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Boxing Thread

Egg Shen

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Great night of fighting, wasn't it? I was knackered by the time Khan finally stepped into the ring, but glad I stayed up.


Chisora didn't look like the same guy who did so well against Vitali, but it was still an awesome exhibition from Haye. I hope he does get to fight Vitali, it's a fight I'd pay to watch.


Khan's career has been a little mismanaged, IMO. His last few opponents have been really tough, and he's still not a complete package. Garcia was throwing that right hook all the way through the first 2 rounds, and he used it to great effect against Morales, so it wasn't exactly out of nowhere. He looked open to it from the start, and it only needed landing once.


I was pretty horrified the ref let the match go on - in fact he let it go on about 3 times in circumstances that most other fights would have stopped. Khan couldn't even raise his fists after the first knockdown. He could have got seriously hurt. Showed a lot of bottle, but those are the sorts of beatings you don't ever really recover from.

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Khan's career has been a little mismanaged, IMO. His last few opponents have been really tough, and he's still not a complete package. Garcia was throwing that right hook all the way through the first 2 rounds, and he used it to great effect against Morales, so it wasn't exactly out of nowhere. He looked open to it from the start, and it only needed landing once.

not really.


When you're the WBA Champion of the World you should be fighting top guys and not be protected, Khan isn't some guy working his way up. I give props to Khan for taking on tough challenges, it's one of the things he should be credited for. Too many boxers avoid danger fights.

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Not one person mentioned that until he got clipped he was winning and was looking great doing so.

This is one of the reasons I get so annoyed with Khan, he has the tools.


I can see race coming into it with some, but a lot just find him arrogant and unlikable. Prince Naz is my favorite boxer ever, I love the guy, his style and attitude. Yet I always found him cool and therefore likable, I also like Khan but sometimes he comes across as he is right up in his own arse in a way that is far from amicable.


I have had people say to me who like boxing and are in no way racist "I hope that cocky prick gets knocked out" it was the same growing up when I was a Prince Naz fan, race comes into it to a extent, Ricky Hatton's being working class and white added to his appeal to many. But most will support a British boxer regardless of race if they carry themselves in a certain way.


Frank Bruno was a lovable lummox (not to me, Tory voting prick ;)) it did not matter he came up short most of the time in big fights or he was black, people loved him.


I am sure if a Muslim fighter carried themselves like Hatton or Bruno, they would be accepted.

Edited by jimufctna24
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see, i don't personally see the cockiness or arrogance? Khan's confident and says a few things in camps (for eg. he guaranteed he's knock out Garcia) but i just don't see it.


Despite his fame i've always thought he's stayed fairly grounded.

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I am sure if a fighter of Muslim race carried themselves like Hatton or Bruno, they would be accepted.

I don't think there's such a race as Muslim ;)

Whoops, was typing fast.


In regards to EBB, it is more how he says things than what he says.


For example, at a MMA event in 2006 they asked him how he would do in a MMA bout. Now he is not going to say he would get destroyed is he, but instead of saying "I think I could do well" or "I would have the striking advantage" instead he said "I will knock them all out"


It does not bother me any, I like his confidence, but others really do not. Plus, I get told often of stories where he acts up his own arse to people and acts like a drama queen, could be bullshit but I have heard a lot of stuff.

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i saw that MMA thing, that wasn't bad...i remember Khan almost being embarrased by it and he laughed as he answered, it certainly wasn't cocky.


I saw Khan at UFC 70 too so im assuming he's a bit of a fan.

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No power? He's got eighteen knock outs in twenty six fights, and has put away guys like Judah and Malignaggi which isn't too shabby. To say he has no power is pretty ridiculous. As for his fight with Limond, anyone with a decent set of eyeballs can see that he's a completely different fighter from the twenty year old kid who fought Limond five years ago.

Khan still shows some of the very same mistakes he used to make back as a kid in the ITV days. Did you actually follow his fights? he wasn't knocking guys out cold, he was overwhelming them with fast flurries, it will only get you so far. Who has he KOed, bar Judah (and even then, to some it was controversial)


see, i don't personally see the cockiness or arrogance? Khan's confident and says a few things in camps (for eg. he guaranteed he's knock out Garcia) but i just don't see it.


Despite his fame i've always thought he's stayed fairly grounded.

You serious? the guys so far up his own arse, he's also a totally childish attention seeker, and although I know most boxers ae full of themselves to an extent, they arent all as retarded as Khan with there statements.


To quote a poster over at ESB, Khan is like Theo Walcott. "Both had lots of promise very young but never developed beyond the core attributes that brought them to public attention (speed and marketability). Both over-managed and not sufficiently humble to take a step back and relearn technique"

Edited by HeavyT
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In regards to EBB, it is more how he says things than what he says.


