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Boxing Thread

Egg Shen

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The fight is on, Delboy got a two year suspended sentence on his license and a £25,000 fine.


Been watching lots of Delboy stuff on ifl the last couple of days, he's a strange bloke, you dont wanna get on his bad side.

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All this kind of shit is really getting cringeworthy, fighters throwing tables and acting like total cunts. It's just a sign of the times I guess, where they feel the need to do such nonsense to "sell" the fight.


I remember the good old days when all you needed to sell a fight was a solid rivalry, or an ear being bitten off in the first encounter.

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Listening to Adam Smith trying to calm him down after the fracas, you could hear Del-Boy sound pretty middle-class. Shattered my illusion of him being a badman.

Chisora's accent changes about five times during every sentence. He's a proper un-hinged character.


I think the build up has been great. Good for boxing? In ways it isn't but in others it is, people are talking about it and thats what really matters. I just really think the fight is gonna suck :(

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I remember the good old days when all you needed to sell a fight was a solid rivalry, or an ear being bitten off in the first encounter.

Pedantic twat hat on...


The ear biting was actually the rematch, not the first fight.


...Pedantic twat hat off.


As for Whyte vs Chisora, the problem I have with it is that I find them both incredibly difficult to like. So I don't have a horse in that race at all. Ideally it ends in a double knockout. Can see the fight being pretty shit as well, after all this bollocks.

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I think the build up has been great. Good for boxing? In ways it isn't but in others it is, people are talking about it and thats what really matters. I just really think the fight is gonna suck :(


Yeah, as much as it pains me to say this GAD got it spot on in his IFL interview about this sort of thing "we don't want it, but when it does happen it doesn't do any damage to the interest of the event, it's what will take the PPV to half a million"


Can't bare Chisora. Whyte comes across well in his interviews with IFL. Seems like a genuinely funny bloke. Worth scoping out.

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I know Joshua is popular but I just didn't think you'd get 400/500K over here. We've never really been a particularly big PPV buying country, have we? And it's not like Molina is a big name fight either. If he was fighting someone like Klitschko as originally planned I could see it. Haye and Fury against Joshua are the two fights I can see really doing big over here if they ever happen. If AJ can do around half a mil with Eric Molina then that's pretty impressive.

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