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UK Kat Von D

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Posts posted by UK Kat Von D

  1. 2 hours ago, David said:

    Why wouldn't they want him to get over? I assume him being over would have meant more money for the company?

    I assume for the same reason that most the wrestlers aren’t allowed to go unscripted on a live mic. If half the roster decided to start doing random shit online to try and get over it could lead to any type of bad press. Imagine if a nutter like Lars Sullivan decided to do something creative to get himself over off his own back.

    Ryder was kept off tele while arenas chanted “we want Ryder” and only even ended up using him when they had no choice. All the evidence suggests they didn’t want to encourage people taking it upon themselves to get over. They seem okay with wrestlers chatting a bit of shit on twitter, but even knows where the line is.

  2. 4 minutes ago, David said:

    And how would you know that? Until there's actual financial packages put to him there's no telling where he'll end up.

    In a way, this could work out great for someone like him. If we see an uptick in business over the next few months, he could use AEW as leverage to get a better deal from WWE. If Vince sees AEW as any kind of competition he'll want to prevent Rusev signing there and could offer him an improved deal.

    Wasn't there mention earlier in the thread of some talent that got better deals than they would have due to the threat that AEW would snap them up?

    It’s well known he has been unhappy with WWE for ages. If he resigns they will probably just book his wife into a different on screen relationship every week to fuck with him a bit more.

    Im sure he will land on his feet, because he seems like a good guy, great talent and has name value. Still doesn’t make their decision to fire him during a pandemic any better. The only upside is that he will be spending his no compete in lockdown. 

    Yeah, WWE has been stockpiling wrestlers and offering big contracts to keep wrestlers away from AEW. It has lead to a lot of wrestlers in WWE being unhappy when they can’t get a push or a spot on the card. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    From what I saw, Tony Khan has offered to pay for hotels for anyone who wants to wrestle so they can isolate and told the wrestlers if they want to stay home, it won’t be held against them. 

    That sounds exactly like pointlessly firing a bunch of loyal employees for no reason.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

    I'm sure AEW has some kind of budget they are working with.
    Can't see them having unlimited funds. 

    I’m sure they do, but it is going to be very high and Rusev isn’t going to push them over the limit. The money the Khans are worth they would probably be able to sign every wrestler on the earth before going skint. It’s two-three years before a start up company is expected to be profitable and Tony’s Dad is happy with the current progress 

  5. 3 minutes ago, GeronimoJacksBeard said:

    Point is Ryder got himself over as a goof and loveable loser before WWE presented him as such. Kenny got over from his matches, Zack definitely didn't.

    Yeah, I’m aware they aren’t exactly the same. Just saying that you can be a goof and still be believable in the ring. Mick Foley was a loser and a goof as well (not from the start but certainly at points he was.) He still was totally believable in the ring though.  

    I can’t say for certain that if Ryder had been booked strongly in the ring he would have caught on with the audience. It ain’t impossible though. 

  6. 2 hours ago, BomberPat said:

    the thing is, Zack Ryder's entire YouTube show premise painted him as a goof and a loser. So when that translated to TV he was booked as a goof and a loser, and people complained that he was being buried. 

    Kenny Omega is a goof outside the ring too. Being a goof doesn’t really matter in a fight, especially in a fake one 

  7. 29 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    Of everyone released, even in these tough times, AEW would be insane to not already be in contact with Drake Maverick and Rusev. I’d already be pricing up how much it costs to rent a tank for Rusev’s eventual debut.

    Google says Tony Khan is worth $7billion, can afford to sign everyone released and give them all tanks if he wants.

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