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Guest DJM

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Have you seen a lot of Korean films? Aside from the Vengeance Trilogy I've only seen JSA, Shiri, Brotherhood and A Tale Of Two Sisters. I want to see a lot more, though. I've been meaning to check out Memories Of Murder for a while now.


Check out Arahan - quirky martial arts movie. It's a nice combination of fun, comedy and action.

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Anyone who picks anything other than Under Siege is a fool.


On topic: Go and see Star Trek, when the masses are allowed in. I saw a preview screening in Australia a couple of weeks ago and it rules. I had to sign a thingy saying I wouldn't tell people what happens in it, but I can say it finally makes Star Trek cool and even if you're not a Trek fan, as I'm not really, it's a great, fun movie..

You know, I really hate you. You went to Australia to see behind the scenes of Superman Returns and now your telling us you've been back out in Australia and have seen the new Star Trek movie.


Your a bastard! :)

Erm, yes... that'd be me. :D


My colleague Andy and I were sent to do the official online edits ("domestic" (plenty of interviewee soundbites) and "international" (as little talking as possible for "no habla ingles" countries)) of the world premiere at the Syndey Opera House by Paramount as they liked the work we did on the UK prem of Watchmen. Andy was also the interviewer for the "official generics" at the junket. When a media outlet isn't invited/can't make it to the interview junket, they can ask for the generics tapes to cut a piece for their TV show/website. Andy was given so long (an unheard-of-in-the-UK 15 minutes (most UK junkets, you're lucky if you get 5 minutes)) with the talent (who are all really nice) that he was able to do the generics and then effectively interview them again for our own exclusive piece.


Anyway, we didn't ask why they wanted to send two Brits to the other side of the planet, but went with it and had an awesome week.


The "domestic" edit of the world prem is here, our "domestic" coverage of the UK premiere is here and when I find out where the "international" versions got placed, I'll pop a link in here.


Also, if you become a fan of Moviebeat on Facebook, you'll be able to see photos from the prem and the trip, a couple of Facebook-exclusive "extra minutes" from the UK and Australia premieres and a video of our trip to the Sydney Aquarium. :D


Gratuitous plug over.

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Anyone who picks anything other than Under Siege is a fool.


On topic: Go and see Star Trek, when the masses are allowed in. I saw a preview screening in Australia a couple of weeks ago and it rules. I had to sign a thingy saying I wouldn't tell people what happens in it, but I can say it finally makes Star Trek cool and even if you're not a Trek fan, as I'm not really, it's a great, fun movie..

You know, I really hate you. You went to Australia to see behind the scenes of Superman Returns and now your telling us you've been back out in Australia and have seen the new Star Trek movie.


Your a bastard! :)

Erm, yes... that'd be me. :D


My colleague Andy and I were sent to do the official online edits ("domestic" (plenty of interviewee soundbites) and "international" (as little talking as possible for "no habla ingles" countries)) of the world premiere at the Syndey Opera House by Paramount as they liked the work we did on the UK prem of Watchmen. Andy was also the interviewer for the "official generics" at the junket. When a media outlet isn't invited/can't make it to the interview junket, they can ask for the generics tapes to cut a piece for their TV show/website. Andy was given so long (an unheard-of-in-the-UK 15 minutes (most UK junkets, you're lucky if you get 5 minutes)) with the talent (who are all really nice) that he was able to do the generics and then effectively interview them again for our own exclusive piece.


Anyway, we didn't ask why they wanted to send two Brits to the other side of the planet, but went with it and had an awesome week.


The "domestic" edit of the world prem is here, our "domestic" coverage of the UK premiere is here and when I find out where the "international" versions got placed, I'll pop a link in here.


Also, if you become a fan of Moviebeat on Facebook, you'll be able to see photos from the prem and the trip, a couple of Facebook-exclusive "extra minutes" from the UK and Australia premieres and a video of our trip to the Sydney Aquarium. :D


Gratuitous plug over.


Haha! That's top ligging mate, hats off.

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Having noticed it in Mr. Sevens' sig, this morning i decided to watch Fight Club.

I was expecting a testosterone-fuelled, gratuitously voilent, "Lads" movie.


I was wrong.

I really enjoyed it, & "the twist", oh my god!

THAT i didn't see coming!


I know that film is one of the all time greatest films ever in my view. I still love watching it. And it still has the violence so all the better. I think it was this thread a few hundred pages back I mentioned a british film called Dead mans shoes. Also like fight club a bloody quality kick ass film with a twist that was so unbelievable I'm still in denial about it now. I must watch old boy, borrowed it from a friend but havent watched it yet

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I'm thinking of watching Franklyn tonight.


Anybody seen it think it's worth me wasting my time or?


I know it didnt get great reviews but i kinda enjoyed it. I obviuosly dont want to say too much and spoil it. But i think its worth a watch.

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I'm thinking of watching Franklyn tonight.


