.0" stuff is really grinding but I presume they'll get bored of that soon. Steiner 2.0 was great though. The best bit of him is the little digital exclusive promo that was on Twitter. He just looks and sounds like a Steiner and that's a good thing. The name is terrible and with him appearing so cold, it didn't help him but he looked the part and was good enough to get excited about. What's it with all the Bs? Bron Breaker. Josh Briggs. Brooks Jensen. B-Fab. I mean, all better than Ridge Holland, but still...

    Not sure why the switch for the 4-way but I thought it was a brilliant bit of self-awareness. Taking one of the guys out and putting in a young, big, fresh lad set alarms going all over. There were some boos in the crowd. You just know all Vince's step-kids thought this fella was going over and had a cob on so the finish of Ciampa winning was even more of a surprise. Clever bit of booking I thought.

    Wedding was some weird, campy shit. Glad people enjoyed something. Screams out some "I married my stalker" headline from the cover of Take-a-break to me but whatever gets over, I guess!

    Be interesting to see if the positivity lasts beyond this shiny and new period. I'm not convinced. I've lost count of the number times in the last ten years people have been excited over the latest thing in WWE and it's done in a few weeks. I think this is a positive move for them from a development POV but I think in a month or two, it'll be the same handful of people watching and discussing it as before.

    The camera cuts could be because Bucky Beaver was overseeing production last night

  5. Not seen the show yet, but general impressions are it feels like when it transitioned from the overly long Redemption season into having a regular slot at Full Sail in 2012 when you saw the likes of then rookies Corbin, Big E, Elias etc mix with Indy signees like PAC (Neville), Rollins and Sami Zayn and main roster guys like Cesaro, Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel

  6. Controversial opinion but this is all Hangman’s fault, he cost them all title shots in the 8 man, then the following week told them not to interfere if and when the Elite beat him down. Stu, Uno and Colt respected his wishes, Silver, Reynolds, 5 and 10 didn’t and almost made it worse

  7. 3 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    I honestly thought Shang-Chi was the worst marvel film since Age of Ultron. Amazing choreographed fight scenes followed by dull periods of nothing interesting happening before the next fight sequence, rinse and repeat before ending with an awful CGI fight scene. Thought the guy who played Shang Chi was good for the first half, dull for the second. Massive plot holes as well. Good cast is probably the best complement I can pay it.


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    Ben Kingsley’s accent was worse then Ray Winstones in Black Widow. 



    I actually loved Shang-Chi, never knew anything about the character going in, as I did for Ant-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain Marvel and Black Panther, so the whole back story was new to me and thought it come off really well

  8. Horrific news, was hoping and praying with all my being that her loved ones and the authorities got to her in time but it appears to not be so

    The trio of her, David Flair and Crowbar were terrific entertainment in the latter months of WCW and had a fondness for her Impact partnership with Stevie Richards and Abyss

    Without wanting to bring the thread down, I hope the shithouse who shared the heartbreaking IG live video of her all over Twitter is feeling immense guilt right now but I somehow doubt it

  9. 23 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Hot Line was great. Tanya Roberts was a regular on that one. Its most famous episode was the one where a pre-JAG Catherine Bell got them out.

    That the one where she shags her boss in the moonlight wearing only heels and stockings? 

  10. Sky One in it's hey day was the shit, The Simpsons, the WWE 'main shows' of the time pre and early Raw and Smackdown, prime Soccer AM (Lovejoy and Hells Bells), UKFF favorite Dream Team (fuck you Barker for killing Fletch), being the first place to show TMNT (before BBC put it on their shows) and 90210

  11. 4 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    Earwig And The Witch has just been added to Netflix. 

    Not top tier Ghibli but the kids and I enjoyed it enough.

    I couldn't get into that one, maybe because I'm so used to the hand drawn anime style but it just didn't feel like a Ghibli film to me

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