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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. Is it really a surprise people don’t want to see Goldberg anymore? His return in 2016 was great because he had a genuine purpose for coming back, and he had a good storyline in place with Lesnar. Since then, he’s had a pointless match with Ziggler of all people, an absolute horror show against Undertaker, and then an utterly pointless return to put over Roman, which didn’t end up happening.

    Now he’s coming to defend the honour of legends against a man who has been nothing but respectful towards them. His return promo was absolutely baffling, and I’m still not sure what beef he has with McIntyre. It’s rubbish.

  2. 10 hours ago, Yakashi said:

    This doesn’t even make the top ten list of Chris Jericho cuntery. 

    It does though, by far. Unless you think having a whine on the internet because a few people criticised his match with RVD is worse?

  3. Any brewery recommendations that could use the business over Christmas? I’ll throw a few into the mix - Glamorgan Brewery and Salopian will both be receiving orders from me.

  4. Hopefully this is the right place to put this. One of my hobbies during Covid has been to learn how to record and mix music. I’ve wasted more money than I’d care to admit buying pointless plugins that promised to improve my vocals at the click of a button, and I’ve spent hours fretting over tiny little things that are hardly noticeable, but I’m finally happy with the end product. 

    Have a listen here if you’re keen, would love some feedback on what has essentially been an obsession for a number of months.

    (It also features many “Tories are cunts” elements, if that entices you further)

  5. Yeah, unfortunately it’s one of many complaints I and many others have had about work for many months now. Incredibly vague performance indicators based on virtually meaningless talent standards that have very little to do with the actual job role itself.

    I’m going to revisit the issue with my manager in our 1-2-1 next week. I’m not expecting anything different, but I’m pulling my hair out at this. I’m not even too concerned with the financial aspect anymore, I’d just like some clarity.

    Thanks for the responses by the way. I absolutely needed to vent about it.

  6. On 11/27/2020 at 9:31 PM, MPDTT said:

    Start by asking your HRBP why you got no bonus, it could be a payroll issue or something simple.


    What does the BP stand for in this instance? I’m not familiar with that term.

    I had the news broken to me by my current manager as per protocol, but he wasn’t the manager who appraised me so he had no actual context. It was when I raised it with my old manager who appraised me did I get told I was performing as expected.

    @Chest Rockwell I haven’t had it confirmed in black and white that I’ve been graded as a 0, but us team leaders were told outright that we would be getting bonuses if graded 1, 2 or 3. I’ve also told both managers I’ve spoken to that I’m assuming I’ve been graded as a 0 and received no response that would persuade me otherwise, which in my place is as good as confirmation. I’d be surprised if I receive a direct answer on that, they’re very secretive at my place about this sort of thing.

    Interestingly, I spoke to a work friend about this yesterday who confirmed he’d received a small bonus, and I know for a fact he’d been graded as a 0 as well because I was in the wash up session. Admittedly, he’s a pay grade below me, but those in his pay grade were only confirmed to be getting bonuses at grade 2 and 3, so fuck knows what’s happened there. The only thing I can think of is that he was promoted during the financial year, so his bonus has potentially come from his time in his prior job role, but my counter argument would be that I was also promoted during the same timeframe, so if that’s the case then I should have also been appraised for a period under my old role.

    On 11/27/2020 at 11:00 PM, Chest Rockwell said:
  7. 1 hour ago, gmoney said:

    Have you got a union? I wouldn't bother with HR. 

    Unfortunately not. I work for a big 4 consultancy firm so there’s no chance of anything like that to the best of my knowledge. Your HR response is what I feared to be honest, they’ve not been great in my admittedly few dealings with them.

  8. We’ve just found out our bonus outcomes over the last two weeks based on appraisals that were done in July, and I have a slight issue with mine.

    It was determined that people marked at level 1 (performing as expected), level 2 (high performers) and level 3 (going above and beyond) would all get bonuses, but not level 0 (underperforming). This is how team members were appraised back in July, but the actual bonus outcomes themselves were only determined at the start of November, and were retrospectively tagged onto the grades. This bit is important for later.

    Anyway, I didn’t get a bonus, which would indicate I’ve been graded at level 0. However, when I queried this with both my current manager and my previous manager who appraised me, both confirmed that I haven’t been underperforming and I’m performing at the desired level, but still no bonus, and that’s the end of that.

    As I mentioned earlier, these bonus outcomes were only retrospectively added onto the grades early November, while the grades themselves were determined in July. Having sat in a number of appraisal sessions myself back in July, I witnessed quite a lot of team members having their grades downgraded by senior management who didn’t think certain evidence suggested person A should be on a specific grade. Unless you fought hard against this happening, that was the end of the story, with the justification being that we’re unlikely to be getting bonuses this year anyway so it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, so I’m fairly certain this is what’s happened with me.

    Do you think I’d be within my right to raise this with HR? I know bonuses aren’t contracted salary so aren’t guaranteed, but a bonus on the low end of the scale is no short of a grand, so I feel a little hard done by. Plus, being an Assistant Manager myself and appraising my own team members, I know you need to give concrete feedback and evidence as to why somebody has been graded at a certain level, and I don’t feel my feedback in any way reflects my outcome.

  9. 8 minutes ago, CavemanLynn said:

    I think that puts Biden at 248. If he takes Nevada (16) and Michigan (6), that's the 270 hit.

    Swap the number of electoral college votes - 6 for Nevada, 16 for Michigan. He’s also on 237 votes currently, so it would also take Arizona being called in his favour.

  10. 6 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    As well, do they really need air conditioning? Surely it's not that warm in New York.

    I spent 4 months in Brooklyn during the summer of 2012 and the first month without air conditioning was the most unbearably uncomfortable I’ve ever been. I probably slept about 3 hours a night, and ended up filling a bath with cold water on a number of occasions just so I could nod off. The $50 extra a month in rent was well worth it to have one of the window units fitted.

  11. 8 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    Pup have released a new EP, This Place Sucks Ass, and it is Pup doing Pup things, and has brightened up my Sunday morning no end, so have a listen if that sort of shit floats your boat.


    Hadn’t heard of these until two days ago when a song from their last album popped up in a random Spotify playlist. Instantly became a fan, so thanks for bringing this to my attention!

  12. On 10/8/2020 at 2:10 AM, TheBurningRed said:

    You should watch West of Memphis now if you can find it. It was on Netflix for ages. It focuses on them after their release and an investigation into Terry Hobbs. 

    Check out The Forgotten West Memphis Three too. It’s a four-part docuseries released earlier this year featuring a podcaster who essentially promises to find the real killer. A mammoth promise, but one which reveals a few new developments if nothing else.

    Also, Mark Byers, the eccentric father who was an early suspect, died in a car accident a few months ago.

  13. 5 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Can’t you just cancel your direct debit?

    If it’s anything like my subscription, it’s a monthly debit/credit card payment rather than a direct debit. It took me phoning the bank and requesting them to block all future payments for my subscription to be cancelled. They’re pretty awful and almost impossible to get hold of.

  14. 1 hour ago, SuperBacon said:

    When Robert De Niro introduces young Tommy to young Henry in Goodfellas and Tommy says "How you doing Hendry" Fucking HENDRY!!!

    Pisses me off every time and now I've pointed it out, I hope it annoys you too.

    I’ve always assumed the young Tommy actor did this on purpose because Pesci also pronounces it Hendry a few times. No idea if it’s true, but I’m treating it as fact.

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