Anybody seen it think it's worth me wasting my time or?


I know it didnt get great reviews but i kinda enjoyed it. I obviuosly dont want to say too much and spoil it. But i think its worth a watch.

And from the opposite corner...


It's a pretentious student short film that somehow has been dragged out to feature length. It's a great idea, frustratingly and ponderously executed and if you don't want to repeatedly smash Eva Green's face into the wall by about the half-hour mark, then mister, you're a better man than I.

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I'm thinking of watching Franklyn tonight.


Anybody seen it think it's worth me wasting my time or?


I know it didnt get great reviews but i kinda enjoyed it. I obviuosly dont want to say too much and spoil it. But i think its worth a watch.

And from the opposite corner...


It's a pretentious student short film that somehow has been dragged out to feature length. It's a great idea, frustratingly and ponderously executed and if you don't want to repeatedly smash Eva Green's face into the wall by about the half-hour mark, then mister, you're a better man than I.


I did think after watching it that it was a great idea, that could of been executed better. But as i said i still enjoyed it.

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Not as good as Kidulthood, but still a decent watch. Well-acted for the most part, suitably bleak and grimy but with a mildly optimistic ending. Vicki Fowler from Eastenders is alarmingly sexy in it. Noel clarke is a fairly talented young man it seems. If you liked the first one it's cool to see what happened to most of the characters and follow them to where they end up, but it's not essential viewing.


Get Smart


Silly comedy. Funny in parts, Steve Carell's delivery can often make the best of the material he's given. Plus it has Masi Oka from Heroes, the big Wayans brother, that guy from Anchorman and some other people. The Rock plays his part well, and The Great Khali is pretty entertaining in it too. Really painted a picture there didn't I? Point is, the material is mediocre but it has a fun cast and they get some laughs out of it and it's fairly entertaining. Anne Hathaway... well I need to stop going there. Good god she's beautiful. Wouldn't necessarily recommend parting with your money to see it, but there was nothing to hate about it either.


The Foot Fist Way


I really enjoyed this. It's like The Office if David Brent were a washed up Tae Kwon Do instructor. I know that's really lazy and The Office didn't invent delusions of grandeur or cringeworthy embarrassment humour, but it really did remind me of The Office on several occasions and it's the best comparison I have. The scenes where he interacts with the hot girl he signs up to the school and whenever he talks about what Tae Kwon Do is to him are particularly Office-esque. I liked that the guy's character is actually really good at Tae Kwon Do too though. I like the little touches too, like the fact that he drives a really old Ferrarri, his idol is a B movie star and wears his TKD outfit far more often than is necessary. Despite all his flaws I really did find myself getting behind him and cheering his minor victories, so that was good too. I gather that the reviews have been mixed, but I found myself chuckling heartily and wanting him to succeed. Thumbs up.


It's weird that the lead actor in it also played Red in Pineapple Express, who was easily the least funny thing about that film.



How to lose a guy in 10 days


Wow, what a horrible premise.


OK, you know how in many rom-coms they have some kind of bet or deal or underhanded reason for Person A to go out with Person B, but then Person A quickly catches genuine feelings for Person B. Then Person B finds out and is maaaad, then Person A is all "Our first date might have been fake but MY FEELINGS ARE REAL!". Then Person A does some kind of embarrassing display on a stage or a podium or something. Or maybe follows them to the airport before they leave go to their art school in Paris. Or, y'know, California or something. Then all is well.


Well, in this movie, BOTH characters enter into the relationship under false pretenses! Just let that sink in for a moment and try not to vomit out your own brain through your nose at the cleverness of that. So when the time comes for the revelations, both characters have ammunition and they both need to look for redemption. Oh, and one of them leaves and has to be chased down before they leave town forever. Naturally.


The problem is thus:


Kate Hudson's underhanded reason for entering into the relationship is SO MUCH WORSE than Matthew Makkonahay's. Yeah that's right, Makkonahay. Balls to you and your stupid Irish surname that I can't spell sometimes. Matty Makkonahay. He's a high flying advertising/marketing guy trying to land a big contract to advertise diamonds. His boss is about to give the pitch to two unfeasibly bitchy women who could never exist in real life, but double-M tried to hijack the pitch on the grounds that he can sell anything to a woman. In fact, he can make any woman fall in love with him in about a week to ten days. His boss says that if he can bring an arbitrarily assigned woman to ther launch party for the diamond products in a week's time and it's evident that she is in lurve with him, he will get to make the pitch. Because this is how business decisions are made. That's why he's the boss.


So he gets assigned Kate Hudson, and he sets about wooing her. Doing this just to prove that you're some kind of love machine and using the lady as part of a bet is quite an act of douchebaggery, this I will grant you.


