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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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I watched Martyrs, a French Horror, last night. It is an odd film. It starts off as a sort of ghost story, then there's a strange transitional bit before it becomes a full-blown gorno/torture porn flick and somehow tries to be philosophical as well. It feels like two-and-a-bit films patched together, which doesn't really work. It is very gory and violent in places, though, which is about all that stands out. Apparently, French Horror is in a bit of an 'extreme' phase at the moment, from which I've seen this film and Inside. Inside, despite some flaws, is immeasurably better.


Also, I saw Tropic Thunder a few days ago. I'd say it's worth watching and has its moments, and Robert Downey Jr. owns that film.

Edited by Vice
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This week I've seen Taken, which was pretty good. Very much Bourne-esque, though the acting - Liam Neeson aside, was quite ropey. Duplicity, whch was a good story, though I feel I've seen this plot before. Tom Wilkinson and Paul Giamatti were as good as ever, though the whole film was let down by the dour leads. Clive Owen are far better suited to dark, brooding, dramatic roles. He's not charasmatic enough to play the suave conman. Plus, please get Julia Roberts and her jug like ears and massive nostrils off my screen please. She cant act for shit either. Decent enough flick however.

Last night I watched, or tried to watch Get Smart. I've come to conclusion that Steve Carrell really should not be in a leading roles. He was good in ensambles (40 year old Virgin, Anchorman, Little Miss Sunshine), but awful in this Evan Almighty. The jokes, if there were any, were very weak. Not even the Rock and Great Khali could save it :) Also watched Ghost Town, which was quite good. Was more of a romanance film than a comedy, and Gervais' character was quite dull. Thank goodness for Greg Kinnear, who is fast becoming one of my favourite actors, his breezy performance saved the film, especially with that annoying hag Tea Leoni in it.

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I watched a film recently called dead mans shoes. it's about a guy returning from the army to get revenge on the guys who bully his disabled brother. Sounds rather vague but it really is the best british film I've seen ever. There are some quite funny bits but overall its more of a dark sort of film and the twist at the end is really unexpected. But I'd watch it again and again. Another film I've started watching but only half way through is a film called brothers. Its basically the mafia vs the yakuza. A yakuza family is on shaky ground when its big boss is killed and they are deciding to disband the family and because one fo the guys doesnt accept it hes basically been ordered to be killed. His friend doesnt want to do it so he goes to America to find his brother and live with him. Then his friend joins him later and they begin making a family in the U.S. So far not too bad but quite slow at the beginning but I'm guessing its going to get better

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Dead Man's Shoes is fantastic. Paddy Considine is awesome in it. I love the bit where he drives up and gets out his car, walks up to paddy and is about to try and grovel an answer out of him and he just quickly cuts him off with a cheerful "yeah I did it". (You'll get what I mean if you've seen it)

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Watched Larry Clarks Bully and Wassup Rockers over the weekend and both were brilliant film and really cement my idea that he is one of the best film makers around today. Of course the controversial and graphic nature within most of his films keep him from getting worldwide recognition, but to those who have never seen any of his films I suggest you give him a try as he truly is spectacularly talented at what he does.

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everyone i know whos seen Dead Man's Shoes has loved it. I went on a bit of a mission to get people to watch it amongst my friends, i did an ok job too.


thing that pisses me off is, whilst everyone liked it. You think it would be a movie that would inspire people to go out and check out more independent cinema. I've asked em all have they checked out A Room For Romeo Brass (Meadows/Considines previous movie). And they all go 'eh?'.


I guess some people just aint that interested, d'oh.


Anyway's, thats a recommmednation. Go and check out A Room For Romeo Brass, it'll solidify for you that Paddy Considine is one of the best actors working in the UK, he's outstanding.

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Just finished watching Ong Bak 2. Has absolutely no link with the first one at all other than Tony Jaa (who's playing a completly different characters in a completely different part of history). I thought the storyline was a bit better than the original and warrior king (but still nothing special) although the ending makes me think theres going to be a third. The usual Kick-ass action ensues. I didn't think the fighting scenes were as good as the first one, at least until the finale anyway! If you like kung fu movies its a must watch.

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Finally managed to watch The Watchmen today. I thought it was pretty good.. but didnt really like the fact that the story seemed to be jumping from one thing to another way too often. They didnt really focus on the 'guy ticking off superheroes' part much.. and when we found out who it was in the end.. it was a 'oh ok.. ' moment.


