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  • Birthday 01/22/1988

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  1. 1000%, said it weeks ago when Liverpool still had a chance, Spurs will lose to Arsenal and Liverpool and then end up beating City. It's going to happen. Peak Spurs.
  2. AEW plus is a godsend on Triller. I wouldn't watch AEW at all if it wasn't for that. I can never be bothered to try and watch wrestling and all that rubbish as just want something as an easy app on my TV with no pissing about. It stopped me keeping up with TNA so much back in the glory days as it was unreliable over here/on delay and the PPVs weren't accessible, to be able to watch everything through AEW plus, whatever the cost is brilliant. The cost per month is brilliant as well for all that you get. Even the PPVs, with the exchange rate I generally pay on average 15 quid for them so that's fine. Picture is brilliant too, can't fault it.
  3. Would be a shame, but she's such a character now she could easily stay on TV, if she's able, and still contribute. The other good thing is that although she is champion, a vacation of the belt isn't coming at the worse time with the draft around the corner, they can easily shuffle the women around a bit to make it still work.
  4. They definitely need to update the WWE Title, looked far too big on Cody, just didn't fit or suit him at all. In contrast, Priest looked boss walking down with the World Title.
  5. I mentioned the other day I was fascinated by what the reaction would be to Cody and, unfortunately, it's gone the way I expected. Out of the four of them in the match he received the most boos and it was constant throug his big spots. It's so frustrating, it finally felt like we had a genuine baby face the fans had united behind and it was so fun, I'm hoping its just because Rock was in the match and if he isn't involved as much tonight then we'll still get that great crowd reaction crowning Cody. As it is, I suspect it'll be a half and half split between him and Roman and they'll have to mask the boos with crowd sweetening/fireworks/music at the end and just pray the crowd stick with him when we get past WrestleMania next week. Or they just have Austin come out to help him and the crowd will be going batshit crazy and we can pretend it's all down to Cody.
  6. Christ, this show made me even more bummed for night two. Lashleys lot against Kross, LA Knight vs AJ and Bayley v Iyo are just dead matches. The video package for the women was good, but the fued itself has been poor The two World Title matches really need to deliver as Sunday is a dreadful card overall
  7. Rocks grandmother going in last was bullshit like, I know it's only the hall of fame so it's nothing to take too seriously, but come on man, that's the headline spot. Heyman should have and deserved that. Her even going in is a stretch but headlining is shitty.
  8. Fascinated to see the reaction to Cody here, especially night 2. Like initially he was still over like rover, and he is, but he has been getting a few boos recently and he does feel like a lot cooler than last year. The Rock being how amazing he's been hasn't helped obviously, but when it comes down to it on Sunday night, and if he does win the belt, I really hope the WrestleMania fans are fully unified behind him and it's a proper insane baby face coronation.
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