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Posts posted by RIDDUM_N_STYLE

  1. Santana Garrett vs Tay Conti has been added to tonight’s Buy In show, makes you wonder why they didn’t just do a 2 hour edition of Rampage anyway as between both hours, it’s a solid 6 match card

    Buy In

    Santana Garrett vs Tay Conti

    Bobby Fish vs Lee Moriaty 

    Brian Danielson vs Minoru Suzuki


    CM Punk vs Matt Sydal

     Ruby Soho vs The Bunny

    Inner Circle vs Men of the Year/Junior Dos Santos

  2. From a horror standpoint - Nightmare on Elm Street 3 and New Nightmare, Friday The 13th Part 4 and Halloween 3 are all great sequels, the latter would have got a lot more love back in the day if it was just called Season of the Witch

  3. Hmmm WWE moves to Fox’s sports channel and gets an extra half hour for SD so AEW decides to have a pre show for their secondary show, something they haven’t previously in it’s short history, and throw a dream match in Danielson/Suzuki on it

    Yep we’re full on back in 97/98 with the oneupmanship now aren’t we?

  4. Count me in as another fan of Muppets Haunted Mansion, was grinning from ear to ear for the entire special, I'm still gradually getting used to Matt Vogel's Kermit voice though but it's improving. Hoping that they've sorted out the restoration for Christmas Carol and have it in full high definition with THAT song rightfully restored for over the Christmas period, especially as they are doing a concert tour of the film around the country from late November

  5. So apparently Ivan and Jason Reitman showed Ghostbusters Afterlife in full at a panel for the movie at New York Comic Con either last night or Thursday (the article I got it from didn’t say), this after also doing it as a surprise at CinemaCon in August. The latter screening got enough positivity that Sony allowed it to happen again with Jason Reitman quoted as saying the film will be ‘the biggest Easter egg hunt of all time’

  6. TK needs to learn when to be a fan and when to be the owner of the company sometimes. The fans are eating it up though, not realising why SD is extending next week and why their ratings might get eaten up as well as WWE’s

  7. 11 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

    A Premier convenience store by me in North Wales. He does a sideline in overpriced yank sweets. The Mountain Dew varieties are great and cheaper than a Monster Energy drink but like fuck am I paying £2 for an American Milky Way, I still remember what they used to be like and even then they were inferior brand chocolate.

    American Milky Way's are Mars bars aren't they? The equivalent to a UK Milky Way is a 3 Muskateers bar

  8. Calling Steveson up to the main roster before he’s even had a match is about as dumb a move this company can make and that’s saying something 

    They’ve at least freshened up the tag and women’s divisions which could be a good thing going forward as long as they give time to shine

  9. Found out that BBC iPlayer has some well known and lesser known films on it permanently (afaik), scrolled through as I was looking for some horror movies with it being that time of the year. They have the original The Thing from 1951, the original King Kong, Night of the Living Dead and Hitchcock's Suspicion but what really caught my eye were a couple of RKO produced films from the 40s

    Cat People - Been wanting to check this and it's 80's remake for a long time, the Criterion release is a bit hard to get so finding it on here was great. The plot is about a woman convinced she is a descendant of a tribe of cat like people and that if aroused will turn into a panther and how her husband and others are convinced she has mental issues. Its ok for the time it's from but not something I'd be in a rush to repeat view

    I Walked With A Zombie - this was a strange film, it centres around a nurse caring for a plantation owner's wife on the island of Saint Sebastian, home to both a small white community and descendants of slavery. What follows is a tale of adultery, voodoo and cultism but not so much zombie action, though the makeup effects on the 'zombies' was really good. It was ultimately another example of Hollywood not really getting the notion of Zombies right until George A. Romero came along 25 years later

  10. 8 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

    That report that had been worked on for "2 months" pretty much repeated things that were known for quite a while. Tony Khan came out publicly saying he was taking control of creative as there was the initial backlash.

    If you watched the BTS stuff you saw that Cody was helping to produce on the early shows, but we now know he was off making other shows and trying to become a crossover star. Kenny's main focus was meant to be on the Games and Women's Division.

    It was never really clear what the Bucks were doing as EVPs other than making jokes about million dollar contract offers on BTE.

    Not sure about Nick but Matt and his wife are behind the merchandise stuff for the company, and she’s been involved with the Bucks’ merch alone since they were really hitting it big on the indies

  11. Found it brilliant that after all the speculation and theories that Wyatt would debut or Hangman would come back to bring peace and order to Dark Order and in the end it was Brodie's wife who had the final say in talking sense into Uno, Colt and Stu to get back and help the rest of the team, also the throwback of Neg 1 doing his dad's paper throwing bit from BTE and Uno selling it was *chef's kiss*

  12. 3 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    Had an atrocious week, but a big floppy cock and chips has sorted me out. And a can of KA of course. 


    Looks delightful, what flavor KA did you go with?

  13. Eaglemoss (the guys behind the collectable magazine gimmicks) had been running a Kickstarter campaign to release a G1 themed chess set with detailed figures, they set the target at $300,000 with incentives for donating including a hard back book, a split face enamel pin  of Optimus and Megatron and other goodies. Unfortunately it failed this past Friday, reaching less than a third of the target at $92,054

  14. 13 hours ago, BomberPat said:

    I like that they're giving Big E some big wins, but having Bobby Lashley lose clean two nights on the trot probably isn't the best way to heat him up for Goldberg, is it?

    The "Bearcat" thing for Keith Lee is presumably a reference to Bearcat Wright from back in the '50s and '60s. Finger on the pulse of popular culture, as ever.

    Precisely what it is, he was one of Keith's idols because of what he done in paving the way for African-American wrestlers back in the day, pretty cool nod to history. Great way to build him back up as well, have him kill the 24/7 crew (and Ricochet) every week or random jobbers then have him go after Priest or Nakamura for the midcard belts (like he did the NA Title in NXT) before setting him up against whoever is the WWE or Universal champion 

  15. 13 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    I’m getting concerned that northerners on here also get gravy wrong. It’s not supposed to be brown water you know. Nor should a spoon be able to stand up in in it. It poured, sitting over the chips,  managing to keep them crisp, with some moistness rather then turning into some beefy broth. I’ll send a video next time if you want to criticise fucking Gravy of all things.

    So that’s gravy, the name of rolls, and the meal times of the day you all can’t get right? 

    If it's the thickness of tar like in your pic, then the chippy has done it hideously wrong, it has to be sat in a pot over a water bath or warmer so it maintains a pourable consistency but still has a meaty flavour

    If your're doing it home made, don't over reduce the stock/meat juices and add a bit of cornflour mixed with water to thicken if it gets too runny and for instant it's 1-1/2 table spoons of granules to 300ml boiled water in a measuring jug

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