HOWEVER! Get a load of Hudson's:


Kate works for a women's magazine but wants to write about REAL ISSUES! Hilariously, an example of this is given to us when she reads an excerpt from her article on bringing stability to Tajikistan. "Hey, how do we make our female lead out to be too smart to work for a women's magazine? I know! She can write about a country our audience has never heard of! That is something that an intelligent person does!". Given the nature of this movie, they could probably have used "Why crime in Spain is not good" and got away with it.


Anyway, yeah, she wants to write about serious issues. She then lists them: "science, history, other trivial pursuit categories, smart people stuff and junk". Her editor says if she can write a killer article then she will be given this freedom. Now, at this point in the film we also meet Kate's friend, who is a crazy lady who keeps falling insanely in love with men in the space of a week and then scaring them off with her craziness. Kate (with some shoving from her boss) therefore ends up writing an article on the mistakes women make in the early stages of a relationship that scare men away. To take this one step further, she decides to write a column entitled "How to lose a guy in 10 days". Eagle-eyed readers will see that this neatly ties in with the title of the movie. So her plan is to find a guy, start dating him, then do lots and lots of crazy shit to make his life hell in an effort to drive him away in the space of ten days. After putting him through this period of hell (which continues long after it becomes apparent that he's falling for her quite hard), her intention is to then publish the column in her magazine. Her column has a picture of her at the top and she doesn't give a fake name or make any secret of what she does and where she works, so there's every chance that the poor bastard will then read about it in a nationally published magazine.


To summarise: Makkonahay is a bit of a dick, Hudson is satan.


What's worse than that is that, once this is in motion, you have to ask yourself: Why in the hell do I care about these people and why in the hell would I want this relationship to succeed and for either of them to find happiness? They are both doing a horrible thing and living a total sham for their own ends, so what incentive is there for me to root for them at all? Neither is particularly likeable, they both realise the error of their ways far too late for me to forgive it and the whole concept just seems massively flawed from the outset. Not a gratuitous cleavage shot to be seen for the duration either. God damn it.


Oh yeah, podium confessions and embarrassing stuff and the obligatory chase scene are all present and correct. She's only going to another part of the country though. And they both have email access, telephones and enough money to arrange internal flights and such. I always feel sorry for whoever arranges the trips or tries to sell houses to these people. On the day of the move she gets chased down by some dickhead on her way to the airport and boom, deal is off. What if they had already had a bid accepted for their next home? It's pretty likely. Also the people who offered her the job are back to square one at the last second. It's inconsiderate and short-sighted is what it is. I hope the magazine doesn't re-hire her. Can't have employees leaving and then deciding to come back on a whim and being put right back into the same high profile job. Bad for morale. This is a really dull paragraph isn't it? Time to wrap it up I feel.


Positives? Erm, Reese Witherspoon is pleasingly absent, as is Jennifer Coolidge. Kate Hudson is somewhat attractive. That's all I've got.


Zero stars out of a possible ten. Or, if you prefer "How to lose ten stars in 90 minutes." Eh? Eh? Like in the title of the movie? Right? Who's with me?


The end.

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I saw Observe and Report over the weekend. Its pretty disappointing to be honest, I'm a Rogen fan and it just isnt that funny. Also, Anna Farris has got to be the most irritatiing actress ever.


In it's defence it really is nothing like Paul Blart: Mall Cop


I actually preferred Paul Blart: Mall Cop, though I wouldn't bother watching either film a second time.


The Mall Cop film was meant to be a family comedy and does contain a few laughs for all the family. Also the hero of the film is a likeable guy who gives the viewer a reason to root for him.

Observe & Report was promoted as another adult comedy with plenty of swearing and comedic violence but it just wasn't funny at all imo.


Less than 2 weeks after seeing PB:MC, I went to the cinema last night to watch O&R.

Rogen's character is a weirdo, there is nothing about him to explain what the attraction from his love interest is so I didn't care about their situation, and the big climax of the film where the hero supposedly proved what a great guy he is reminded me of Clerks 2.

By that I mean the character didn't even do what he spent the whole film building up. In Clerks 2 Dante had to make a decision what he wanted to do with his life, but in the end his friends make the decision for him. In this film, Ronnie spends the whole film vowing to prove he is clever and able enough to solve the crime - but he only managed that when the criminal walked right up to him.


Also Ray Liotta walks funny, I noticed Mr Seven critisized Danny McBride earlier but I thought his cameo was pretty good, I didn't get the point of the scene where he beat up a dozen policeman before finally being taken down and received a good kicking, and the best line of the movie was when his mum told the story of how she knew she would fuck his dad on their first date.


After enjoying Rogen's performances very much in 40 Year Old Virgin, Superbad, Knocked Up, and Zack & Miri ... but after seeing this I am hesitant on whether to bother watching Pineapple Express.

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Was really enjoying this thought it was a good film till the last 10minutes or so with the fucking stupid ending, reminded is of a film called ''hide and seek'' where the ending just fucked up the whole film and made it make no sense


good film up until then tho

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