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Posts posted by RIDDUM_N_STYLE

  1. 3 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    Does Priest Vs Nakamura have any kind of potential to be worth a watch? I might stick it on when I go to bed that night, if I remember. 

    Might well be, Priest has been on fire in recent months while having Boogz around seems to have revamped Nak’s career

  2. It’s really borderline tedious now, WWE are self imploding making all these releases they might as well just have a small combined roster as it’s clear outside of a main group they don’t give two fucks about anyone

    As of this latest batch

    Morrison - doomed once Miz got injured/done DWTS, even more so when Taya got released

    Hit Row - biggest shock but this seems more because Top Dolla keeps running his mouth, indies will be falling over themselves to get Strickland booked

    Teagan - poor girl has destroyed her knees on 3 occasions on their watch and they still kick her out, don’t think AEW or Impact will take a chance on that ground but indies and NWA might as occasional 

    Drake - thought he’d got a massive redemption after competing in the Cruiserweight tournament and getting the new contract but soon slipped back into 24/7 fodder. Would expect him to go back to Impact and actually be a wrestler again

    Shane Thorne - only surprise is he lasted this long, don’t think he’s even been on TV in over a year

    Ryker - last of the Forgotten Sons to fall,  disappeared from view once the feud with Elias was done with

  3. Big or meaty wrestlers attempting Lucha moves, convinced one of these days Big E is going to botch his tope/spear through the ropes and fuck his neck up and famously we had the likes of Brock knocking himself loopy doing a shooting star press in a Mania main event, and Taker fucking up his dive on HBK at Mania 25 and nearly killing himself

  4. Well worth avoiding spoilers, was hard to do as I’m used to going on Facebook, Twitter and IG regularly in the day

    Perfect ending to the Page/Omega/Bucks story and I’ll admit I teared up, especially when Hangman went in for the hug with DO

    Outside of that it was a great show, for me the only weak points were the finish for the Tag title match and the entirety of the Women’s title match, speaking of where was Anna while here bestie was battling a 3-1 disadvantage?

  5. Was looking at the 24/7 title history after last night’s shenanigans with the multiple changes. Reggie made history after being pinned by Drake as his title run was the longest in the short history of the belt at 112 days, beating the 67 day run Rob Gronkowski had after the Pandemic Wrestlemania, R Truth still holds the combined reign record with 452 days spanning 52 ‘reigns’

  6. So Survivor Series is 2 weeks tomorrow and WWE, even by their lazy standards, have barely promoted the show. In fact they’ve been that lazy that they’ve announced the teams for the men’s and women’s matches on social media

    The Raw men’s team is comprised of 5 guys who were on SD just last month in Seth Rollins, Finn Balor, KO and the Mysterios

    SD’s team is Drew McIntyre, Jeff Hardy and King Woods who were all recently on Raw along with Sami Zayn and Happy Corbin 

    The Raw women’s team is Bianca BelAir, Liv Morgan, Rhea Ripley, Carmella and Queen Zelina

    The SD women’s team is Sasha Banks, Shotzi, Shayna Baszler, Natalya and Aliyah 

    The rest of the card is expected to be Champion v Champion matches meaning we get

    Big E v Roman Reigns

    Damian Priest v Shinsuke Nakamura

    Becky Lynch v Charlotte Flair

    RK-Bro v The Usos 

  7. 4 stand out from various trips to Goodison

    Tim Howard v Bolton - freezing cold windy night, we’d go on to lose the game, everyone thought it had dropped and been span over the keeper by, I think, Denis Straqualursi until the replay on the screen showed it had gone straight in from Howard’s kick forward

    James McFadden v Fulham - takes a lot to take the spotlight off another goal but Faddy managed it, surpassing James Beattie’s chip from the first half with a 25 yard floating volley to seal the win at the Gwladys Street End

    Mikel Arteta v Fiorentina - I’ve spoke about this many times on here, one of the best atmospheres I’ve ever experienced in the Old Lady even though we still went out on pens. No one in the ground expected a shot when he picked the ball up just past the half way, he drove on and lashed it with such swerve that people were thinking it had been deflected. Queue bedlam 

    Kevin Mirallas v Stoke - one of, if not the first of, the maligned Belgian’s goals for us, a solo run from just before the half way line, right through the Stoke midfield and finished with a delicate dink over the diving keeper, wound up being the only goal of the game 

  8. Nothing but massive, massive respect to Mox for seeing he has an issue and doing something about it at the first instance

    As a fan I’m naturally gutted we won’t be getting Mox v OC tonight but I’m glad that it might not lead to a situation that destroyed so many guys like Scott Hall, Jake Roberts and the like and he’ll come out of it stronger and healthier for not only himself but most importantly for Renee and their daughter

  9. Finn Balor’s heel turn in NXT was a well executed shock imo. He’d turned back up there only a week or so before fronting up Adam Cole so when he came out, as Ciampa and Gargano were looking at a 4 on 2 situation against the UE, everyone was anticipating the prospect of DIY and Finn stepping up only for Finn to lay Johnny out with the overhead kick and leave Ciampa to go 4 on 1 then the show ends with a smiling Cole doing the UE sign to Finn while he does his gun pose

  10. Been ill with a chesty cough since Wednesday which forced me off work Friday so have spent the last 3 days in bed watching a shitload of horror movies through various means

    Psycho Goreman - Campy fun movie about 2 kids ‘befriending’ a monster warrior after finding his power locket

    IT Chapter 2 - been holding off seeing this for a long time as I wasn’t that big a fan of part one nor the original TV movie, this wasn’t much better imo but the ending was much more satisfying than the 1990 version 

