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Guest DJM

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I understand what you're saying, however I wasn't a huge comic book reader and although I did see some Hulk comics I didn't remember him jumping 500 miles in a single bound, I remembered him more for short quick paced hops rather than big jumps. And nothing apparent about it, I hated the big jumps!

I've never really been a comic reader but one of my best mates in school was so I borrowed and was given loads by him in some attempt to convert me, I think. I never did read all of them and gave all the ones I had left to a mate a few years ago.




Leaping/Jumping Ability

The Hulks's leg muscles are augmented so much that the Hulk can travel miles in a single casual jump. Jumping is the standard mode of transportation for the less intelligent incarnations of the Hulk. The Hulk has been known to make it into the earth's atmosphere on a single leap. Given the strength of the leap and the angle of trajectory when landing, the Hulk can create large craters and limited seismic activity when landing.



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I understand what you're saying, however I wasn't a huge comic book reader and although I did see some Hulk comics I didn't remember him jumping 500 miles in a single bound, I remembered him more for short quick paced hops rather than big jumps. And nothing apparent about it, I hated the big jumps!

I've never really been a comic reader but one of my best mates in school was so I borrowed and was given loads by him in some attempt to convert me, I think. I never did read all of them and gave all the ones I had left to a mate a few years ago.




Leaping/Jumping Ability

The Hulks's leg muscles are augmented so much that the Hulk can travel miles in a single casual jump. Jumping is the standard mode of transportation for the less intelligent incarnations of the Hulk. The Hulk has been known to make it into the earth's atmosphere on a single leap. Given the strength of the leap and the angle of trajectory when landing, the Hulk can create large craters and limited seismic activity when landing.




Fair enough.


It just didn't look right to me, you can add that to a 'general' dislike about the hulk rather than just picking on the film then... He doesn't do that at all in the 2nd film.

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Glengarry Glen Ross might be my favourite film. It's an acting masterclass and endlessly quotable, Give it another go LaGoosh.


Last night whilst channel hopping in a bid to fall asleep, I caught grisly 2001 rom-com Head Over Heels "starring" lunk-headed charisma vacuum Freddie Prinze Jr. and the mousy Monica Potter. She's a kooky arty type who lives with four wacky supermodels in a high-rise apartment that overlooks Freddie Prinze Jr's chest (honestly he goes shirtless in this thing in practically every second or third scene). Anyways, after falling... HEAD OVER HEELS for him, she thinks she witnesses him killing someone in his apartment, so she enlists the help of the models to find out the truth... while dating him! As you can imagine, all manner of hijinks ensue, complete with some of the worst bathroom humour and gay inneundo ever written into a script. Meanwhile, the acting from Prinze and Potter is so awful that words cannot do it justice, it has to be seen to be believed.


Infact, I am requesting, nay demanding that JLM review this.

Just saw this in CEX for

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I saw a bit of 40 days and 40 nights last night which was only notable for the fact that Josh Hartnett looked like Lloyd Chistmas in it, and featured a blonde Maggie Gyllenhaal looking quite hot, and the older Pete out of Pete and Pete. Film was shite.

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I bet you'll then start using any vaguely related thread on here to segue into reposting your blog musings as if you just thought of them... That reminds me of the time that I had a similar experience with classic videogames. Here is a list of 10 wacky things about retro gaming that I am thinking of right now as I type!

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And so it begins... I popped into CEX at lunchtime and may have been unable to resist buying some godawful thing with the strapline "Bridget Jones meets Sex in the City". I'm sure JLM will love it, however.


I also picked up Mulholland Drive for

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Maybe I should start a blog. I'd offer money saving tips, videogame nerdery, reviews of Reese Witherspoon movies, armchair football punditry and references to The Wire and further references to Japanese pro wrestling that people wouldn't get. Smell those dollars.


Do it.

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and the movie i watched last night was...




Can I just start off by saying I've no idea how the hell JLM manages to force himself to watch rom-com's i really dont he's a bigger and braver man than all of us!


