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Guest DJM

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Went to see Public Enemies last night. Oh dear.


The trailer looked rather excellent, so much so that it was the wife who suggested we go and see it - this is important because it makes it one of 'her films' and means that she has to see whatever I want to next or I'm not sitting through Harry Fucking Potter, the trailer was misleading to say the least.


I avoided all of the reviews and went in full of optimism......................where to start?


Firstly I have to say that I would love to live in the depression era because it looked fucking awesome with not a hint of hardship for anyone. In fact I reckon the start of the film was changed because someone realised that without the bit of text at the beginning that told you that it was the depression era you would never know it from anything that followed.


Both Depp and Bale are usless/wasted. Depp looks like a man who was given little in the way of a fleshed out character to play and therefore compensates by giving something of a 'performance', it's not Pirates bad but it's still shit. Bale is also given little to work with and does what seems to come naturally - put on an accent to show how hard he's working and then proceed to sulk his way through the whole thing.


Then we have the fucking camera. The whole handheld wobbly thing is bad enough, it's totally innappropriate to the subject matter and jarrs whenever it's used, but luckily the fact that it's handheld isn't the worst thing - nothing can prepare you for the horror of the digital hard focus nature of the handheld camera work in this film. I don't know what efffect Mann was going for but making your action scenes look like The Bold and the Beautiful can't have been the aim can it?


In fact I'm giving too much credit there - one of the later action scenes looks like it isn't part of an actual film but rather has been filmed by someone on the set who is filming a 'Making of........' feature. How can the man who made Heat put out this shit and why did no one have the balls to tell him?


Then there's the plot which, if you write it down, only seems to cover enough ground to produce around 30 minuts of screentime and is about as interesting and dynamic as lilo.


Never before have so many people worked so hard and spent so much money to make something so crappy and cheap looking.


i saw it yesterday and really enjoyed it, but a mate of mine just came back and complained about the cameras in the same way you have. I'll be honest i didnt notice it, but i wanna see it again now.


I'm interested to see/read about Mann's decisions when doing these kinda things, the guy clearly knows what hes doing, be interesting to hear. There's uproar online about this stuff.

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You nutter! It's a tedious, pretenious piece of shit with characters and dialogue and story that is so utterly desperate to be clever but is actually so fucking dumb that it makes Mr Bean look like a work of Shakespeare.


The dialogue did my nut in most of the time. "Honest to blog.". Fuck off. The vast majority of it was cringeworthy more than anything else though.

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You nutter! It's a tedious, pretenious piece of shit with characters and dialogue and story that is so utterly desperate to be clever but is actually so fucking dumb that it makes Mr Bean look like a work of Shakespeare.


The dialogue did my nut in most of the time. "Honest to blog.". Fuck off. The vast majority of it was cringeworthy more than anything else though.


thank god i've found someone who hates that movie as much as i do


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You nutter! It's a tedious, pretenious piece of shit with characters and dialogue and story that is so utterly desperate to be clever but is actually so fucking dumb that it makes Mr Bean look like a work of Shakespeare.


The dialogue did my nut in most of the time. "Honest to blog.". Fuck off. The vast majority of it was cringeworthy more than anything else though.


thank god i've found someone who hates that movie as much as i do


I like it. :(

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The Hangover


Once in a while a little film smashes through and is loved by both the critics and movie-goers. The Hangover got that kind of buzz. I was chuffed. There's a lot of shit in the comedy world so its great when something decent gets credit. Plus it features two great talents Ed Helms (from The Office US) and Zach Galifianakis, who is a decent stand up comic who seems to have bummed around the scene for years and years. So I was chuffed for them and the film after I heard the praise.


Unfortunately I can't add to the praise because the Hangover is a pretty average comedy film. I was disappointed. A big problem was that so much of the film is far-fetched and surreal, they jump from one huge situation to the next. Its hard to care, it made the film feel rushed too.


But hey, the bottom line and saving grace with comedy is...was it funny? Not really. Galifianakis plays a slightly slow character so he gets a few good one-liners and makes a few immature jokes with a baby, but thats about it. A lot of jokes and characters died on their arse too. Pulling faces and making funny voices does not always make good comedy.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Japanese mobster, I'm looking at you. (He and his sub-plot is a good example of the film going stupidly whacky too.)


[close spoiler]



I'm probably forgetting some funny parts, its certainly not a bad film. But its average at best. Nice way to kill 90 minutes, but I'd probably not bother watching it again. Pretty Disappointing.




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The Fall may be my new favourite movie. It's fucking incredible, and there's never been a film so visually beautiful. On every level, it's a stunning piece of art, and I haven't stopped thinking about it since I first saw it.


Hmm, I was intrigued by this but then I remembered that this guy directed The Cell, which I barely got through without lapsing into a coma. Still, I might be inclined to trust the judgement of a Klaus Kinski fan :thumbsup:

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The Fall may be my new favourite movie. It's fucking incredible, and there's never been a film so visually beautiful. On every level, it's a stunning piece of art, and I haven't stopped thinking about it since I first saw it.


Hmm, I was intrigued by this but then I remembered that this guy directed The Cell, which I barely got through without lapsing into a coma. Still, I might be inclined to trust the judgement of a Klaus Kinski fan :thumbsup:


The Cell was just him doing a Hollywood movie with a not very interesting premise or script as a hired hand, but putting his incredible visual stamp all over it. The Fall is all him, and it's spectacular.

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The Fall may be my new favourite movie. It's fucking incredible, and there's never been a film so visually beautiful. On every level, it's a stunning piece of art, and I haven't stopped thinking about it since I first saw it.


Hmm, I was intrigued by this but then I remembered that this guy directed The Cell, which I barely got through without lapsing into a coma. Still, I might be inclined to trust the judgement of a Klaus Kinski fan :thumbsup:


The Cell was just him doing a Hollywood movie with a not very interesting premise or script as a hired hand, but putting his incredible visual stamp all over it.


True. And it DID have Jennifer Lopez in it after all. I'll seek this out.

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