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Guest DJM

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Ultraviolet - holy cat-shit no! i just saw this at the cinema, officially the worst film ive ever seen...went down to see Hard Candy and the boy i was with persuaded me to go see this nonsence. I could not believe what i was seeing, the dialogue is beyond bad, you can guess what their gonna say before they say it, so predictable and cheesy. As for the effect, this film showed exactly how bad CGI can be, some of this looked like a computer game, it sucked. Also includes possibly the worst chase scene in history, a bike being chased be a helicopter not around buildings or on top of buildings, but around the outsides of them on the sides! it could have been crazy but with the CGI doing overtime it looked like watching cartoon. TRIPE! please do not go and see it. WORST FILM EVER!!!!

Edited by Ebb
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Battle royale 2: Bit dissapointing and doesn't make much sense. How exactly did Shuya go from good hearted school boy to a mass murdering terrorist anyway? The film also spends way too much energy trying to send some grand political message rather than concentrating on action and characters. While the film makers should get credit for trying something different for the sequal (unlike just basing it around holding another Battle royale) I just didn't take to this film at all.The eye 2; Not really as good or as scary as the first. But it has one of my favourite actresses Shu Qi (the transporter) in it and does a decent job. It's to her credit that she can say a line like "Your wife is going to be our baby" with a straight face . Oddly, the first fifteen minutes or so is in English. I think the place the heroine was must regularly speak it. The da vinci code' I heard a lot of the negative reviews of the film but was pleasantly surprised to find it was actually pretty good. It managed to retain a lot of what made the book so good. Felt Audrey Tautou was badly miscast though as Sophie though.

Edited by Garrett
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Just saw X-Men 3, quite liked it but hate it when they put in sudden dramtic flash back, scares the crap outta me. We had to leave straight when it ended to get the bus so can anyone post in spoiler tags, the supposed bit after th credits.ty

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Just saw X-Men 3, quite liked it but hate it when they put in sudden dramtic flash back, scares the crap outta me. We had to leave straight when it ended to get the bus so can anyone post in spoiler tags, the supposed bit after th credits.ty

OHMYJESUSFUCKINGCHRIST!?!?!?YOU DIDNT WAIT TIL THE END OF THE CREDITS!?!?YOU COULDVE WALKED HOME!!!!!!!!!!The films nothing without the ending.... :bored:
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The Moguls - i picked this up purely by chance when i was in Woolworths the other day, i picked it up mainly for the reason that Jeff Bridges is in it, the film has had very little promotion and hasnt yet been released in the cinema in the States (or wasnt over here for that matter). But somehow its out on dvd. Can't see why not cause this was absolutely fantastic! the film is about a bunch of small town friends who decide to make a porn movie, although it sounds like a seedy subject the film is done in the best possible taste, its very lighthearted and uplifting. There's abit of The Dude to Jeff Bridges character so without question it ruled. Check this out, if your a fan of fart joke comedies like American Pie it wont be your cup of jah, but if you liked movies like Sideways, this should be your kinda thing...great stuff :)

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Just saw X-Men 3, quite liked it but hate it when they put in sudden dramtic flash back, scares the crap outta me. We had to leave straight when it ended to get the bus so can anyone post in spoiler tags, the supposed bit after th credits.ty

Next time don't go with your parents
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Napolean Dynamite - I know it's already been discussed in this thred but I watched it the other day and at first I thought it was OK but when you watch it again it gets funnier and funnier. So many funny quotes from that film."$6? That's like a dollar an hour!""Why don't you eat a decroted piece of crap!""I wish you'd get out of my life and shut up!"

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A History Of Violence


Man, what a disapointment. Ever since seeing the trailer i was well up for this, i mean ED HARRIS~! I'll admit to having never read the graphic novels, so maybe that's why this didn't live up to expectations...I just expected something completely different.


I was expecting a PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER~! with the mobsters using all sorts of creepy, dstarsdly tricks to get at Joey/Tom leading to the climax where there is a funky ending. Which leaves your head all fucked up because of it's complexity and awesomeness. Instead it goes down complete shits street, into a pseudo gangster flick which throws away what could have been an awesome ending in a passing comment and it's actual ending is the worst in cinematic history. Truly shit.


V For Vendetta


Loads of my friends told me going into this that it was awful. Terrible.


Boy, were they wrong. It was absolutely amazing. Superbly shot and superbly acted (yes, even Portman passed). V's dialogue was seriously amazing (and i imagine my friend's dislike of this film came from a lack of understanding) and the progression of evolution of Portman's character was so well done. Loved it all. Just such an awesome film.

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Napolean Dynamite - I know it's already been discussed in this thred but I watched it the other day and at first I thought it was OK but when you watch it again it gets funnier and funnier. So many funny quotes from that film."$6? That's like a dollar an hour!""Why don't you eat a decroted piece of crap!""I wish you'd get out of my life and shut up!"

