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Posts posted by Slapnut

  1. On 2/3/2020 at 7:47 AM, Slapnut said:

    I just started a second batch on the weekend, one of the Tiny Rebel Cwtch kits, and I’m already seeing an improvement - the smell is already much better and the airlock was bubbling within hours, so I know it’s all going to plan. If this one turns out OK, I’m having a go at my own recipe.

    Update: this turned out shit. Really bitter with nothing to counteract it. It just tastes like a cheap lager.

    Nevermind, I’m still having a go at my own recipe. I picked up some dried malt extract and some hops yesterday, so we’ll see how that goes.

  2. I can’t stand Justin Roberts. He was absolute shite in WWE and he’s just as bad now. He doesn’t have a good announcing voice, he just over emphasises certain words to make them sound important, but it doesn’t work.

    John isn’t pronounced “Jee-ahn”. 

  3. 13 hours ago, DEF said:

    1999 the boys were set on fire and some nutter came into our campsite and kicked the fire into a mate's face when he didn't  want to but any drugs from him. 2005 just seemed super mean spirited.

    I’d love to know what’s considered mean spirited when compared to somebody being set on fire!

  4. 8 hours ago, RedRooster said:

    I hope they have Goldberg win. Having him face Reigns at Wrestlemania is infinitely more interesting than Reigns/Wyatt, which will almost certainly be shat on by the live crowd.

    As opposed to Reigns vs Goldberg which will certainly be positively received by the crowd.

  5. 1 hour ago, Rey_Piste said:

    It's one of these https://www.wilko.com/en-uk/wilko-thirsty-devil-red-ale-beer-brewing-kit-18kg/p/0468414 with a sealable bucket which are about a tenner. You sterilise the bucket pour in the powder and fill with hot water. Then you wait 6-8 weeks. Finally you run it through a sieve and bottle it.

    I mean, it’s not quite as simple as that, but yeah it’s a fairly simple set of instructions. Please don’t sieve your beer though!

    @mim731 The kit Rey has linked is £16, but overall I spent close to £100 in total for the kit, the fermenter, the bottling bucket which I used to transfer the beer into before bottling, the siphoning kit, bottles, caps and capper, and then various bits and bobs like the stirring spoon, thermometer and hydrometer. Now I’ve got all the actual equipment, all I’ll need to be buying is the ingredients and new bottles. For example, the kit I’ve currently got brewing was £25, and I’ll probably just reuse the bottles.

  6. Had a go at making my first batch of home brew at the beginning of the year, one of the red ale kits they sell at Wilko. I was convinced it would turn out shite - I used the wrong type of sugar, and the airlock flat out refused to bubble for the first week of fermentation, but I was assured this was no issue.

    Lo and behold, it actually turned out quite nice. The carbonation is absolutely perfect, and it’s so easy to drink. The only issue is that it’s not particularly flavourful, but for a first go I’m quite happy.


    I just started a second batch on the weekend, one of the Tiny Rebel Cwtch kits, and I’m already seeing an improvement - the smell is already much better and the airlock was bubbling within hours, so I know it’s all going to plan. If this one turns out OK, I’m having a go at my own recipe.

  7. I signed up to my first 10k yesterday with the money I raise going to Velindre. I’m absolutely bricking it, but considering this time last year I couldn’t run a minute without blowing up, and now I do a 5k every Saturday, I’m sure I’ll be fine.

  8. This has already started, albeit under different circumstances. Today alone there have been two separate cubicles where the toilet roll has been replaced, but they haven’t pulled the first sheet through so nobody can get at it.

    For context, this is the sort of dispenser I’m talking about, except with a lock on it:


  9. On 12/17/2019 at 9:42 PM, SuperBacon said:

    Utter bastards invented this


    One of the cubicles in work was out of service all day Friday, and I’ve come in this morning to find it’s been replaced with something resembling this!

    Absolutely horrible, most uncomfortable poo I’ve had in ages. Constantly felt like I was falling off.

  10. 2 hours ago, TildeGuy~! said:

    Jerichos been giving himself nicknames for years 

    I know, my post was a bad attempt at a joke regarding all the ridiculous “I don’t know who this character is or why they call themselves this” comments.

    It’s wrestling, it really doesn’t need that much thought.

  11. 4 hours ago, WeeAl said:

    It looks like Dana might cancel the Khabib Vs Ferguson fight though in favour of Khabib/McGregor II. Bollocks to that. 

    Surely he wouldn’t actually do this, would he? It’s one thing going back on his word that “this fight is definitely happening next”, but Khabib vs Ferguson is official.

    Is there precedent for Dana cancelling an announced fight because he just prefers a different opponent?

  12. 3 hours ago, ReturnOfTheMack said:

    Just tried the Vivera plant burger. Fucking rotten, one of the worst things I have ever tried to eat. I mean, I'd pick it over actual shit though. 

    Fuck me, you’re not wrong. I cooked one for my better half a few nights ago and the smell alone was enough to make me gag.

    She only managed to get through it by drowning it in BBQ sauce, which would only make it worse as far as I’m concerned, but each to their own and that.

  13. 1 hour ago, Supremo said:

    How can you even insult your opponent when you've spent the last year coked out of your mind, punching pensioners, fighting paternity tests and being investigated for multiple sexual assaults? 

    I’d imagine the “Khabib is scared of him!” cretins are quite happy to dismiss such behaviour. If this is a public press conference, he’s getting cheered by the majority regardless.

  14. 32 minutes ago, mim731 said:

    Anyone got a good scrambled tofu recipe? Assuming it's pretty straight forward but not something I've tried before. 

    Not tried them myself, but I saw Matthew Prichard make these on TV a while back and they looked nice.

    I did make the baked beans though and they were lovely.

  15. A girl in work this week told me that the fried eggs are actually flying saucers, which is why Haribo is called Starmix.

    I was genuinely gobsmacked for a second, before remembering Starmix also contains cola bottles and gummy bears, which is where her logic fell apart.

  16. On 10/29/2019 at 4:08 PM, Ralphy said:

    I have been a big fan of horror punk music now for around 9 years and since It is almost Halloween i am listening to it a lot more lately, aside from the obvious misfits, who else do everyone else like to listen to in terms of horror punk music?

    I am a fan of grave robber, blitzkid, early afi, the independents, koffin kats and a lot more that i forget, always looking for recommendations 

    Check out Creeper. Eternity, In Your Arms was one of my favourite albums whichever year it was released.

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