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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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The thing is, that actually sounds like an angle I'd eat up if I'd been there. Sounds brilliant.

I agree. They don't want Lethal to go over or look inferior to Steen so fundamentally this is a sound idea to me. Steen as the heel thinks he's going to lose so instead causes all hell to break loose by spitting on the face's mother in the front row. This should lead to more heat on Steen as a heel and give Lethal even more reason to want to kick ass next time around. Only problem is the heat ended up on ROH rather than Steen because their fans think they are too good for keyfabe.

I bet if Shane Douglas had spat on Sandman's mum back in 1996 ECW this angle would have worked perfectly.


I don't agree with that.


ECW fans expected proper finishes as well. That's why they shat all over the very few times there were DQs.


It sounds like a decent TV angle but a really shit finish to the Main Event of a show. If they didn't want Lethal to go over or look inferior to Steen they shouldn't have booked the match in the first place or at least come up with something more creative than "Let's book a really big brawl and hope the crowd doesn't notice that the match doesn't end".

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That angle sounds absolutely fine to me on paper (and they would've loved it if it'd been CM Punk spitting on Samoa Joe's mum), but this just illustrates to me that ROH have backed themselves into a corner from which they can't escape. Everything they do is under a microscope, and anything less than perfection (and maybe not even that) won't be tolerated. They're done. All that's left to see is just how many nails the coffin will have.

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ROH has had a good run. It's had a decade, which has to be regarded as a success considering the financial climate during around half its lifetime. It tried something different, it worked for a lot of people for quite some time, and it has developed and nurtured a lot of raw talent that has been moulded into high quality performers by WWE and TNA.


But it's done. It doesn't know what it is anymore. Most of the fans are sticking around out of hope rather than expectation. They've had a terrible year - the iPPVs have been a complete disaster, Cornette's storylines have been terrible, high profile talent like WGTT have failed to live up to expectations, and idiotic behaviour in and out of the ring by the likes of Davey Richards has cast a negative pall over them, too.


Put the stopwatches and notepads away, lads. Time to move on.

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Julias Smokes played the race card on Facebook as well, saying Cornette hates blacks (which has always been the old rumour anyway). Cornette's ruined himself going there. It was only the likes of the ROH fanbase who liked him these days anyway. And now they think he's a mentalist. Cornette is a complete nutter. I'm convinced of that. He got sacked from WWE for slapping Santino, he got threatened with legal action from TNA for sending death threats via e-mail and now ROH wrestlers (both ex and current) and ROH fans can't stand him. Who would take him on now?

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Cornette doesn't fly. And even if he did, seeing a bunch of wrestlers do the YMCA at Preston Pro Wrestling would probably send James E into a fit of rage, causing him to burn the city down. And with the fumes from all the spray painted replica belts Fludder has in his house, that fire could go for miles.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I could see Cornette going back to OVW. Yes, it's TNA's developmental now but they're not as hands-on with it as WWE were so they probably wouldn't mind Cornette working there along with his old pals. Other than that and the odd indy show/convention appearance Cornette is pretty much done with wrestling once the ROH run is over, IMO.

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Sounds like the ROH fans are assholes. It's like what makes them so high and mighty that they pretty much spit the dummy when they see something they don't like and act in such a way throwing bottles? It's a dangerous precedent to set that you let the fans dictate what happens on a show. What happened to wrestling fans turning up to shows and just seeing what they see without having to be so elitist that if you dont get what you want you throw a hissy fit and throw bottles and act a tit?

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Hey, Tommy! Guess what? I agree with you. Now, I was going to go and stick my head in the oven as a result but then I saw that you used "assholes". You're not a yank and therefore wrong again and I can turn the gas off now.

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What's the matter with everyone on here at the moment, is there an approaching meteor that I've not been informed of?

In all fairness, both you and Ian came across as desperately trying to be cool with your 'Burnley Championship Wrestling' and 'Preston Pro Wrestling' references. I've never been to see it either but even I know what it's called, and it's pretty clear you both do too by your 'hilariously' incorrect name usage.


As for ROH... yeah, stick a fork in it, it's done. They've been on the decline ever since Sapolsky left and now, at a time when they genuinely need him (as far as I'm aware there's never been a problem with his WWNLive iPPVs) they still won't bring him in because of the issue that exists between them. Say what you like about Gabe, and for the record I think EVOLVE is the dullest wrestling product ever conceived, but the company worked better underneath him because he knew exactly what it was - a third placed, somewhat niche, large indie fed which was never going to get any bigger without running into problems.

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