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quote the raven

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gets me everytime, and you know what it doesn't even matter he is wrestling in TNA!




Nothing I've seen in wrestling before or have since has had me so emotional as I get watching this (bar watching the actual match on the DVD followed by the Raw send off). Wrestling at its finest.

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He should have packed it in there, to be fair. I can't see anyone getting another retirement like that. They really pushed the boat out. Great video.


Without derailing this thread too much, I have to completely agree here.


How another retirement could be half as good or emotional as this is well beyond me. Wrestling has changed way too much since Flair (or even HBK) started in the business, so to see a wrestler now witness such a storied, decorated and illustrious career as the Naitch is damn near unfathomable. Even if they did come close, to have them go out on a final farewell against probably the greatest in-ring performer of all time would make it even more unlikely. Just like Hogan slamming Andre, and Rock facing Austin at WMX7 before this, there's only so many times pro wrestling can expect to catch lightning in a bottle just like it did here.

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one of the best endings to a match ever wm20 benoit hbk hhh




elimination chamber 2003 - parts 2 and 3 - the worst case in my opinion of a wrestler not winning the match when he should have - the end of part 2 and start of 3 - goldberg is on fire. JR on both mania 20 and ss 2003 is on top form, he'll never be replaced.

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