Anyway I digress, basically I watched this due to some lass i know using the ''how do you know its a shit chick flick if you havent watched it'' argument which i somehow fell for and it starring hillary swank who is hot and can actually y'know ACT..


The premise of the movie is basically woman meets man, gets married etc etc and the guy dies and she's alone..


HOWEVER this ''strong independant woman'' or whatever is stunned to recieve letters from her husband telling her to do things,go places and they always end the letters with the words P.S..i love you ...


a hour into this i was wondering why these films get such big buy rates in the cinemas and moreso how women can actually JUSTIFY these type of movies ever being made even if this does mean hillary swank getting less roles even though decent eye candy she deserves far better roles she was IMMENSE in 'million dollar baby'' and there were one or two moments were the films ok but it is basically just one long film of EMPOWERMENT or 1 WOMANS JOURNEY TO SELF REALISATION or something. its like sex in the city type of movie or summat thats how bad it is.


Obviously the guy who loved her in it comes across as a selfish cunt when he walks off after she calls him by her dead husbands name and every convo they have is about the dead bloke...theres lots of flashbacks too.


it has phoebe from friends in it she's shit she cant act and basically comes across as one annoying old bint..(apologies to old bints everywhere but she does!)


I think this films pretty much ended ANY chance of me willingly watching another chick flick/rom-com ever!


JLM you are a man amongst men for your sacrifice sir.


however should any one else feel obliged to watch it it's on sky movies premiere all week

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I watched Mysterious Skin the other day. It's a great movie and I recommend it although it's not an easy movie to watch by any means. It features peadophilia, lots of gay sex and a brutal rape scene. It stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt (one of the most underrated actors out there) and all the cast are brilliant. I can't really be arsed to explain the plot (use wikipedia, arseholes) but I've never really seen anything like it before. Give it a go if you see it on Film Four or something, but just don't watch it with a girl you're trying to pull because she probably won't touch you for weeks afterwards.

Edited by LaGoosh
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and the movie i watched last night was...




Can I just start off by saying I've no idea how the hell JLM manages to force himself to watch rom-com's i really dont he's a bigger and braver man than all of us!


Anyway I digress, basically I watched this due to some lass i know using the ''how do you know its a shit chick flick if you havent watched it'' argument which i somehow fell for and it starring hillary swank who is hot and can actually y'know ACT..


The premise of the movie is basically woman meets man, gets married etc etc and the guy dies and she's alone..


HOWEVER this ''strong independant woman'' or whatever is stunned to recieve letters from her husband telling her to do things,go places and they always end the letters with the words P.S..i love you ...


a hour into this i was wondering why these films get such big buy rates in the cinemas and moreso how women can actually JUSTIFY these type of movies ever being made even if this does mean hillary swank getting less roles even though decent eye candy she deserves far better roles she was IMMENSE in 'million dollar baby'' and there were one or two moments were the films ok but it is basically just one long film of EMPOWERMENT or 1 WOMANS JOURNEY TO SELF REALISATION or something. its like sex in the city type of movie or summat thats how bad it is.


Obviously the guy who loved her in it comes across as a selfish cunt when he walks off after she calls him by her dead husbands name and every convo they have is about the dead bloke...theres lots of flashbacks too.


it has phoebe from friends in it she's shit she cant act and basically comes across as one annoying old bint..(apologies to old bints everywhere but she does!)


I think this films pretty much ended ANY chance of me willingly watching another chick flick/rom-com ever!


JLM you are a man amongst men for your sacrifice sir.


however should any one else feel obliged to watch it it's on sky movies premiere all week


I watched it, I found it quite sad, but in a melodramatic way...it was a bit shit.

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All About My Mother (Pedro Almodovar, 1999) 6/10

Good preformances all around. Very enjoyable and as ever Almodovar manage's to blend tragedy and comedy without turning it into a cheesefest. I'd still say Talk To Her is his best


Through A Glass Darkly (Ingmar Bergman, 1962 ) 6/10

I found myself pretty uninterest through out the middle of the film but Harriet Anderson's performance won me round. Not as good as my favourite Bergman's but still worthwhile


Quand j'

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