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Does anyone live in a place with the prepay electric meters? Is it true they don't run out at night? The one at my sister's house doesn't disconnect between 20:00 and 08:00 or something, but is that true everywhere in the UK and with all suppliers? My main question is purely logistical: I know there's an emergency credit function you can press when your money runs out -- if your normal credit runs out at night, will it automatically switch to emergency credit or will you still have to go and press the button?

I worked for Scottish Gas for a number of years in the prepay department, and sadly now have one of the shitty things (a leftover from the previous owners of the house, and my unwillingness to pay for a credit meter). I can confirm that it's a standard feature of all suppliers and areas for the meter to continue running overnight. If it runs out of credit (whether regular or emergency) after the evening cutoff point (sometimes 7pm, sometimes 8pm) it will continue to run until the morning (again depending on area/supplier it could be between 7-9am) at which point it will then shut off. Any electric used after the point it ran out is registered as debt which would either be taken from the emergency credit when you activate it, or if you've already used the emergency it'll add onto the total cost needed to get it back on supply again.
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Does anyone live in a place with the prepay electric meters? Is it true they don't run out at night? The one at my sister's house doesn't disconnect between 20:00 and 08:00 or something, but is that true everywhere in the UK and with all suppliers? My main question is purely logistical: I know there's an emergency credit function you can press when your money runs out -- if your normal credit runs out at night, will it automatically switch to emergency credit or will you still have to go and press the button?

I have a prepay meter. When I worked at British Gas, they basically confirmed what you said about their meters not running out in the night. I have a hazy memory of it cutting out once at night years ago, but this could've been before they implemented that rule. It might not even have been running out of money, to be honest.You get five quid emergency. You have to put your key in and press the button to enable it, but provided you aren't running a hemp farm in your bedroom or doing the entire street's washing and drying, it will last you a good couple of days. 10 quid gets me usually a week to 10 days, 20 quid can be anything up to three weeks (and that's with the plug switches left on, washing/drying and the heating on at various times).I personally love it. It means you can keep track of your electricity, and if you have a couple of quid handy, you can always top up the leccy and keep yourself going without having to worry about getting a massive 3-month bill in the post. There's no difference between paying by bill or by top-up, and the emergency doesn't even cost you more than being on normal electricity. There's thousands of shops you can top up at too. I have 3 in my local area, and loads more if I were to venture into Uddingston town centre. I've been using it for six or seven years and it's never been a problem. It's brilliant.
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You get five quid emergency. You have to put your key in and press the button to enable it

I know, but do you still have to do that if it runs out at night or does it automatically go on to emergency then?M.M., you're saying it will just go on to the emergency automatically without activating it?
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You get five quid emergency. You have to put your key in and press the button to enable it

I know, but do you still have to do that if it runs out at night or does it automatically go on to emergency then?M.M., you're saying it will just go on to the emergency automatically without activating it?
No, it'll cut out in the morning at which point you need to activate the emergency credit. Any credit you use overnight will be taken from the emergency credit once you activate it (so if you run out at 10pm, and use 20p overnight, then when it cuts out in the morning you'll only have
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You bid for an item and, if you win, you pay for it using the seller's preferred method of payment, which is Paypal 99% of the time. There's no topping up your eBay account or anything, you just need a Paypal account attached to your debit/credit card.

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Windows 7 is better than XP in almost every conceivable way. Windows 8 is pretty much Windows 7 with a tabletised ui. On a non-touchscreen device it's a bit pants. It's not as bad as everyone makes out, but I'm not a huge fan. Windows 7 FTW~!

Pretty much this. I was using my friend's laptop which he bought recently with windows 8 on it. It is really like trying to use a tablet interface with a mouse.
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Windows 7 is better than XP in almost every conceivable way. Windows 8 is pretty much Windows 7 with a tabletised ui. On a non-touchscreen device it's a bit pants. It's not as bad as everyone makes out, but I'm not a huge fan. Windows 7 FTW~!

Pretty much this. I was using my friend's laptop which he bought recently with windows 8 on it. It is really like trying to use a tablet interface with a mouse.
Yep. Listen to this. Win 7 is the best OS for you.
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I'm trying to delete various videos from my PC to free up space. But when I try to delete a good few of them it says that it can't be done as it is open in another program? But I don't think it is? Is there a way of checking this so I can shut down the relevant program and get these deleted?

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Ctrl-Alt-Delete and Task Manager should show you what programs you have running and enable you too shut down one's you don't want.

I've tried that unfortunately. I have nothing open that is playing videos. I have MSN, Spotify, FM13 plus Firefox open. :(
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It's some fuck-up on the part of Windows or a codec or something. What's happening is you single-click on it and Windows tries to bring up a thumbnail/data of it or whatever and it takes ages, and won't let you do anything until it's sorted. I can't remember what the fix is, it might just be waiting. There are a few videos on my computer that were doing it the other day so I just left them.

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