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General Movie (Film for snobs) News Thread


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James Bond is great... when you can't sleep. The most boring franchise in movie history.

You should be banned from watching films. You have worse taste than tiger_rick. You don't like Miller's Crossing either, do you? Give me the fucking remote.
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James Bond is great... when you can't sleep. The most boring franchise in movie history.

You should be banned from watching films. You have worse taste than tiger_rick. You don't like Miller's Crossing either, do you? Give me the fucking remote.
More I couldn't get into it than didn't like it. On a different day it may appeal more. I couldn't get into Barton Fink either, and I really didn't like Fargo, and don't get why a lot of people rave about it. However, I thoroughly enjoyed and continue to enjoy The Big Lebowski, O'Brother Where Art Thou, Burn After Reading, True Grit & No Country For Old Men. I thought The Hudsucker Proxy was OK too.Shall I give you a rundown of my favourite flicks? It may shed a different light over me. :blush:
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Shall I give you a rundown of my favourite flicks? It may shed a different light over me. :blush:


It may do. Remember, tiger_rick named Home Alone 2 as one of his favourites, so it's not exactly going to need a Fosbury Flop to beat that one.

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OK, in no order of preference:-


The Crow

From Dusk Till Dawn

American Gangster

The Big Lebowski

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Die Hard With A Vengeance


Pulp Fiction


Full Metal Jacket


Kiss Kiss Bang Bang


Man On Fire



Training Day

The Warriors

The Guard

O'Brother Where Art Thou

Shaun Of The Dead

Rambo: First Blood

Love Actually

True Romance


Not everything in the list I would consider to be a great movie or would potential make my all time favourite list. But these are the one's I watch the most, and still enjoy them even after several viewings.

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Am I in the minority that think the move to Sky is a good thing for the Bond franchise? After watching them all when they've been on TV recently I've noticed that ITV have made some horrific cuts in the films and edited some bits out all together. ITV also have a huge hard-on for the Pierce Brosnan era films, which with the exception of one are pig shit.

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Google has entered the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon fray, creating an algorithm that allows you to play the cult game using the search engine.


The idea of Six Degrees is to connect one actor to another using the least amount of films, so for example Marilyn Monroe has a ‘Bacon Number’ of two, because she starred with Jack Lemon in Some Like It Hot, and Jack Lemon starred in JFK with… Kevin Bacon.


Google has now made it super-easy to play the game – simply type the word ‘Bacon Number’ followed by the name of the actor you want to test, and voila, the search engine spews forth said celeb’s Bacon number as well as the films that connect them


Something silly to pass the time. Its quite hard to get anything above three apparently but i bet someone here could. I tried John Cena and Kurt angle and they both came up for only 2. Can see it becoming quite addictive and annoying but oh well


found my first 3. laila rouass, Tulisa off x factor,

Edited by iamtheman
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