Yeah that and:"I see you're drinking skimmed milk.....is that because you think your fat?""Your stuff's in my locker....you should probably come and get it I can't fit my numchucks in there anymore."There are loads of lines you will be sayin after watching it.
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Napolean Dynamite - I know it's already been discussed in this thred but I watched it the other day and at first I thought it was OK but when you watch it again it gets funnier and funnier. So many funny quotes from that film."$6? That's like a dollar an hour!""Why don't you eat a decroted piece of crap!""I wish you'd get out of my life and shut up!"

Welcome to the cleverest 'stupid' film ever!Its lines are pure brillance.Some of my favourites:Napoleon Dynamite: So, we're pretty much friends by now, right? Pedro: Yes. Napoleon Dynamite: So, you got my back and everything, right? Pedro: What? Don: Hey, Napoleon. What did you do last summer again? Napoleon Dynamite: I told you! I spent it with my uncle in Alaska hunting wolverines! Don: Did you shoot any? Napoleon Dynamite: Yes, like 50 of 'em! They kept trying to attack my cousins, what the heck would you do in a situation like that? Don: What kind of gun did you use? Napoleon Dynamite: A freakin' 12-gauge, what do you think? Napoleon Dynamite: You know, there's like a butt-load of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join because I'm pretty good with a bo staff. Pedro: Aren't you pretty good at drawing, like, animals and warriors and stuff? Napoleon Dynamite: Yes. Probably the best that I know of. Napoleon Dynamite: Yeah, it looks pretty sweet. It looks awesome. That suit, it's... it's incredible. Deb: What are you drawing? Napoleon Dynamite: A liger. Deb: What's a liger? Napoleon Dynamite: It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic.
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Super Size Me

The 2004 documentary by Morgan Spurlock. Influenced by a legal case featured in the media at the time and the shocking levels of obesity both in America and internationally, Spurlock decides to conduct an experiment. For thirty days, he eats nothing but McDonald's for every meal in order prove or disprove a statement made by the courts. Prior to undergoing the ordeal, he consults three doctors, who determine that he is perfectly healthy. They then monitor the severity of the affects on his body caused by the experiment as he also lives his life as an average American, in terms of exercise, etc.


This film is probably most well-known for the fact that Spurlock lived on the McDonald's diet for a month, which is a significant part of the documentary, but there is much more to it. Super Size Me examines the issues surrounding modern health problems, which can attributed to many factors. Most notably, he explores how fast food is heavily marketed towards youngsters, the ways in which it can become an addiction and the standards within the industry.


In some ways, Super Size Me is comparable to Michael Moore's work. However, there is less bias and Spurlock is a more engaging and entertaining presenter. Although I have nothing against Michael Moore at all and I like his documentaries, I can imagine that people will generally find Spurlock to be more likeable. He succeeds in incorporating elements of humour and shock to the documentary, mainly through his own personality and experiences.


I wouldn't class Super Size Me a legendary documentary, but is certainly important, intriguing and worth watching. It's very interesting that, since film was released, McDonald's have tried to promote a supposedly healthier line of food and become a poor Subway imitation. Personally, I stopped eating there years ago because the food suddenly tasted horrible. Then again, maybe it's because there are far superior alternatives...

Edited by Van_Dammer
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"The Wicker Man" with Edward Woodward.They 0wned "The Equalizer", they fucking 0WNED him!! :(Excellently creepy film and the whole ending is tremendous."Oh Jesus Christ nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!"(****/*****)

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Airplane II: The Sequel

Set in the future, a space shuttle goes off-course because of a faulty computer system. Passenger Ted Striker must save everyone by preventing the shuttle from flying into the Sun.


My very first thought after watching Airplane II was that it's a huge disappointment. It simply isn't a satisfactory sequel to the original, which is an absolute classic comedy. The most evident problem with this film is that the plot and jokes are just slight variations of those from the first. Actually, some jokes are exactly the same. In the instances of some originality, the director, Ken Finkleman, seems like he's doing his best to imitate the Zucker style and fails to do so successfully.


Nonetheless, Airplane II does have its moments. There a couple of clever lines and, at the very least, it's fairly entertaining. It's also great to see that most of the original cast are in this sequel, especially because their performances are the strongest aspect of it. I liked the addition of Rip Torn because, in my opinion, he's awesome. It's unfortunate that Leslie Nielsen isn't in Airplane II, though, as he probably could have saved the movie.


In short, this film isn't any near as good as it should be. It's like a second-rate version of the first Airplane movie, but, then again, it's not the worst way to kill an hour and a bit.



Leonard Shelby (Guy Pearce) suffers from a strange form of short-term memory loss. Via the use of pictures and notes, he tries to find the man who killed his wife.


The element of paranoia and uncertainty comes across very well in Memento, which is assisted by the great narrative structure. The writing and direction are very good, too, as are the performances by Guy Pearce, Carrie-Anne Moss, and Joe Pantoliano.


I don't think I need to say much about Memento other than; it is excellent.

Edited by Van_Dammer
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