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Egg Shen

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Yeah fair point, I can see why he wouldn't take the Price fight. I wish we'd have got it though because I like Price and I reckon he'd have beat Fury. The names you mentioned are probably more realistic for Fury now though.

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I'm not a fan of his but admittedly, Fury has improved recently and looks to be in good shape. I think a fight against Wlad would still be completely out of the question though. I'd fancy Wlad to knock him out. Let's not forget that this time last year he was uppercutting himself in a sham of a fight against Chisora - he's nowhere near ready for a big fight with one of the Klitschkos.

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Another big fight weekend this week with Haye vs Chisora on BoxNation and Khan vs Garcia on Sky. Looking forward to both fights, Haye/Chisora for all the hype and bad blood and Khan/Garcia should deliver a good action packed fight. Best of both worlds. Who's everyone picking? I'm going for Haye on points and Khan by stoppage around the 9th.


Also, haven't seen it posted but Froch vs Bute 2 is on for March 2013. Froch is gonna fight before that though, likely in Nottingham again in November. It's likely to be Froch vs Kessler in Nov from what I've read. Fuck, Froch just doesn't take easy fights does he?


And these fights are both rumoured aswell;


Saul Alvarez vs Ricardo Mayorga

Nonito Donaire vs Jorge Arce


Mayorga's got nowt for Alvarez at this stage for me. Bit disappointed in that choice of opponent but it's another name I guess. I think Mayorga will play his part in making the fight exciting but ultimately I don't see it ending well for him. Donaire vs Arce could be great fun though. I don't fancy Arce's chances at all but it's gonna be exciting for however long it goes.

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Yeah if it's Froch vs Kessler I might try and get to Nottingham for that aswell. I loved the first fight and the hometown crowd will make it something special.


I saw the Canelo/Bundrage stuff aswell but apparently Richard Schafer wasn't keen on the fight or something. Would have been a bit of a better choice than Mayorga at this stage though I think.

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Two new hour plus interviews with Nigel Benn. Apparently one of these was in Solihull, which isn't far from me at all. Nobody told me, I'd have went aswell.






On Eubank - "His head's tough like a mallet"


I watched both but they're very similar, a lot of the stories are repeated. The second link's probably the better interview if you're gonna watch one though. First one's hard to watch at times, with him breaking down at certain points on the McClellan stuff. The first one's got a lot of waffle from his wife aswell. Bit too much God stuff for me. So yeah, watch the second link if you're only gonna watch one.


Always got time for Nige. Loads of good stuff on his boxing career. The God Squad stuff, I'm not a religious person, don't have a problem with people who are but frankly it bores the shit out of me to be preached to about it. And these do get a bit preachy at times but worth a watch for the rest. Nigel seems like a genuinely good guy and to him, since he's found religion his life has improved and he's happier. Good on him, can't fault him for that if religion is working for him.


Don't be put off watching these though by the religious stuff. There's plenty of boxing stories and humour and he's very open on the mistakes he's made in life with drugs, affairs, suicide attempts and things like that.


One interesting story I didn't know anything about is in the first link. According to Benn, Eubank wanted to set up a third fight between them for 2013 :omg:


if you can't be arsed to watch the video, the gist of it is that Channel 5 wanted to do a Contender like show where Benn and Eubank would train up five celebrities each to box in some novelty reality show type thing and would both be paid well for it. Benn agreed to it, but then Eubank started trying to say they could make millions by doing a third fight and wanted to set the fight up for next year. Mental. Benn seems happy with life now and obviously didn't go for it. Eubank must be hurting for cash if he was serious about that. I know he's not flush these days but fuck me, a third fight in 2013. 20 years after their last fight at Old Trafford. Eubank is nutsth. Of course I'd have watched it though.


couple of nice pictures I found




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Amazingly rumors of Ricky Hatton coming out of retirement are going around.


Really can't see that happening. There's been rumours it seems like every few months since the Pacquiao loss and it usually amounts to nothing. I think, and hope, this will be the same.


Just seen this, Behind The Ropes: Amir Khan


good stuff, also things got a bit heated at the Ward-Dawson press conference;


And here's James Toney sending a message to reporter Dan Raphael;


Toney's mental, but I love the fat loon.

Edited by wandshogun09
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Today is the three year anniversary of the death of Arturo Gatti. That's gone quick.




Think I'll give some of his fights a watch tonight. Growing up as a massive Nigel Benn fan, when he retired I kind of lost a bit of interest in boxing. It was Gatti's fights in the late 90s that got me hooked again. I must've seen the majority of his 49 fights and I can honestly say I'm yet to see what I'd consider a bad Gatti fight.


