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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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Finally got round to watching the BSG mini-series/pilot after my GF bought it from Play.


I wasn't sure why it had such a fanbase. Now I am. I can see a lot of Ron Moore's favourie parts of DS9 in there. Much like that show there's no one lead character and they aren't perfect heroes. I'm really looking forward to seeing the rest of the show now, so job done


We watched Borat afterwards. Probably not a good move as we were burned out from BSG. Funny in places, didn't motivate me enough to want to see Bruno though.

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watched Twilight last night!




starts of slow as hell, then introduces a comedy family that play baseball!


then tries to regain some suspence by making the comedy family fight vampires?!?!




bloody stupid film, seriously!


if the film maintained some logic then sure, it would work, but going by the giant open plots I guess theres at least 2 sequels coming out.


which will be fun if they center more on the family than the bloody crap main `romance` story

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You know it's based on a series of books, right? Basically ensures sequels will be made.


Anyway, went to see Moon on Sunday which is absolutely sublime. I'd love to say I'd recommend it to anyone but it is quite slow moving. I thought it was fabulous though and Sam Rockwell is brilliant. Hopefully if this Bowie kid continues to release movies like this, he'll be bringing more to the table than his parental connection.


Also went to see the new Harry Potter last night. I've not read the book so I can't comment on how faithful it was but I didn't mind it, really. It's very long (over two and a half hours) so I can't see it being a great film to take kids to - there was quite a young boy behind us who was getting very fidgety. I thought it told a good story, though, albeit dragged out far longer than it needed to be. The colour correction kinda forces darkness of the film onto the viewer though but it looked very nice, the effects were great throughout. A few things that did seem a bit out of place to me though - apparently a love potion makes you act like you're on ecstasy and a luck potion like you're on coke. There's a scene that appears to imply that Ginny Weasley wanted to make Harry think she'd suck him off. Sure kid's might not get it but the four of us that went all had a bit of a chuckle.

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JFK - I thought I knew most of the backstory regarding the assassination conspiracy. I was wrong. A real eye opener and if the facts are true, I can't see how the truth hasn't surfaced by now. The final gun shot to the face was very graphic and how anyone can say that there wasn't another shooter besides LHO based on that very detailed peice of evidence is beyond me. A very good (albeit long) film, and great performance by Kevin Costner. I give it 4 pancakes out of 5.


The Hangover - Yes there were some funny moments, but not worthy of the 8.3 rating on IMDB. The guy who plays Alan is just ripping off Tom Green imo.


Killshot - Not a bad little film. Some of the acting was questionable (Thomas Jane I'm looking at you), but Mickey Rourke was his usual badass self. One to watch with the lads and a few beers.

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Watched Gremlins this afternoon as the torrential rain lost the Sky signal.

I wish they would stop putting on Gremlins in the afternoon. It ain't no kids film.


When you take stuff out of it, it kind of loses its way.

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JFK - I thought I knew most of the backstory regarding the assassination conspiracy. I was wrong. A real eye opener and if the facts are true, I can't see how the truth hasn't surfaced by now. The final gun shot to the face was very graphic and how anyone can say that there wasn't another shooter besides LHO based on that very detailed peice of evidence is beyond me. A very good (albeit long) film, and great performance by Kevin Costner. I give it 4 pancakes out of 5.

It's not a factually accurate movie. It's based on the notoriously inaccurate report that begat the magic bullet theory. Hopefully the JFK thread on here survived the database cull, as there's some good stuff in there regarding the matter.


Watched Gremlins this afternoon as the torrential rain lost the Sky signal.

I wish they would stop putting on Gremlins in the afternoon. It ain't no kids film.

I was watching it on DVD, hence my annoyance about the picture quality.

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Watched Gremlins this afternoon as the torrential rain lost the Sky signal.


Even ignoring the horrid, unsharp, dirty print it was converted from, it's not aged that well. While there's some ambitious animatronic/puppet work in some scenes, in others it's shit and there's some sub-par stop motion.

The script is terrible, and the overly coloured (God bless the 80's) lighting makes it look like some scenes take place in a nightclub rather than the family home.

With the white hair and the snarling lip, Stripe comes across a lot like Billy Idol.


It's also quite bizarre in it's tone. It's as if they were trying to make a straight horror film, but halfway through realised it wasn't working and so chucked a load of comedy into it.

From a story point of view, it defies logic. Billy Peltzer is the "hero" of the film, but the writers make him a pussy. The hardest person in the film at fighting the Gremlins is Billy's mom. When the Gremlins first hatch, she puts aside her initial shock (and nausea from being subjected to Johnny Mathis) and takes on three straight away. After killing those by means of blender, knife and microwave, SHE GOES HUNTING FOR THE OTHER TWO! That's right, Billy's mom is fucking hard as nails. Even when blindsided by the one hiding in the tree, she still holds her own until Billy can claim his singular direct kill in the film, beheading the little fucker with a sword WHILST HIS MOM HOLDS THE FUCKING GREMLIN FOR HIM.


Kate is also far harder than Billy. Billy has a fucking sword and can only kill one Gremlin with his mom's help, but Kate takes on a whole bar full of drunken, rowdy Gremlins using only a Polaroid camera equipped with five, single-use flashcubes (ask your parents, young 'uns). She's also the one that holds the door shut when escaping the cinema so Billy can look for something to prop it shut with. Oh yeah, big man Billy. Cunt.

When running from the bar, a Gremlin pops it's head up from within the engine of a car. Billy runs away, but Kate stays to face it and slams the bonnet shut on it's head.


Who kills Stripe at the end? Fucking Gizmo. Billy, you're fucking shit.


I still do enjoy this film, as it's one of THOSE films from my childhood and was considered a pretty big deal at the time, but it's looking like a bit of a damp squid these days. On the plus side, I still feel my pre-pubescent crush on Phoebe Cates was completely justified.

I love Gremlins, but I do agree with Billy being a bit of a bitch. I'd always thought that Billy knocked the entire gremlin into the fire, and that the effects team done a shoddy job of showing the whole of it burning.


You may very well love this.

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Anyway, went to see Moon on Sunday which is absolutely sublime. I'd love to say I'd recommend it to anyone but it is quite slow moving. I thought it was fabulous though and Sam Rockwell is brilliant. Hopefully if this Bowie kid continues to release movies like this, he'll be bringing more to the table than his parental connection.


All of THIS, right here. Zowie done good. I think opinions will definitely vary on it, they certainly have with the people I saw it with/recommended it to, but I loved it. Sam Rockwell absolutely nails it. I could just be overrating him based on how awesome he is in other films, but I thought Kevin Spacey was ace too.

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I saw an advert in the 'newspaper'* today for a new film called The Proposal.


By-the-numbers romcom starring Ryan Reynolds & Sandra Bullock. My first thought when I saw the advert was "perfect date movie for Mr Seven and JLM"






* The Metro

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I saw an advert in the 'newspaper'* today for a new film called The Proposal.


By-the-numbers romcom starring Ryan Reynolds & Sandra Bullock. My first thought when I saw the advert was "perfect date movie for Mr Seven and JLM"

That film does look bullocks.

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I saw an advert in the 'newspaper'* today for a new film called The Proposal.


There was an advert for it last night. My wife thinks it looks 'quite good'. I may have to kill her.


I'm sure I read somewhere that you see Sandra's Top Bullocks in it.

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