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Guest DJM

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Ichi The KillerA friend of mine downloaded this and gave me a copy. However, it was fucking dubbed! Approximately 90% of the cast had British accents and even an idiolect that comprised of words like 'wanker.' Regardless, the film itself was awesome.

sorry van dammer but ichi the killer was too much for me first fifften twenty mins put me off akira was a bit brutal but ichi the killer took it too far for me.
Actually, with all that I'd read about Ichi The Killer, I was slightly disappointed. Don't get me wrong, it was undeniably violent and twisted, but just not as extreme as I had anticipated...
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doom - im a huge fan of the games so i had to pick this up at blockbusters earlier. I was pretty impressed with this! it remained true to the game and had some great action. in particular the scene which was shot just as if you were playing doom 3 was the fucking tits.


also rented 3 others for the week on a 3 for

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I'm a huge fan of Matt Stone and Trey Parker (the creators of South Park) and, I may be in the minority, but I love this film. I watched it again last night just because it's been a while since I'd last seen it. Anyway, as Trey Parker plays a Mormon who is recruited to act in a porn movie, it features a lot of adult humour. The plot develops very well and there's a great range of characters that are used to maximum comedic value. In short, I think this movie is fucking hilarious.


Fight Club

I don't need to say much about this film, other than; it is brilliant. By the way, did anyone catch the 'subliminal' image flashes of Tyler throughout the movie? Apparently, there's between six and nineteen; I spotted the one that appears as Marla walks down the alleyway...


Four of them are shown here.

Edited by Van_Dammer
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doom - im a huge fan of the games so i had to pick this up at blockbusters earlier. I was pretty impressed with this! it remained true to the game and had some great action. in particular the scene which was shot just as if you were playing doom 3 was the fucking tits.

That part ruined an otherwise enjoyable film for me....Sympathy for Mr VengenceMore good stuff in the "vengence" series, seriously twisted and a little hard to follow in places, the story follows a deaf/mute trying to save his sister's life followed by the vengence of the man he 'wrongs' in that attempt. It doesn't ever get upto the pace and visuals that OldBoy gave us, but it's definatley a watchable tale that will make you wince more than once.ZaitochiRented this from ScreenSelect and then realised it was on TV the week after! A remake of a classic Japanese movie about a Blind Swordsman who travels the land finding causes to champion. He comes across a village under the thumb of a villanous gang controlling the gambling, land and taxes the people pay. It then follows Zaitochi as he meets the Villagers and trys to free it from it's troubles.I thought this was okay, but the effects were a bit overdone and took away from the overall experience, also the story just lacked a little with the twists being too obvious. But hey, not that bad a movie.
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I'm a huge fan of Matt Stone and Trey Parker (the creators of South Park) and, I may be in the minority, but I love this film. I watched it again last night just because it's been a while since I'd last seen it. Anyway, as Trey Parker plays a Mormon who is recruited to act in a porn movie, it features a lot of adult humour. The plot develops very well and there's a great range of characters that are used to maximum comedic value. In short, I think this movie is fucking hilarious.


YES!! what a brilliant movie, when i first watched this i couldn't stopped laughing. Everyone started getting pissed of at me though when i started doing the Merry Chritmas bit to them.

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doom - im a huge fan of the games so i had to pick this up at blockbusters earlier. I was pretty impressed with this! it remained true to the game and had some great action. in particular the scene which was shot just as if you were playing doom 3 was the fucking tits.

That part ruined an otherwise enjoyable film for me....
I have to disagree; the first-person scenes in Doom are excellent. There are some other awesome bits in that movie, such as the fight between the Hellknight and one of the marines. Without spoiling it for anyone, the plot is shrewdly executed, too. However, as an avid fan of the Doom games, I was disappointed with the film. Although it's enjoyable, it could have been much better if, perhaps, it was set in hell, loaded with a wider range of monsters/demons and featured more trademark Doom weaponry. Anyway, the critics hated Doom. The Rock was even nominated for the 'worst actor' Razzie this year. Edited by Van_Dammer
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Average. Totally average. I thought the first person sequence was good fun and a decent nod to the games, though I can see why some thought it was gimmicky. The whole film was ridiculously dark. Not in an atmospheric and moody way either, more in a squint until your eyes bleed way. The Rock was acceptable in his role, his character was cold, hardened and menacing, I think he achieved that to a large extent. His whole hulking up thing was quite hammy, but then so was the entire "extra pair of chromosomes makes certain people into demonic monsters" premise, so I wouldn't blame him for that. The poor man's Alien, probably even the poor man's Starship Troopers, but not unwatchable or offensively bad.


