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It's getting the expected mixed reaction on the ROH forum. Some obvious "lolz NXTs next breakout star!" comments, along with how he'll never get anywhere unless he sucks up to Vince's son-in-law etc.


It got me thinking as to how many ROH wrestlers have gone on to WWE? My knowledge isn't great so I can't think of too many:


CM Punk

Matt Sydal


Low Ki

Paul London

Brian Kendrick

Nigel was nearly there but had to go to TNA instead


Not sure if there are any others who got development deals but didn't make it etc?

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It's getting the expected mixed reaction on the ROH forum. Some obvious "lolz NXTs next breakout star!" comments, along with how he'll never get anywhere unless he sucks up to Vince's son-in-law etc.


It got me thinking as to how many ROH wrestlers have gone on to WWE? My knowledge isn't great so I can't think of too many:


CM Punk

Matt Sydal


Low Ki

Paul London

Brian Kendrick

Nigel was nearly there but had to go to TNA instead


Not sure if there are any others who got development deals but didn't make it etc?



Colt Cobanna is missing from that list mucker. Matt

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As Cabana himself said : as a PG friendly wrestler he's one of the best around, so it was a touch baffling why they released him.

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Having a think about who can replace Tyler and fact that if you can either go with Davey (who's possibly leaving if not working the fans, and if he is going will feel like a temporary solution) or Roderick Strong (who if he wins will have the stigma of only having won the belt because the champion was leaving). Giving it to Hero or Claudio means breaking up one of the best acts in wrestling at the moment (suppose they could make Hero champion and put Claudio with Ares). Austin Aries has been there twice and in a promotion with longer title reigns than most, it doesn't feel like five minutes since Aries was champion anyway.


So, my left-field choice - Jay Briscoe. Sick of the Briscoes really (though not as much as I used to be when Gabe was cramming them down everyone's throats), I've long wanted them to break up because I think Jay's good enough to be at that level for ROH. I'd have Mark go heel (back in the day I'd have put him in Sweet and Sour) but I'd not do the traditional turn, I don't think anyone would really believe a Briscoe vs. Briscoe feud at this point, I'd just have Mark join the Kings or the House of Truth and have Jay tell him he loves him, he's his brother, but fuck he's hanging around with a bunch of morons. Down the line you know someone from one of those factions is gonna get into a feud with Jay over the belt and then you have the dynamic of Mark being on the opposite side but having the brotherly connection, and if they never feud, it's easy to put them back together in a year or two's time if they're still around.


All that said...isn't a certain someone's TV/iPPV no-compete up around the time of Tyler's farewell? Hmmmm.

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A decent idea - but Jay simply doesn't have the singles pedigree to be even considered for a World Title run. If it's the case that the Briscoes are hanging around (everyone assumed that when their contracts expired in May they'd head up North), then they definitely need to split and go their seperate ways. I always envisioned Mark as the face and Jay as the heel for some reason. I agree there's not much mileage in a lengthly Briscoe vs Briscoe program - but their four matches against each other in ROH have all been straight up wrestling affairs - I wouldn't mind seeing them in a hardcore type match-up - maybe Mark and Generico vs Steen & Jay?

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I just think he'd be accepted and an instant main event level star which they're really gonna need soon, whereas Strong would feel forced, Richards would feel like a placeholder, Aries a rehash etc.


I think I also thought of Jay as the babyface because he's the older one, where you can play the younger Mark as being "led astray".

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Whichever way you look at it, the news has really thrown the cat among the pigeons for ROH. They need to find some new talent from somewhere, and fast. Could we see them kiss-and-make-up with Gabe and use some DG/ Chikara talent? Stranger things have happened.....

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I think I also thought of Jay as the babyface because he's the older one, where you can play the younger Mark as being "led astray".


Like he was by Chris Daniels eight years ago, when he joined The Prophecy.

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It's getting the expected mixed reaction on the ROH forum. Some obvious "lolz NXTs next breakout star!" comments, along with how he'll never get anywhere unless he sucks up to Vince's son-in-law etc.


It got me thinking as to how many ROH wrestlers have gone on to WWE? My knowledge isn't great so I can't think of too many:


CM Punk

Matt Sydal


Low Ki

Paul London

Brian Kendrick

Nigel was nearly there but had to go to TNA instead


Not sure if there are any others who got development deals but didn't make it etc?


Few other names that made it to TV or had developmental deals

Mickie James

Joey Matthews (Mercury)



Matt Striker


Ace Steel

Teddy Hart

Shantelle Taylor (Taylor Wilde)

Angel Williams (Angelina Love)


Then you have those who were ECW guys but went through ROH before being in WWE


Tony Mamaluke

Super Crazy

CW Anderson

Mikey Whipwreck

Danny Doring

Masato Tanaka

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I would go for El Generico or Steve Corino as my left field choice! El Generico because he can have a main event caliber match against pretty much anyone And Cornio could play a heat drawing heel and carry a feud with his mic skills!


I would have the title reign last 2/3 months max. Then have Hero beat El Generico or Roderick Strong Beat Cornio to start a lengthy title reign!

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