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I'm no longer in the union as they were incredibly unhelpful during a grievance against a manager and I lost a lot money that I couldn't afford at the time being forced to strike. Which never made much difference either!

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Does anyone know any websites that do canvas photo pictures for cheap?


Thinking of getting a photo of all of the grandkids and having it made into a canvass for my nannan as a present. Ive seached through Google and theyre all coming up at around

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Home Networking / Windows 7 and Dos


We have 2 PC's currently in use at home, one is on XP Professional the other is Windows 7 Professional. The XP machine has some DOS based software which we use for Order Processing. I want to be able to access this from the Windows 7 machine too so I've set up a home network and can now access it. Unfortunately the 64bit version of Windows 7 won't allow me to run the software, so I downloaded a programme called VMWare Player, which allows you to run XP within 7. I thought this would solve the problem, but despite setting up the Network within this virtual XP, it doesn't see the other computer.


Anybody know how I can resolve this?

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Why am I always ill? Over the past 12-18 months I've got a cold/flu an average of once or twice a month. Three in three weeks this time. Personally, I'm starting to think I've got the AIDS.


Has anyone else had similar going on (not AIDS) and what was it. Is it worth going to the doctor or will it just work itself out?

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Why am I always ill? Over the past 12-18 months I've got a cold/flu an average of once or twice a month. Three in three weeks this time. Personally, I'm starting to think I've got the AIDS.


Has anyone else had similar going on (not AIDS) and what was it. Is it worth going to the doctor or will it just work itself out?

On a serious note, I was very seriously ill a few years ago, (which started with a bad cold) and it just got worse over time.


I was overall written off from college and work for about 4 months. It was determined that I had caught a cold, then whilst that wore off I then caught some sort of food poisoning and because of my system recovering at the time, it just started to pile up.


It got to the point where I seemed to have like 3 or 4 different illness's all at one time, and felt like pure crap. I ended up in my local GP's feverish, sweaty, gibbering mess. The doctor sorted me out with various medication, and i didn't die hah.


Seriously though, go the doctors

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Why am I always ill? Over the past 12-18 months I've got a cold/flu an average of once or twice a month. Three in three weeks this time. Personally, I'm starting to think I've got the AIDS.


Has anyone else had similar going on (not AIDS) and what was it. Is it worth going to the doctor or will it just work itself out?


Do you do any exercise and eat a decent diet? You're a big lad (as in naturally a large chap, not a fatty), and not a teenager any more, and if you just go hell for leather your immune system will probably end up being fairly weak.

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My diet's pretty shit, but I do exercise a few times a week. Bit of five a side, do some weights in the house, that kind of thing. When I do it wipes me out for a couple of days though. My hangovers last 2-3 days now as well. I think my immune systems just fucked.

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