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Probably dives off the top into the crowd, no sells, and then suplexes a child.


the kid probably suplexes him straight after.


I cant read what was originally linked so its maybe been mentioned, but apparently Kyle O Reilly and Tony Kozina were also scheduled to compete and did the same as Richards

Edited by Cobra1000
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Guy who worked the show or is close with the promoters:


Jeff Maddocks

Now that I'm home and can tag these motherfuckers I'm making one final post. I normally keep to myself in these situations because I know my place in this business however when you steal from people, and than mock them after doing so...well, I don't care any more.Nathan Blodgett is one of my best friends, and someone I view as a brother, and Jeremy Hall is another one of my better friends I made in wrestling, and has given me opportunity's when many others wouldn't. Today Davey Richards threatened one of my friends and stole $350 from him. He is a "top teir" indy "talent" (if you wanna call some faggot who only does headkicks a fucking talent) and he has been calling me leaving taunting voicemails, and joking, FUCKING JOKING about taking money from company's that fucking need it.


Wesley Richards-Way to be a theiving sack of shit, do the industry a favor and go slit your fucking throat...maybe then honest wrestlers like us can do something in this industry you obviously don't give two shits about, pieces of shit like you.


Tony Kozina-I'm glad this is so funny to you. You old faggot fucking sack of shit...no one books you cause they want to, the only reason you get booked anywhere is because Davey demands it when people want him on there shows. Your a washed up fucking mook, go deepthroat the barrel of a shotgun pull the trigger...although with Davey's fucking cock in your mouth that may be a bit fucking difficult


Kyle Greenwood-I legit looked up to you and expected more from you...Just know Davey's only gonna get you so far. I hope letting him decimate you fucking asshole is worth it.


Your little dickfuck trainee-your not worth my time...my shit's are of more importance to the world than you, I honestly don't know how you function whilst getting airlocked by team ambition like...it really fucking blows my mind


Today lit a fire under my ass, and the fact that these fucking mooks are the end-all-be-all is absurd...any fucking mook who shit's on CM Punk, and Kevin Steen cause they are more over than him is just a bitter sack of shit, hope you have fun on the indies bruh cause that's where your gonna remain.



Green Kid





Wrestlers no-show and then come up with bullshit excuses. We all knew Davey did that.


But this goes beyond the line, and I'm pissed that he fucked over one of my friends like that.

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From ProWrestlingOnly.


can shed some light...


The company I work for (3XW) helped a couple smaller local groups book Richards, Kozina, O'Reilly and one of their flunkies for a triple shot this weekend.


They worked for us Friday night. Everything went perfectly smooth. They were totally professional and already asking about coming back to work for us again.


Saturday night, I wasn't at the show. They set up camp outside the locker room, talking shit about everyone and everything involved with the show. Kozina went out for his match with Ryan, who is 16/17 years old, and told him he was changing the plan, and was going to teach him about respect. I haven't watched the video yet, but everyone I've talked to said he roughed the kid up, and legitimately choked him out in the finish.


Sunday afternoon, we show up at the venue and find the promoter, a friend of mine, pissed off. The show starts in 20 minutes and none of them have arrived. Davey has been texting him all day and is now demanding to change the card and put the four of them in an 8 man tag. Jeremy has already changed up the card for them multiple times through the day, but will not take them all out of separate matches, because of promises made to other workers, to the fans, and the price that had been negotiated for 4 separate matches. Show starts, Jeremy goes out and breaks the news to the crowd that they won't be on the show, and life goes on.


They finally do show up at the building before the main event goes on and demand to speak to Jeremy. He takes the issue out of the locker room and goes outside to meet them. They threaten to kick Jeremy's ass (and he's all of 140 pounds soaking wet) if he doesn't give them their money. He finally works out a deal that KOR and DR will work for a slightly reduced fee in the main event. He pays them upfront as a gesture of good faith (trying not to piss them off further, or get his ass kicked). They change into their gear and work out the plan for the match. As they're doing that, their stooge trainee is quietly running their bags back out to their truck. "Where's the wrist tape?" "Oh, I left it in the truck. Be right back." They run out the back door, into a waiting car with Kozina behind the wheel, the promoter out $350 mostly from his own pocket.


Meanwhile nearly every reference to it on Facebook from someone involved gets a bunch of responses from the four of them tagged #TeamBandit and other shit, basically bragging about getting away with it.


Calls have been made to ROH and Sinclair, but apparently Richards has been done with ROH for a few weeks now and is not being brought back.

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davey is in a "loa" from roh right now i believe.


hes having issues with kevin steen personally and hes just did a shoot interview which from what i've seen of the previews, he won't be back in roh any time soon so thats prolly why hes pocketing money from little indy feds.


i have another friend that wrestles for a promotion in texas and the owner refuses to book davey richards on any of his shows, what does that tell you. heh. pretty soon the more this spreads the more people won't be wanting to book him or give davey money for their new wrestling school.

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He really is a ridiculous human being isn't he? Same with Kozina and Kyle.


Just utterly pathetic, I'd be worried if I was a UK promoter for his tour over here, I'd imagine he's been paid something (if not all) up front and its just getting more and more weird on his part. Missed flight maybe?


Just a dick.

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