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quote the raven

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Hogan was promoting one product and one product alone, the same product he's been promoting since the turn of the 90s, the product being Hogan.

Of course he was. They hired him. They didnt hire a bells and whistles media campagn with TNA on it.


He could've worn a TNA shirt at the minimum, but no, twas a Hogan shirt.

How do you know he could have? Logos and brand names are forbidden on reality shows and television shows in general, especially ones advertising products on a rival channel. He could have worn a "Bischoff Heavy Entertainment" shirt as well, considering it was through them that he got the gig. But, he your not allowed to.

A T-Shirt, now pause, breath, think of a humming bird, think of a dolphin, think of Ted Danson in the role of Sam Malone in Cheers, dismiss all ideas of bells, whistles and media campaigns with confetti flying and dancing girls prancing to Final Countdown by Europe, and then go back the point ... A T ... ... ... Shirt.


Product placement is banned, hence the shoddy yet VERY clever job of the Coca Cola glasses on previous seasons of American Idol.


A guest wrestler with a logo on shirt would not be, Christ look at the WWE talent appearances over the years, WWF/E can be found on them easily. To think a show of the magnitude of American Idol would even give two shits about TNA is laughable, their key demographic of school girls and housewives wouldn't even consider turning over to see Hogan on a different channel and the show would know that.


They'd made a joke of the whole concept of wrestling before the appearance anyways, they know to most it's seen as a joke.


To believe that it was through Bisch that Hogan got the gig is also redundant, think wrestling, think Hogan, his agent is a simple bi-product of that.


The simple fact is Hogan has money in TNA, a simple Tee could have easily been worn and AIdol wouldn't have given a fuck about it, that appearance serves as a physical manifestation of Hogan and his ideology of TNA, an ego trip to get him on telly. He has no inclination of getting that product over, just his ego.


I mean it's ridiculous to consider a different show on a different channel would ever be plugged isn't it?


Oh wait a mo, hasn't RAW and isn't Wrestlemania serving as an out and out commercial for an MTV show? I do believe it is!

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American Idol reaches 23 million homes. WWE has celebrities from other shows to get them in gossip columns and to raise their profile in markets that usually wouldnt give a toss about WWE. The Jersey Shore comparison just doesnt hold up, because that is a far bigger TV show that Raw is. Fox wouldnt want a TV show which is shown straight after American Idol being promoted on their show by one of the most famous wrestlers on the planet. WWE arent allowed to wear Affliction shirts or any logo based shirts because its company policy. They wear generic fashion shite or WWE shirts. You cant just promote anything. T-shirts and logos are always checked, because if he went on TV with some logo that was an in-joke for "Ryan is a Peado", they'll not be to pleased. And Hogan's whole act is tearing his shirt off. He should be wearing a Hulk Hogan t-shirt. Steve Austin never wore a "WWF" t-shirt when he would go on Mad TV in the late 90s. Hogan's done a shitload to promote TNA, and it simply doesnt work, because it takes more than one person on a big TV show to promote the company, because the marketting and promotion side of the company just isnt very good.


The simple fact is Hogan has money in TNA

Does he?

Edited by Ian_hitmanhart
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SmackDown! 5 30 02 The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton - Undisputed Championship



Orton looks so different now. I wonder how much HGH he's done to increase his jaw size. :laugh:


Jericho wins the big one:



Still mark out to this. Love the reactions in the crowd when he wins.


Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs The Rock WrestleMania 19 Promo



Love this promo. 0:35 is just a sublime caption.

Edited by Shovanist Pig
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A slightly odd promo from the sky channel days, strange musical choice.

nought wrong with that the song actually goes with it and you got to remember this is the 80s your on about there where worse songs then that out then

Edited by Allstar69
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Check out this guys channel, a bunch of Smackdown matches from 2001/2002. I think he's just converted them from tapes, pretty sweet. A lot of Smackdown Six matches in there as well, which is good.




And on that note, a match I've been trying to find for a long time, Eddie vs Rey the Smackdown before Survivor Series 2002. Enjoy!


Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-4xSQ-kZNA

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqRSDLBk3aU...feature=related

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