As far as game to film adaptations go, I have much higher hopes for Silent Hill. The trailer with the woman arriving in the fog cloaked town after swerving to avoid a ghostly apparition in the road could have been taken straight from the games and generally looks very promising. That said, if it turns out to be pants I'll be bitterly disappointed as I've played through all four games and really want to see this done right.


Batman and Robin


I don't know what possessed me to watch this again, I guess I wanted to see just how bad it was. As everyone knows, it is really really fucking terrible. Uma Thurman is hot with red hair and Arnie is hilarious. That is the extent of what is good in this movie. I was actually quite shocked at how even Batman Forever comfortably smokes this pile of turd. So yeah, buy it.


Hide and seek (2000)


Sky movies at 3am, a/k/a Insomniac Primetime~! Daryl Hannah is a pregnant woman who is kidnapped by a deranged couple who are unable to have children. They plan to hold her captive until she has the child, take it as their own and bump her off. Jennifer Tilly as the psychotic lady half of the couple is tonnes of fun to watch and you really want her to die by the end, but other than that the film on the whole is fairly mediocre, there's occasionally a bit of tension, Daryl Hannah has very few lines but acts fairly well through expressions and other gestures but there's way too much unintentional comedy and the whole thing seems a bit made for TV even though it actually wasn't. 2.5 stars.


Mean Creek


Very sad and quite moving film. It has already been discussed in the thread a few times so I won't say too much. The acting is pretty good, especially from the unfortunate lardy kid. The younger children do a decent job as well, there are very few decent child actors who don't make me want them to die so I was quite impressed with that. The first film in this post I'd recommend to anyone.


The Aristocrats


Not as outrageously funny as I thought. I found that a lot of the comedians didn't seem to have enough faith in their ability to tell the joke and instead kept constantly explaining it as they went, which of course kills all potential humour. That said, Sarah Silverman was very funny as were a number of other versions and it was quite interesting to get an inside look at the very clearly enclosed brotherhood of sorts that they all seem to be a part of. As for being offensive, if you've ever been a student or had a pointless banter exchange with anyone (particularly men) aged 16-25 or even worse been in UKFF chat there will be nothing you haven't heard before. I wouldn't watch it with your parents mind. :crazy:

Edited by JLM
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doom - im a huge fan of the games so i had to pick this up at blockbusters earlier. I was pretty impressed with this! it remained true to the game and had some great action. in particular the scene which was shot just as if you were playing doom 3 was the fucking tits.

That part ruined an otherwise enjoyable film for me....
I have to disagree; the first-person scenes in Doom are excellent. There are some other awesome bits in that movie, such as the fight between the Hellknight and one of the marines. Without spoiling it for anyone, the plot is shrewdly executed, too. However, as an avid fan of the Doom games, I was disappointed with the film. Although it's enjoyable, it could have been much better if, perhaps, it was set in hell, loaded with a wider range of monsters/demons and featured more trademark Doom weaponry. Anyway, the critics hated Doom. The Rock was even nominated for the 'worst actor' Razzie this year.
don't get me wrong here! I enjoyed the rest of the film to the point that I could forget the first person scene, I just thought it was too contrived and too 'fake' to appeal to me, especially when he looked at the metal wall and saw a reflection of himself, there was just so much wrong with it, doing a 'live version' of the game instead of making it obviously CG would've been a much better option.Definatley wider range of monsters and weapons would've been good :) Was fun seeing the BFG though.
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Training Day

I caught the last 10 minutes of this ages ago and have been meaning to see the whole thing ever since. Finally got round to it on Friday, and it's a pretty amazing film. Certainly better than Raging Bull which I watched the next day.

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