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I'm personally a big Christoper Nolan fan but having him as the Bond director going forward seems a little pointless. I mean the recent Bond films have clearly been influenced by Nolan's work on Batman, they've been stripped back, gritty, more realistic takes on the character. Nolan's M.O. is always to try and ground his characters in the real world but they've already done that with the Daniel Craig Bond movies so Nolan seems like a bit of a sideways move at this point. I mean he's probably the best guy to go for to keep things on their current course but he wouldn't really bring anything exciting or different to Bond I don't feel.

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Mind you, they're not really Bond films any more anyway, so he'd probably be perfect for whatever they think they are now.


Apparently Nolan's favoruite film is The Spy Who Loved Me. I'd love it if the producers chased him for a super serious film, everybody expected a super serious film and he delivered a Roger Moore esque Bond adventure to the confusion of pretty much everyone. Plus as much as I personally like the current direction of the series, you can't keep being serious and gritty forever, eventually it becomes silly, and then Bond will return to the big balls out adventures we all know and love.

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I think it's hilarious, there were boos at Cannes, apparently Gosling only has 17 lines in the film, I loved Drive but after Valhalla Rising, Drive & this Refn seems like a one trick pony. His one trick being brooding hero who's silent to the point of it being comical.

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It has been roundly praised over here hasn't it? Peter Bradshaw gave it 5 stars, and the standard praised it with a 3 or 4 star review. The walkouts seem to be what it is being judged on, but when aren't people booing or walking out of films at Cannes?!

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The dark, brooding anti-hero gig is beginning to become synonymous with Gosling, let alone Refn.I enjoy Refn's movies and his visual style. I haven't come away from a movie of his yet saying anything less than 'I really enjoyed that', so long may it continue. I also think the comparison's to Noe are fair in that Refn operates like a pc Noe and pushes the proverbial envelope subtly through the letterbox, where as Noe throws it through and then fists it right up the dogs arsehole.I love Gosling, I really and truly do, as I could watch him in anything and I find him to have a ridiculous screen presence, but I agree with many that he is beginning to pigeon hole himself with roles like Drive, Blue Valentine, Place Beyond the Pines, Gangster Squad and Only God Forgives.For the moment he's fresh and is oozing cool, but I hope he doesn't go down the Johnny Depp route and take the same/similar roles over and over, only changing his haircuts and facial hair akin to Depp's overly frequent donning of eyeliner and makeup.For the record, I'm really looking forward to seeing this flick and I'd still let Gosling tippex my chin.

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Gosling has said he wants to take a break from acting for a while anyway. He's directing a film called How to catch a monster at the moment and he seems to want to concentrate on that for a bit.


Joseph Gordon Levitt's first film he's directed has got a trailer now and it's quite something to watch.


and for the fan's of jennifer aniston not wearing very much.

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