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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. Everything Iā€™d like to say about CM Punk has already been said. I was grinning like a total idiot the entire time. Incredible.

    But how good was that main event?! Thatā€™s as good a 5 minute TV match as Iā€™ve seen in years. Every show should also end with Eddie Kingston like an excited child he gets to hangĀ out with Sting.

  2. Roman shouldnā€™t lose to anybody until Big E cashesĀ in Money in the Bank inĀ the main event of Wrestlemania and wins the title.

    But it wonā€™t happen. Heā€™ll cash in after a match on some pointless B PPV and lose it back a month later I reckon.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    Meltzer reporting that the plan is to not have Hangman appear at the All Out pay per viewĀ at all.

    To shoot those angles and then switch directionĀ like this? I genuinelyĀ feel like calling the police.

    Unless itā€™s paternity related, Iā€™m starting to think this is being fed to Meltzer purposely, or heā€™s in on it - I donā€™t read his shit so I have no idea how likely this is.

    Iā€™m surprised theyā€™d leave him out of the title match seeing as the story writes itself, but leaving him off the card entirely? Not buying it.

  4. When I was in year 6 I invented a handshake for Santa and I (an elf) to do in the Christmas concert, and it instantly made me the most popular kid in school for a few weeks. I had kids of all ages coming up to me asking me to teach them the handshake, and people were doing it all over the school yard.

    Truth is I nicked it from some obscure kids TV show I saw a few weeks before.

  5. Since thereā€™s been some CM Punk and Colt Cabana chat in here, and Iā€™m not sure if the QUESTIONS ABOUT THE FORUM UKFF thread is still a thing, would somebody be so kind as to point me in the direction of the thread on here discussing the podcast episode they did Ā if possible please? Iā€™ve tried the search function and Google but no luck unfortunately. Would be an interesting thread to read back with everything currently going on in mind.

    I initially thought it was discussed in this thread but it jumps from before the podcast to 2016.

  6. 2 hours ago, Daaaaaad! said:

    I thought Seinfeld was supposed to be on Netflix by now? Any inkling as to when that'll be?

    FYI the full series is currently on All4.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    Hope you are well isn't a question. I write hope you are well, but without a question mark.

    I once had feedback to the written exercise part of a promotion interview which said I should have put a question mark at the end of ā€œI hope you are wellā€. Whilst I wonā€™t pretend this is the sole reason I didnā€™t get the promotion, the spelling and grammar of the exercise contributed to the overall outcome, so I was fairly annoyed that it playedĀ someĀ part considering it was written as a statement rather than a question.Ā 

  8. I genuinely thought I may be done with any new wrestling until I watched this show. Fuck me, thatā€™s as good a show show Iā€™ve seen in years! Iā€™ve dipped in and out of AEW since it started, the odd Dynamite here or there but never carrying on any longer than a week. Iā€™ll be a regular now I think.

    Jon Moxley is just incredible. So so believable and an absolute joy to watch. Add me to the list of people who lost it at Jungle Boy winning too, I had a bit of a lump in my throat truth be told.

    I totally skipped Cody(I DONT WANT TO USE THE NAME RHODES HONEST)ā€˜sĀ match. Iā€™ve never been a big fan.Ā I enjoyedĀ someĀ of his WWE work, mainly when he tagged with Dustin against the Shield, but Iā€™ve no idea why people have given him the praise they have in recent years. Heā€™s unbearable everytime Iā€™ve seen him in AEW. Anyway, I donā€™t think I missed much.

    I even enjoyed the crowd singing Jerichoā€™s theme at the end, which Iā€™ve always found quite cringeworthy.Ā 

    10/10. More please!

  9. Iā€™m livid. I had my second dose of AZ yesterday and intended to get a big greasy kebab for lunch, but then my better half made me fish salad without telling me. Fucking bitch.

    Still yet to have a post-jab takeaway, so Iā€™m not even sure if Iā€™m fully vaccinated now.

  10. 6 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Sourdough is shit.

    I ate an entire bowl of sourdough soup on a food tour in Krakow a few years ago out of sheer politeness. Fuck knows why though, it wasnā€™t as if the tour guide cooked it.

