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Posts posted by RIDDUM_N_STYLE

  1. Slight bias but I'd rather see Ben Godfrey called up than Coady or Mings as his pace at the back could be key in later games

    Been tempted to get the sticker book for a laugh but 90p a packet is a hard pass, oh the days of paying 20-30p for stickers

  2. It was goofy harmless shit to promote a movie, we all grew up on the company having gimmicks such as a voodoo priest, a binman, a guy with a baseball painted on his face, an undead casket builder got a 30 year run out of something that would have been shit on today. Hell look at AEW who have a guy playing a dinosaur, a female who thinks she's an alien and another who looks like something from a horror film

  3. I have a couple of awkward dating stories, first was with my first girlfriend back in college, she was notorious for never turning up on time when we made dates, on most occasions on leaving her house at the time we agreed to meet up in town. This occasion though saw me visit her house to meet her family and have tea with them before we went out for a couple of drinks that night (it was a Saturday and I was skipping the Everton game that tea time). I turn up to the house with her dressed in my smartest jeans and t shirt, to find her entire family still in their pjs at like 3 in the afternoon even though they knew I was coming, having an awkward conversation with her MS suffering mum, the middle sister not speaking and the youngest sister feeling it necessary to show me their dead cats ashes as in taking the little casket off the fireplace and shoving it in my face. We left pretty much straight after tea and within 2-3 months we'd stopped seeing each other as she'd cheated on me with her best mate

    I started dating another girl a few months later who was a proper sweetheart and we clicked really well, we were just shit at dates. Our first date was supposed to be a drink and to go see a movie, waiting outside the pub for an hour for her, texted her with no response and couldn't get hold of her by phone so, assuming she'd stood me up, I went off to watch a film anyway. Log into messenger to find out what had happened to her later that night and she ripped me a new one for standing her up, turned out that she was inside the pub the whole time I was waiting but didn't think to answer my texts. Misunderstanding cleared up, we gave it another shot and went out at random for a  few drinks one Monday night when she had text asking if I was up for it, we got smashed on tequila and tequila laced lager and were getting really hot and heavy to the point she dragged me into the ladies at a Walkabout for sex only to put the freeze on with us both partially dressed, turned out she'd had a run in with her ex that morning hence why she asked me out for a drink so she could get him out her system by fucking me senseless (which I'd have been up for anyway). Things didn't last much longer after that

  4. What is their obsession with having talent on Raw wrestling multiple times on the same show? It’s happened 3 times in the last 4-5 weeks with Drew (who wrestled twice on 2 occasions), Braun (who wrestled 3 times 2 weeks ago) and last night with Rhea and Asuka who faced each other in both a singles match and a 6 woman tag

  5. If you're a fan of Mox (and who isn't) then you're getting triple your money this week with him being on all 3 shows, tonight on Elevation he's up against Danny Limelight, tomorrow on Dark he's in a tag match with Kingston against Milk Chocolate then on Wednesday he defends the IWGP US Title on Dynamite against Yuji Nagata

  6. Caught up on both episodes of this series thanks to this thread, loved the first series and this has started off in the same vein of form, love how Jennie twigged without actually saying so that Alan was the snitch moaning about her engagement

  7. 8 hours ago, Shy Dad said:

    There was a few NXT wrestlers that tweeted as soon as he lost, I'd love to see him Vs Dunne or Gargano now.

    There’s no way that promo Dunne had on NXT this week doesn’t lead to Bryan showing up, I’m convinced that that was what it was hinting at

  8. I’d do away with Raw before even considering binning NXT, move the WWE title and the main stars on Raw (Drew, Lashley, Miz, Morrison, Priest, Braun) and the Raw women’s and Tag divisions to Smackdown and halve the main roster titles to the WWE, IC, US and one singular Women’s and Tag title and move those that don’t get to go Blue over to NXT and you end up with two solid shows and fresher matches on both brands

  9. Not watched Raw but the ‘hot angles’ coming off last night are Charlotte’s suspension lasting all of a week thanks to Sonya Deville going over Pearce’s head and Strowman getting into the WWE title match, making it a triple threat, at the PPV after wrestling twice on the show, once with Drew against the now unmasked Mace and TBAR then against Drew for a title shot.

    Also Nia had another goofy fall, the tag champions were absent for a third week running and Orton made RK-Bro a reality by teaming with Riddle

  10. I bought it hook, line and sinker when I first got into it as a naive 4 year old in 89, by the time 91 came around I still had some suspension of disbelief right up until the snake bite incident with Jake and Macho Man as around that time I was reading books on nature and how cobra bites can kill people within minutes yet Savage was back in the ring at Tuesday in Texas fine and dandy

    I still got a hell of a lot of enjoyment out of watching, then when I got in my teens and the internet became more prominent, I began looking up about how they gimmicked stuff added to the fact I was getting more and more into horror movies and the behind the scenes stuff with stunts and kills and that helped to go back on older footage and think 'oh thats how they done that'. Prime example of that being the Warrior/Papa Shango curse angle, specifically the Warrior having the goo pour from his head as it was very rare Warrior would do stage or pre taped promos wearing jackets, the only other time off memory was at the Rumble the previous year so figured out that they had the mechanism somewhere inside the jacket, hidden from view to trigger it

