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*Official* Youtube.com cool finds thread

quote the raven

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Video link now added - Holy shit man! These two kids took a proper old school beating!


Steiner looked more mobile than I've seen him in years! A little less bulked up than normal. That said, he nearly paralysed one of the guys TWICE by dropping them on their fuckin head!


Classic squash tag match! Mega entertaining. Vader's punches are fuckin wild!


Edit: second video:



While it was fun to see Vader and Steiner kill jobbers, what the hell has happened to the commentary on the Juggalo Wrestling shows? It used to be really funny, but that was really shit. Even shitter was when they went to split screen so we could see the commentators while Vader finished the match. Who the fuck needs to see the commentators, especially during the finish of the match? Stupid.


The botched overhead suplex by Steiner was fucking nasty. Was hardly Steiner's fault though, as the flabby, unathletic jobber did nothing to help with the move. It may be Scotty f'n Steiner, but you still need to A) jump when he throws you, and B) tuck your head and get your body over - don't just let him do all the work.


Vader and Steiner should both be on telly. Bloody ageist wrestling promoters.

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ICW's Wolfgang decides it's not enough just being wrestler of the year and being voted match of the year. He wants something new. He needs an image overhaul.


Finding Wolfgang part


Excellent :) . ICW is pure gold at the moment.


I miss the agile fat fuckers. Jerry Blackwell and a six minute slice of heaven:



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