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This was the first episode from the Grand Ballroom taping in NYC wasn't it? Seeing as how I was at the Friday night iPPV I was planning on watching again from this point.

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Does SCUM stand for anything? I dreamt a faction up called SCUM back in the day (Society for Cleaning Up Men). It sounds very gay now, but it was supposed to be a snobby group and they'd pour water over the opponent after a beat down or match and mop over them. The acronym was a play on Society for Cutting Up Men.

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Does SCUM stand for anything? I dreamt a faction up called SCUM back in the day (Society for Cleaning Up Men). It sounds very gay now, but it was supposed to be a snobby group and they'd pour water over the opponent after a beat down or match and mop over them. The acronym was a play on Society for Cutting Up Men.


Suffering, Chaos, Ugliness, Mayhem

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Watched Border Wars from the other night. Wasn't much of a show really. Nothing especially terrible on it, just a dull event. I watched it because the Corino angle interested me, but not much seemed to click and nothing mad me want to see anything after it. Kind of like TNA really. Their TVs are good but nothing is on the horizon which makes you think "once this all falls into place, its going to get good". Paul London vs Davey Richards was good, but the double foot stomp on London's face from the top rope to the ring apron was hideous. I'm stunned London's head didn't get smashed into pieces. I've never seen anything like it. Both feet jumping on his fucking skull. Sickening stuff.


Its an odd promotion these days. Sort of sums up wrestling in 2013. Every young wrestler in the states is on developmental watch, because WWE will take anyone on now. In 2002/03/04 and for a while after that, you got a sense the workers were all striving to improve their craft and make themselves names before they went to the big leagues. Low Ki, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Chris Hero, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries and guys like that were all pretty much "indy superstarzzz" before they went to WWE or TNA. You dont get that sense with independent wrestlers today. Years ago people could make a name on the indies and earn a decent living because the indy scene was brimming with talent and a few promotions had a great following. And because WWE weren't targeting the likes of what they target now. If you were in ROH and made it to WWE, you had to really stand out. Back then the attitude was that WWE was one of many goals in the business. Now its the only goal. They all seem desperate to get there. Which I suppose is what they should think, but in doing that ROH seems to exist for some of their wrestlers to get to developmental so the real training can begin. Adam Cole is really good, but there is something vanilla about him. I dont really know how to explain it. He's just every long haired indy worker there is. Seeing him in main events against Jay Briscoe doesn't inspire me to continue to check Ring of Honor out. Especially after the last world champion was pretty great, not only on the microphone but in the main events.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Paul London vs Davey Richards was good, but the double foot stomp on London's face from the top rope to the ring apron was hideous. I'm stunned London's head didn't get smashed into pieces. I've never seen anything like it. Both feet jumping on his fucking skull. Sickening stuff.

If anyone wants to see it, then it is in the video below. Really is a dangerous thing to do and you can see that London was very groggy after it.



In fact, it was announced during the latest Ring of Honor TV tapings that Paul London was injured during the match with Davey Richards, suffering a concussion and was therefore unable to participate in the TV tapings.

Edited by DJM
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Someone said something the other day about Davey Richards maybe signing with WWE. Can't remember where, can't remember when, but seeing him do shit like that just reminds me that it can only ever have been absolute bollocks. He's a complete liberty, and worse still, he has no psychology whatsoever, even though I'd bet my left nut that he reckons he does.


EDIT: I should probably also leave a mention that London's an idiot for being involved in that, assuming of course that it was intended.

Edited by Dingbat
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There's no way that was intended. Richards reaction following it was shock. He didn't even try to kayfabe it. He huddled over London to see if he was alright immediately upon impact. I think he must have just over shot a double foot stomp to the chest.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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  • Paid Members

Agreed. You've got considerably less room to work with and many more things can go wrong. I've never liked that double foot stomp thing anyway. Except Kevin Sullivan's.

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Davey Richards just looks like he wants to go out and prove hes a hard midget. Kicking people hard then dropping them on their head is all I see in his matches. Seen him about 10 years ago and thought he would be really good but now hes crap. Nothing about him now makes me think WWE would be interested.

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Does anybody know if there is actually a 'safe' way to do the double foot stomp because somebody jumping from the top rope on top of you just seems like the craziest idea ever, despite it being such an indy staple these days. I've seen a lot of guys land on the shoulder/arm area but even that seems like it's asking for trouble

Edited by lightningxlock
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