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Right, reading the video shop thread has caused a long dormant memory of a film to rise up and bug the hellout of me. Ineed your help to find out what this film is and I only have very vague info but here goes:Basically, the film is about 3 or 4 chinese teenagers who I think are chinese-american although the film may have been dubbed. Anyway, they go to a cabin or camping trip up in the mountains and find what I think is an old vase which has a yin/yang symbol init split in to two halves. They combine the two parts and are transformed from geeky teens into ninjas. The only other thing I rememebr is that one of the baddies is a giant with long black hair and a big black beard.Like I say, not a huge amount of info but any help appreciated.

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The science behind chiropractic is a bit dodgy, but the methodology can be pretty effective. Osteopathic science seems a bit more rigorous.If you can find a good sports physio, and a male one, that's the best of all.

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frankly I find the Argos aliens more terrifying.


Off topic, but I'm surprised no one has complained about the child alien thing playing with a corkscrew.


Seems like the kind of thing some one would pull them up on to some standards bods.

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You, sir, are a diamond.


Off topic, but I'm surprised no one has complained about the child alien thing playing with a corkscrew.

My only complaint is that he didn't stab himself in the eye with it. They should all be locked inside a wheelie bin and incinerated.

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Do we have any legal types on here?



Got a letter from the Bank saying that they are taking my landlord to court for a repossession hearing in December.


Knowing his character, there is no way that my landlord is planning to tell us about this, so I need to confront him on it. However, before I do so I want to understand my rights as a tenant in the event that the Bank does foreclose on the house.



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