    Death Screams - dull early 80s slasher set around a carnival, a group of teens stalked by a machete wielding weirdo, one of whom was responsible for an accident involving the local sheriff’s son. The killer reveal is poor

    The Prey - another 80s slasher, this was a little bit better, this time a group of campers in the Rockies are stalked by  a lone survivor from a fire in the late 40s at a gypsy camp

    Reefer Madness - the infamous cult film that’s little more than a propaganda film against Marijuana use. Very odd and disjointed 

    Phantom Of The Opera - the 1943 version made by Universal. In this take, the Phantom is a composer obsessed with an actress, who takes his revenge to help push her career when he is left disfigured after killing a rival for stealing his work. Claude Rains is magnificent as the titular Phantom

    Rope - a Hitchcock thriller from the 40s about 2 students killing a fellow student and hosting a party with their victim’s family to cover it up until James Stewart’s reporter character suspects something is up

    The Hitcher - Fantastic thriller from the 80s, the late Rutger Hauer is wonderfully sadistic in stalking and framing C Thomas Howell for a series of murders, all because Howell shoved him out his car for threatening to kill him

    Bride of Chucky - the 4th film in the Child’s Play franchise, and the first in the ‘of Chucky’ quadrilogy. Memorable for Jennifer Tilly being smoking hot in a corset and fishnets, the doll sex scene and one of the best kills of the series in the dashboard nail gun sequence against the late John Ritter

  11. Don’t get the Abadon gimmick at all, I’ve seen pics of her without the weird contacts and blood and shit and she’s a bit of a fox who would suit a more punk or goth gimmick, bit like Shotzi but without the tank or wolf howls

  12. Sad situation, especially as next summer is their 20th anniversary. Hopefully most of the talent get picked up somewhere, be it AEW, NWA, New Japan or even for NXT. One of the talent I feel most for is Wrestling YouTuber/Indy manager Brian Zane of Wrestling With Wregret who’d only resumed working with them as an interviewer and commentator in recent months following all the COVID stuff and was enjoying his time there

  13. Loved TWC, was my gateway into ROH, which I've dipped in and out of over the subsequent decade plus, also allowed us to watch the weirdness from the early TNA weekly PPVs and I have the Liger, Curry Man, CZW and AJ Styles promos burnt in my brain. Much respect to you @herbie747 for having the balls to even attempt a project like this and thank you for the many hours of good shit that came from it

  14. 6 hours ago, Vamp said:

    Whenever I arbitrarily tune in Seth Rollins seems to have gained an extra meaningless nickname. And then I ask why he's being referred to as "The Architect" or "The Kingslayer" or what the "Burn It Down" nonsense is about and someone will explain to me that he did something in NXT or beat HHH several years ago and I'll be left even more confused as to what he's actually meant to be. 

    I know The Rock, as an example, had a dozen nicknames from "The Brahma Bull" (an admittedly shit example for my upcoming argument) or "The People's Champ" or "The Most Electifying Man..." but those are fairly timeless nicknames, they still mean something. 

    Maybe I haven't seen enough lately but I also wouldn't categorise him as a great wrestler in the ring. He's an athletic chap with crisp looking moves but I've never felt anything while watching him. Never cares about why he's doing what he's doing.

    There's certain guys in the WWE (and elsewhere to be fair) where I'd like to say "actually mate, you can't do any Cruiserweight moves tonight or any of your signature spots" just to see if their brain would literally explode. 

    The Architect nickname was because he, in kayfabe, put the Shield together, the Kingslayer one was because he beat the 'King of Kings' aka Triple H at Mania and Burn It Down was what he claimed he was going to do to Trips' kingdom during the build, hence why it got added to his post-Shield theme when he became top face on Raw, the Beastslayer one was the same as Kingslayer only subbing Trips for 'The Beast' aka Brock Lesnar when he was aiming to win the Universal title the year after the Triple H Mania match. 

  15. Had to skim a lot of the show (not helped by the site I use uploading in 15 minute blocks, 16 videos in all) but what I saw, I enjoyed. Could easily lay a claim to be WWE's best Saudi show, maybe even edging out the Greatest Royal Rumble show

  16. So bar any more late changes, this is the final card for the PPV tomorrow

    Kick Off Show

    Inter-Brand Match

    The Usos vs Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander

    Main Card

    Universal Title

    Roman Reigns (c) vs Brock Lesnar

    WWE Title

    Big E (c) vs Drew McIntyre

    Smackdown Women's Title

    Becky Lynch (c) vs Bianca BelAir vs Sasha Banks

    Raw Tag Team Titles

    RK-Bro (c) vs AJ Styles and Omos

    King of the Ring Tournament Final

    Finn Balor vs Xavier Woods

    Queen's Crown Tournament Final

    Zelina Vega vs Doudrop

    Hell in a Cell Match

    Edge vs Seth Rollins

    No Holds Barred Match

    Goldberg vs Bobby Lashley

    Mustafa Ali vs Mansoor

  17. Watched Halloween Kills earlier, loved the 2018 film and this was not as good but still entertaining, the blend of flashbacks and modern stuff gave it a very 80's slasher feel which I'm a sucker for. I'm very interested in seeing how this all wraps up in Ends next year

  18. Not seen any of the show yet, just reactions and stuff. Not sure I’m that keen on the swerve with the AAA tag title match, teasing a mystery team, making people think maybe the former Lucha Dragons or the team the Lucha Bros beat, only to stick FTR in the Riddler’s rejected bodysuits and masks 

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