    Anyway, it repeated on me for about a week after and ruined the trip. I occasionally still taste it.

  11. 10 hours ago, Lorne Malvo said:

    I'm sure I've told this story on here before but threads like this always bring to mind the lass at Uni who gave me a blowjob then, as I was approaching climax, held her hands out under my old chap as though it was a fucking hand dryer or something.

    I think your description of this in the last dates thread as ā€œholding her hands out as if she was Oliver Twist asking for moreā€ is my favourite post Iā€™ve ever seen on here. I think about it regularly.

    I assume it was you anyway, either that or someone else on here has had a blowie from her.

  12. 5 hours ago, Shy Dad said:

    I'm not even eating any differently, probably better, I've noticed a bit of weight come off recently so I do think while I was living in Weston I must have been close or at 14 stone.Ā 

    I know itā€™s not quite the exercise related advice you were after, but I highly recommend My Fitness Pal in regards to this part. Iā€™ve always been fairly slim and canā€™t say Iā€™ve ever struggled with my weight, but a few years ago I started to notice a belly forming so I used the app to track my daily calories, and I was shocked how much I was eating in a single day. 3000+ calories easily, and it didnā€™t even seem like I was eating much.

    You mentioned youā€™re eating better, and I know you cook a lot of your food yourself so you know whatā€™s going into it, but itā€™s worth tracking everything on there for a few days to see how you get on. You may be eating far more calories than you think, and if thatā€™s the case then making a few dietary adjustments can make a big difference.

  13. I canā€™t help but feel that thatā€™s aĀ slightĀ exaggeration. Granted, I havenā€™t watched a full episode of Smackdown in Christ knows how long, but I seek out the Roman, Bryan and Edge segments and Iā€™ve quite enjoyed the storyline, especiallyĀ Edgeā€™s involvement. I can see why his involvementĀ wouldnā€™t be to everybodyā€™s taste, but itā€™s hardly bombed.

    In fact, I feel like this is the only place thatā€™s had that reaction to him. It seems to be quite well received elsewhere. Then again, so does Orton vs The Fiend so fuck knows.

  14. Got my first dose of the Oxford yesterday and itā€™s knocked me for six. Iā€™m aching all over, got a temperature, feel both hot and cold, and my blood sugars areĀ dangerouslyĀ high.

    Still, one step closer to something resembling normality!

  15. 25 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

    If you don't like wrestling then literally everything about wrestling will make you change the channel. Who gives a fuck.


    Why are people so obsessed with what these mythical ā€œcasual fansā€ think? Are there genuinely people out there who catch the odd bit of wrestling and decide itā€™s not for them purely based on Eddie Kingstonā€™s attire?

  16. 40 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    I wonder, are all the part-timer haters happy that they spunkedĀ Drew vs. Goldberg at Royal Rumble in favour of Drew vs. Lashley at Wrestlemania?

    By no means am I a part-timer hater, but I have more of an interest in Drew vs Lashley than I do Drew vs Goldberg. A Goldberg match is as predictable as it gets, whereas at least the Lashley option is somewhat fresh. Couldnā€™t give a fuck if Goldberg is a bigger star or not, heā€™s bored me to death since his initial return and the Lesnar series.

    Plus, I honestly donā€™t think the Goldberg match did anything for Drew. I wouldnā€™t say he came out of it looking any better or worse than he did going in. I canā€™t see how it would have been any different if theyā€™d saved it until Mania.

  17. On 2/19/2021 at 12:24 PM, Chili said:

    Seeing him recently I'd be assuming this is a legit question.

    I know this isnā€™t the point of the discussion, and is probably a discussion for a different thread, but do people actually think Edge looks old for his age? Iā€™d kill to look like that at 47.

  18. Just now, FelatioLips said:

    What the hell are you talking about there?

    Believe me, I completely understand your bewilderment. Iā€™m genuinely stunned how Iā€™ve never made the connection.

    My girlfriend said her knee was bruised from kneeling in the garden yesterday, and I made a joke along the lines of ā€œwahey, I get it, your knees are bruised because you were KNEElingā€, and only then it clicked.

    Iā€™m laughing justĀ typing it out because of the ridiculousness of it.

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