For example, at a MMA event in 2006 they asked him how he would do in a MMA bout. Now he is not going to say he would get destroyed is he, but instead of saying "I think I could do well" or "I would have the striking advantage" instead he said "I will knock them all out"


It does not bother me any, I like his confidence, but others really do not. Plus, I get told often of stories where he acts up his own arse to people and acts like a drama queen, could be bullshit but I have heard a lot of stuff.

The confidence and 'arrogance' is the same as that displayed by the likes of David Haye, Ali, Mayorga, Roy Jones, Floyd Mayweather and others though, isn't it? I honestly believe that the reason Khan gets shit for it, and that Hamed got shit for it, especially in the UK, is because they're of Asian descent.


There's an element of racism involved that we don't see with other white or black fighters I believe.

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I was negative in my own comments regarding Khan after the fight because I feel he makes the same type of mistakes time and again.


I don't go out of my way to be negative towards him or target him. I'm a Khan fan and like to see him do well, always have and because of that I do get disaapointed and frustrated at some of his performances.


He seems to show bursts of confidence that can spill over into him making the odd silly comment and at times people might listen to him and mistake it for arrogance or perhaps it even can be at times.


However Kahn brings a lot to the sport of boxing and I think more often than not comes across pretty well and very likeable.


I think more praise is needed in the direction of Danny Garica to be fair. His camp seemed confident before the fight and it was more than just the usual hot air from someone who many only gave a very slim chance too before Saturday night/Sunday morning.

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Garcia got lucky in that fight. He was being soundly beaten until he clocked Khan behind the ear, and even then he had major problems putting him away.


I'd still pick Khan to win that fight seven or eight times out of ten.

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I defo agree with David and Houchen's points that there seems to be an element of racism at the root of the hatred. I love Naz but I can see why people might not given his antics, Khan to a lesser extent. But are they any worse than Haye, Mayweather etc? I don't see the same level of spite and genuine hate when a cocky fighter like a Haye, Jones or Toney lose. And I've actually heard pricks say ''Glad that P**i got beat''.


I know not everyone who dislikes Khan is racist. He does have a bit of a cockiness to him imo, no worse than others, but some fighters just rub you the wrong way. In MMA for example, I can't stand Frank Mir. Always want him to lose and enjoy it when he does but a guy like Sonnen talks even more shit and I love him. No reason for it just some fighters just rub you the wrong way I suppose.


'Hate' is too strong a word. And I don't wish Mir any ill will personally. But there's a different vibe to the anti Khan stuff, like there was with Naz. Seems to go deeper than perceived cockiness imo.

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Bit of a controversial one here! What value do the UKFF'ers put into the inbetween round advice given by corner men to their boxers? I know that Freddie Roach has a tonne of respect within boxing circles, But do you feel that given the desperate place Khan was in as he sat in his corner just prior to the finish, That a barely audible Roach could help him as much as another coach could have done? Even in the footage of Khan's training camp, The producer had to use subtitles so the viewers could understand what Freddie was trying to say.

Obviously i mean no disrespect to Roach, I just felt that given the seriousness of the situation that if you believe corner men can sometimes dig a fighter out of exreme danger, Was it a bad idea for Roach to have Khan's ear? I am not saying Roach has nothing left to offer boxing, Just that he must now think of stepping down from his head trainer role on fight night.

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In regards to EBB, it is more how he says things than what he says.


For example, at a MMA event in 2006 they asked him how he would do in a MMA bout. Now he is not going to say he would get destroyed is he, but instead of saying "I think I could do well" or "I would have the striking advantage" instead he said "I will knock them all out"


It does not bother me any, I like his confidence, but others really do not. Plus, I get told often of stories where he acts up his own arse to people and acts like a drama queen, could be bullshit but I have heard a lot of stuff.

The confidence and 'arrogance' is the same as that displayed by the likes of David Haye, Ali, Mayorga, Roy Jones, Floyd Mayweather and others though, isn't it? I honestly believe that the reason Khan gets shit for it, and that Hamed got shit for it, especially in the UK, is because they're of Asian descent.


There's an element of racism involved that we don't see with other white or black fighters I believe.

Maybe you have a point. But I still think the majority that dislike him as their is something unlikable about him, it is something I cannot put my finger on, maybe people think he has been spoon fed or he has not proved his talent for how big a ego he has. Some got really annoyed how he did not drop his complaining about the Peterson fight for ages, even those who agreed felt he should drop it.


Wand's comparing how he likes Sonnen but not Mir is kinda what I am getting at.


If it is race related, it really speaks volumes how much this country needs to grow up. Maybe I am debating this point in some silly hope that this country is not as bigoted as it actually is.

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