It was a really good movie in terms of fight scenes, effects etc.. and had some really good moments (and some awesome moments.. the masked guy in jail for instance).. but I think it fell short of being awesome because of its overall story.


This is coming from a guy who hasnt read any of the comics.. so I might be missing the point!


Still.. its definately worth watching at least once.


I watched Rambo yesterday. It was what it was.. a gory film with Stallone kicking ass. Had some quality moments in it that made you think 'now that was cool!'. As far as Rambo films go.. it did the job!


And finally.. I also saw Thankyou For Smoking. I loved it!.. the story of the film is pretty awesome. Aaron Eckhart was great (just like he was in Dark Knight). The film actually made me think that Smoking isnt that bad.. because some of the arguements that were being made were pretty logical.. (but once the film was over.. I came to my senses realising smoking is actually bad for you). It was a really good mix of comedy and emotion. (and it had the news guy from Spiderman in it!!)


Quality film.. definately worth watching.

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With the comic, there was a fair bit of jumping around but comics get away with stuff because of the medium it is.


Watched Fantastic Four for the first time. I actually thought it was pretty good, apart from the dodgy occasions with graphics and an odd story. Not a big fan of the Fantastic Four but i enjoyed the film for some film.

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And finally.. I also saw Thankyou For Smoking. I loved it!.. the story of the film is pretty awesome. Aaron Eckhart was great (just like he was in Dark Knight). The film actually made me think that Smoking isnt that bad.. because some of the arguements that were being made were pretty logical.. (but once the film was over.. I came to my senses realising smoking is actually bad for you). It was a really good mix of comedy and emotion. (and it had the news guy from Spiderman in it!!)


Quality film.. definately worth watching.


It's Schillinger, asshole!





SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

(I'm not calling you an asshole, it's a quote from his character in Oz...)


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I watched Rambo yesterday. It was what it was.. a gory film with Stallone kicking ass. Had some quality moments in it that made you think 'now that was cool!'. As far as Rambo films go.. it did the job!

On all week on Sky Premiere!

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Watched Fantastic Four for the first time. I actually thought it was pretty good, apart from the dodgy occasions with graphics and an odd story. Not a big fan of the Fantastic Four but i enjoyed the film for some film.

I only ended up seeing Rise of the Silver Surfer because I was in town waiting for someone and had a couple of hours to kill and there wasn't much else on. I actually quite enjoyed it and, as the last superhero film I'd seen was Spider-Man 3, it was a refreshing surprise. I later caught Fantastic Four on TV and thought it was alright for what it was.


It seemed to me that the Fantastic Four movies had been made specifically with a younger audience in mind and taking that into consideration, I think they're very good family films.


I saw Changeling the other night and thought it was pretty good. Everyone made a point of saying how it was Jolie's attempt at an Oscar worthy performance and, yes, she did get the nomination but I didn't actually think she was all that good. There were definitely a few better performances in the film - I particularly thought the guy who played the murderer was very good indeed. I think the pleasant surprise for me was that, all the way through the film I thought the score was great and when I looked it up afterwards I found out that Clint had written the score as well as directing and producing it. Wonderful stuff sir.


It's clear that Gran Torino then must have been his project just for fun. He gets to play a badass and gives a chance to some actors who perhaps aren't that great. I did think the ending was a little bit predictable but didn't spoil what was otherwise a very enjoyable film.


What else...


Franklyn - Looks pretty but isn't that good. Shame as I think Sam Riley's great. Eva Green's gorgeous as ever though.

The International - Started off nice and slow and deliberate, good pacing. Suddenly there's an astonishing shoot out and then... Nothing. Not a bad film but could have done with more development and a better climax.

Shoot 'Em Up - Can't believe it took me this long to get around to watching this. Just an absolutely fantastic, over the top, tongue in cheek action flick.

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I brought the Bruce Campbell collection yesterday so seeing as woke up a little earlier than usual this afternoon I thought I'd watch My Name Is Bruce. I didn't know what to expect from this as the last Campbell film I saw was Army Of Darkness and the only Campbell films I've seen are from the Evil Dead Trilogy (box set fucking where?!?) but luckily this was an entertaining flick with some great one liners, the overall plot was rubbish but seeing as it was a parody anyway it's alright. Next on the agenda was Bubba Ho-Tep which despite having an absolutely outrageous plot and cast of characters came across as a genuinely thought-provoking film, if the agenda here was to raise awareness about the unforgivable way we as a society treat our elderly then it's a very effective one, it's a shame this film couldn't have had a happier ending but perhaps sad endings force the audience to consider the message more deeply.

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