  11. Joe is the one I’m most gutted about, especially considering he called both nights of Mania just last weekend, was expecting him to be alongside Cole on SD tomorrow 

    Chelsea will likely go back to Impact to be alongside Cardona, Peyton maybe to be the Pinnacle’s valet in AEW or her and Billie reunite there and Mickie maybe back to Impact or Aldis gets her a shot with NWA

    Bo, Kalisto, Tucker and Blake are no real losses really 

  12. 30 minutes ago, dopper said:

    The WWE Champion, Universal Champion, New Intercontinental Champion, New U.S. Champion, New Raw Tag Team Champions, SmackDown Tag Team Champions, Women’s Tag Team Champions, NXT World Champion, NXT North American Champion, new NXT Women’s Champion

    ... are all heels.


    There may be more but I don’t follow the product enough to know if Ripley, Belair, Cruiserweight Champion, NXT Tag Champs etc are heels or faces.

    Ripley has been leaning more to heel. The only face champions right now are Bianca, MSK (the new NXT Tag champions), Truth, Pretty Deadly (the UK Tag champions), I think, and A Kid (UK Heritage champion)

  13. Really enjoyed night 1, the chaos for the first half hour made for some entertaining TV

    Didn’t have an issue with any of the outcomes, save for Nattie and Tamina going over in the gauntlet match, hoping the title match is short and sweet with Shayna and Nia smashing them in seconds

    Bad Bunny looked incredible for a non wrestler, even moreso than McAfee did at Wargames

    Bianca needs to have a strong challenger straight out the gate, beit a Sasha rematch, Bayley or maybe Io

    Night 2 looks to be a stronger card, expecting at minimum the US and IC belts to change hands. The Universal match is a tough one to call, I’d be happy with either of the 3 men walking out champion. I don’t see Rhea winning the Raw Women’s title just yet, but it should be a good match

    My big hope is they have Bayley do her talk show tonight leading to either Becky or Rhonda returning 

  14. 2 hours ago, air_raid said:

    Just got reminded yesterday that despite screwing up with Lana once by putting her with Ziggler then having to backtrack because she’d married Rusev for real and nobody was buying the fake on screen coupling.... they later married her to Lashley. Must have gone down well since she’s nowhere to be seen with him now.

    That’s because the ran a divorce angle once MVP became his advisor, which in turn led to the Hurt Business forming

  15. 7 minutes ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

    Hogan made his bed, not with the racist comments, but the way he tried to make out the locker room were being fannies for not accepting his "enter name here" printed off google apology that everyone saw through. People are very forgiving if you actually are remorseful, but that famous Hogan ego eventually killed him. His value is less than nothing these days. Why even have him out there? Just sell his action figures and foam fingers and let us pretend the bloke we saw on those Silver Vision releases wasnt the mad old cunt who shagged his mates wife and got angry at the black man post coitus. We dont need to see the clown.

    This, I’ll always be a mark for Hulk Hogan the performer, but I’ll be happy to never see Terry Bollea the man in front of a WWE crowd again

  16. 46 minutes ago, BigJag said:

    It's Wrestlemania Day!

    The Cannon effect is fun.

    Not a big fan of the presenters. Didn't the lady presenting with Graves. Get sacked recently? Or was that somebody else?

    That was Charley Caruso, she wasn’t sacked, she quit as she was working for ESPN anyway during her WWE run so signed a full time deal

    Kayla Braxton, who hosted the reveal there and the 2021 part of Tuesday’s Hall of Fame broadcast, seems to have been promoted to main social media girl since Renee and now Charley have left as she does the Smackdown post show as well as The Bump and the PPV pre shows

  17. 18 minutes ago, Doog said:

    I keep getting fairly excited about watching this with fans being back and it being WrestleMania n all, I’ve watched so little WWE since the pandemic so I know I’ll enjoy it.

    But then it hits me that fans are there for this but then from RAW it’s straight back to the thunderdome until August with no fans whatsoever, so it just kills it as I know I’ll literally have no interest whatsoever once WrestleMania is over. It then feels pointless wasting 6 hours this weekend on something I’ll have no interest in to follow up until SummerSlam probably.

    It’s because Mania is outdoors, simple as that. It’s still far too soon for full arenas yet, NXT only has around 50+ at the Performance Centre (though they made extra seating for Takeover) and AEW only has around 1500 at Daily’s Place even though that’s pretty much outdoors

    UFC is going to be the big tester for arena shows in 2 weeks time when they run Vegas

  18. Both nights of Takeover were highly enjoyable for me, not a single bad match to be had, be interesting to see how they follow up for their Tuesday debut and how the former Taya Valkyrie debuts. Also I wonder if one or two names show up on SD tonight as extra entrants in the Andre Battle Royal? 

  19. One thing that's been bugging me the past couple weeks is the slow uploads of highlights on their Youtube channel, for example they only put up the Tay/Allie match clip today from Wednesday's show, they used to have everything up within hours like WWE does with Raw, SD and NXT

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