He wasn't the perfect boxer by any means but he made up for it with guts and bollocks the size of Lucy Pinders norks. I think that's what people loved about him. He was one of the few boxers who could still pull in the audiences and get paid good money even after a series of losses which would have pretty much finished most boxers.


Few fights to look out for if you're not familiar with them;


Arturo Gatti vs Wilson Rodriguez, Mar 23rd 1996




I hadn't seen this fight until I think Taylorslade recommended it on here a while back. Absolutely amazing stuff, Gatti has to dig down deep after getting knocked down, rocked and suffering cuts around the eye that threatened to stop the fight.




Gatti's comeback in this fight was just mad to watch. Tremendous fight.


Gatti vs Rodriguez


Arturo Gatti vs Gabriel Ruelas, Oct 4th 1997




This one I think was even better than the Rodriguez fight. It wouldn't be a Gatti fight without drama and comebacks and this is no different.


In a sad story, Ruelas had fought and TKO'd a boxer called Jimmy Garcia two years before the Gatti fight, and as a result of the damage caused Garcia died shortly after. Ruelas struggled with guilt and wasn't the same after that.


You wouldn't know Ruelas was struggling emotionally though by watching this fight with Gatti. Physically he looks a lot like Roberto Duran, and in this fight he fights like him. I suppose Gatti's style gave Ruelas no choice but to be aggressive.


An incredible fight. Proper Rocky stuff and a big dramatic finish. One of my favourite fights in Boxing or MMA.


Gatti vs Ruelas


Arturo Gatti vs Ivan Robinson 1 & 2




1st fight - Aug 22nd 1998

Part 1 -

Part 2 -


2nd fight - Dec 12th 1998

Part 1 -

Part 2 -


20 rounds of awesomeness here. These two were friends but you wouldn't know it to see how they went at it in these two fights. Two great all action fights, they don't stop from bell to bell. I can't do them justice just by describing them but if you haven't seen these fights give them a watch is all I can say.


And of course, the Micky Ward trilogy. I'm sure everyone reading this thread is at least familiar with these fights and you've probably all seen them but I couldn't do a Gatti post without mentioning that series with Ward.




Gatti vs Ward 1, May 18th 2002




Gatti vs Ward 2, Nov 23rd 2002




Gatti vs Ward 3, Jun 7th 2003




The best trilogy in combat sports history for me. Ali vs Frazier was much bigger and the fights were great but for me Gatti vs Ward was the most consistently brilliant rivalry in pro fighting history. They didn't hate each other, didn't talk shite about each other they just got in there and went to war for 30 of the most entertaining rounds you will ever see. I know the word war gets chucked about a lot, we all do it on these threads but these fights lived up to that billing.




All three fights are among my favourite fights ever. I can't decide which one is best but I love the first and third especially. Gatti injuring his hand in the third fight and still throwing punches with a mashed up hand for the rest of the fight just shows what kind of a fighter he was.


Look at this clip about 2 mins in, Ward and Gatti at the hospital after one of their fights


That's after battering each other, joking about from their hospital beds. Amazing fighters.




Of course, like most boxers, Gatti went on too long. The fights with Baldomir, Gomez etc at the end should have never happened and despite him still going out and giving 100% I found them fights hard to watch. Ideally in hindsight he'd have retired after the last Ward fight like Ward did. That would have been the perfect farewell for both of them.




It's sad how his career ended but at least he did finally see sense and take the gloves off for good. It's just a shame how his life went after that.


ESPN news report on Gatti's death


And here's the 48 Hour Mystery documentary on Gatti's death;



Still so many unanswered questions around his death as far as I'm concerned. I know a lot of people point the finger at his wife and I must admit, something about her version of events just doesn't ring true with me. Who knows though, Gatti's brother believes her so who am I to judge?






Gatti Highlight -


Whenever Manny Pacquiao comes out to AC/DC's Thunderstruck it brings back memories of Gatti's fights.


And another Gatti Highlight 'Rocky' style -




RIP 1972 - 2009

Edited by wandshogun09
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Gatti was the definition of a warrior in the boxing ring. It's a shame that my love of boxing didnt really kick in until Gatti was past his prime but that's how it goes.


Watched the Brook/Jones fight, brilliant stuff. Brook looked like a world beater for 6 rounds but after that he really fell apart. He showed guts and there were a few moments where he came fighting back and turned in some Rocky-esque exchanges which made for a great spectacle, but the way he crumbled when the going got tough was not good. It was a great test for Brook who's basically had 27 fights his own way but i think he might come unstuck at world level.

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Probably Luxembourg rules!


I've signed up for this fight and a few mates are coming round. They never usually show an interest but for a low quality tear up farce, it's bums on seats at Club Houchen.

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