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Not having much luck with apron spots as of late, are they?


That kind of sums it up for me. The fact they're having multiple apron spots on such a frequent basis and they're going wrong. Apron spots are unbelievably dangerous. In fact, I don't think I had ever seen one until a year or two ago in that Jay Lethal TV title match on their TV show that went to a 15 minute draw and they agreed to restart the match until the end of the programme instead of leaving it as a draw (memories are really fragmented on this one). At the time, I winced and thought it to be a stupid move, now ROH and the X-Division seem to have over-saturated it. Apron spots should be reserved for absolutely final blood fued-ending to the death clashes as a kayfabe final resort, not 4th from top on a random card.


Fuck apron spots. And piledrivers. How daft can you get?

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Surely the only way for a piledriver can be safe is if both shoulders are supported by the opponent's legs. If one leg is hanging off the apron, one shoulder has no support and the head drops too low and hits the ring. I'm just a fan and this seems obvious. Why would two professionals think this was a good idea?

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Is this likely to damage any shot Mike Bennett might have at the WWE in the future? Do they look at this kind of thing and immediately strike a wrestler from their thoughts?

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Being Maria's boyfriend and getting those shit message tattoos on his forearms has done him in, I reckon. He had been touted as being a dead cert for a good 18 months, but he got his tryout and they passed on him. I doubt this will help his chances either.


He needs those basketball arm sleeves, ASAP. Although they do look shit on Barrett...


It's a tricky one, miss out on WWE or miss out on Maria.

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Carlito gave the secret up. He said (because he used to wear them) if you ever see anyone wearing those sleeves its because they have shit looking arms and they have been told to wear them. I think at the height of Carlito not giving a shit, he wore baggy leather trousers, long sleeves and a t-shirt. The master of the cover up.


Here's footage of the incident. Really silly thing to do. Props to the referee for stopping the match as soon as it happened. TNA waited for the bloke to get the 10 count as he lay there not being able to move, when something happened like this a year ago.


Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Carlito gave the secret up. He said (because he used to wear them) if you ever see anyone wearing those sleeves its because they have shit looking arms and they have been told to wear them. I think at the height of Carlito not giving a shit, he wore baggy leather trousers, long sleeves and a t-shirt. The master of the cover up.


Here's footage of the incident. Really silly thing to do. Props to the referee for stopping the match as soon as it happened. TNA waited for the bloke to get the 10 count as he lay there not being able to move, when something happened like this a year ago.





As long as King James is rocking the sleeve there's hope for it yet...


Carlito really did become a lazy sack of shit at the end of his run. Waste.


Nasty looking piledriver, no protection there at all. New entrance looks pretty decent though.

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I've seen Angle and Benoit do DDTs on the apron, and they did it really safely and it was still a stupid idea. I think Angle did it once in TNA as well. Piledriver though? Terrible idea. Does ROH have road agents? You'd have thought they would have no-no'd that straight away.

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DDT's on the apron, I'm alright with because it mostly controlled by the forearm. Its pretty much an illusion. But powerbombs and piledrivers are shocking. Its all BJ Whitmers anyway. He's done these kind of bumps for years and years.


How neither men never died from these I have no idea.




ROH is full of apron bumps these days. I hate their Nigel McGuinness led hollier than thou bollocks about blading and chairshots to the head, yet they allow at least one powerbomb on the apron every show. Its retarded. I can guarantee that piledriver wasn't meant to be the finish either. I'd take a thousand chairshots to the head from a Jeff Jarrett over one piledriver on the apron.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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