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Guest DJM

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Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's ChestAs far as I can tell, nothing of note happened in this movie. At least with the first one, you had a great sense of satisfaction from it. This time ... nothing. Just a bunch of fighting amongst each other and a storyline that goes absolutely nowhere. No doubt that the final movie will put that to rest, but this was just not worth a minute of my time.

I wouldn't count on it mate, the 3rd ones just as bad if not worse.
I should have listened to you. It was worse. Badly worse.
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Watched 'I Am Legend' the other day. I really enjoyed it for the most part. It was quite tense, emotional and scary at points. I didn't like the ending though, and if the "vampires" were done with actors in make-up rather than complete CG it would have been a ton better. Gotta' give props to Will Smith here though as he is really great all the way through.

Exactly what I would have said. I loved Sam too, the chemistry between her and Smith was electric bordering on eroticism. The infected looked like they walked out of a 360 game, they should have used the ones from the Descent as they looked pretty sweet.

I would watch it again, but only for the first hour or so. That woman ruined the film for me, but she would never replace Sam. Bitch.

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I really have to try and see I am Legend, it looks and sounds a fantastic film.Iv been watching on dvd a lot of J drama and Korean drama, last night i saw Bewitched in Tokyo show 8, Hana Kimi show 10, Witch Yuhee show 2 and Saiyukki show 10. 4 hours of great asian drama, cant be beat! Also watched muppets christmas carol with micheal caine and i love it, he does a great job as the miserable old scrooge and acting serious around all the crazy Muppets around him.

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Saw "I Am Legend" at the cinema last night and I agree with most other people's thoughts in this topic.I really enjoyed the first hour when it wasn't clear exactly what Neville was looking for or why NYC was empty, but I didn't think the end was anything great.The cinema had totally sold out (which I've never seen before) and when the credits came up at the end you could hear various people saying things like "Is that it?".I always like watching films featuring New York landmarks. I over-enthusiastically leaned over to my friend loudly saying "That's Tower Records!" when Big Willy unlocked the doors while talking to the mannequins. She was unimpressed :(I hope there really is a Batman vs Superman film in 2013 :thumbsup:

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Watched 'I Am Legend' the other day. I really enjoyed it for the most part. It was quite tense, emotional and scary at points. I didn't like the ending though, and if the "vampires" were done with actors in make-up rather than complete CG it would have been a ton better. Gotta' give props to Will Smith here though as he is really great all the way through.

Exactly what I would have said. I loved Sam too, the chemistry between her and Smith was electric bordering on eroticism. The infected looked like they walked out of a 360 game, they should have used the ones from the Descent as they looked pretty sweet.

I would watch it again, but only for the first hour or so. That woman ruined the film for me, but she would never replace Sam. Bitch.


I agree with that. Best performance by an animal in any movie ever? I think so.

The scene where Neville kills her goddamn nearly broke my heart. If anything though the movie should have made a bigger deal about the "vampires" evolving and they completely changed the films title original meaning of "the legend of the human race" to a lame "the legend of how one man saved the human race". If anything, they should have cut out him meeting the woman and kid, had him find a cure for the disease but he gets killed anyway. I really disliked the quasi-religious bullshit they added in.

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Finished Sunshine and Stardust today. Sunshine was decent until the ending which was stupid and took away from the already extremely unrealistic plot.Stardust was a bit gruesomer than I thought it woul be but thought it was decent.Gonna watch Into the Wild in a bit.EDIT: What a strangely captivating film. The camera work and the superb acting of Emile Hersch actually made me question whether this was film or an actual documentry. Great intriguing story aswell following the real lifes tales of Alex Supertramp/ Chris McCandless.I think I may go and have to change what my best film of 2007 is.

Edited by Tequila_Boy
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I quite like Octopussy. Miles better than Moonraker, A View To A Kill and Die Another Day (then again, what isn't?). Everyone goes on about how silly Bond dressed in the clown costume is, but I honestly think Bond trying to get to the circus and stop the bomb is possibly the most tense sequence in the whole series.

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My christmas film viewing hasn't been as prolific as recent years, thanks to this thing called wrestling and i've only watched two films all christmas i've not seen before.


Since christmas eve, piffy reviews


Nacho Libre

Still fun


Probably my favourite christmas film and still makes me laugh and cry.


Lemony Snicket(first view)

Not as great as i was hoping but very good


Pirates of the Caribbean

Family made me watch this again and yes it's still shit.


Splitting Hairs

A few good laughs


Finding Nemo




Beyond average


The Grinch

Watch every year, it's very sentimental in places but it looks great and there's lots of laughs.


Galaxy Quest

Hugely underated, perfect casting. Excellent


Meet The Fockers(first view)

Not as good as the first but Hoffman's hilarious and enjoyed alot.


Monster's Inc

Not my favourite pixar but still always worth a watch.


Small Soldiers

Yes it's for kids but i love it :blush:


Me, Myself And Irene

I was supossed to watch a DG PPV last night but started watching this again for about the 9th time, huge fan of the Farrelly's and i laughed all the way through as usual.

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I watched Stardust last night, I hadn't heard anything about it other than DeNiro and Gervais were in..


What a great film! One of the best adventure films I've seen in a long time. The acting, especially between the 2 leads, felt really natural. Lots of humour in it as well.


I just had a look on the IMDB and it won an award for 'Overlooked Film of the Year'. I assumed it hadn't been released here yet but it came out in October. I'm surprised it hasn't achieved more acclaim.

Edited by Metallica
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