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I watched X-Men 2 earlier, here's my review:


Rebecca Romijn's arse is magnificent.


Spooky, that is word-for-word the same as my review for 'Rollerball'. :thumbsup:


How does it compare to the original? The movie, that is.

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What a truly brilliant British film this is, was the 1st time I'd ever seen it and it turned out even better than I expected. There film turned out different than I expected it to after just seeing the trailer but it was top class.

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How does it compare to the original? The movie, that is.

I didn't think either were much cop, to be honest, but the remake's pretty dire.

Edited by elegia
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Just finished watching Predator with the commentary track on.


Some interesting bits in there, but overall quite dull. Probably would have been better if there was more than one person doing the commentary so they could bounce off each other.

At some points I was tuning out the commentary and straining to hear the film soundtrack.


I still think the film is tremendous. It builds up the Alien brilliantly, and has one of - if not the - best monster masks in movie history. The way it moves when he first takes his mask off makes it look alive, and not just a mask with a radio controlled jaw.

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I saw Star Trek the other day. I can't decide whether or not it lives up to the "every odd-numbered Star Trek movie is shit" thesis.


Spoilers below, if you care...










I quite liked the casting. Not 100% sure about Simon Pegg's accent, but I could live with it. Zachary Quinto and Karl Urban could have been born to play their parts. Chekhov and Sulu were very good too. The plot itself was not horrendous and it's not like the script was terrible either. I just don't understand why you would do such a massive reboot. What was the point? Unless they're planning a whole new series of movies based on the original characters, I don't really see the point of such a massive disruption of continuity. Destroying Vulcan? What the fuck? Spock having his emotions seething barely below the surface? No, I don't think so. Spock and Uhura getting it on (pretty much out of nowhere too)? Really? What?


As a stand-alone film, it wasn't half bad. As a Star Trek film, I just couldn't dig it at all.

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I disagree with you a little Kenney.


I thought all those points were fine during the movie. The only thing that annoyed me was the nokia branding at the start...

Edited by DJ Stevie C
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I disagree with you a lot Kenny ;) But I've said why earlier in the thread, so I won't repeat myself. I'll just say the franchise was dead on it's arse, JJ wanted to make a story that introduced the casual audience (and himself) to the ST world an the best way to do that is go back to basics. The story made sue to appease the old fans too.


Plus... ST fans know Kirk dies on Veridian III, we know McCoy lives to a ripe old age and see's off the Enterprise D, Scotty gets stuck in a transporter buffer until the mid-late 24th century, Spock goes onto try to unify Romulus and Vulcan... and of course we know all the adventures the crew will take from the first three seasons and six movies.


Thats one hell of a restriction.

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Hmmmm. Like I said, I didn't actively dislike the film. I just thought that even for a reboot, some of the changes were pretty extreme. I dunno. I think if you're going to do anything with Star Trek these days, it should be something new. Going back to the original characters just opens up cans of worms.


Some day I'm going to be JJ Abrams and I'm going to create two new Star Trek series: Star Trek: Academy (a/k/a DS90210) and Star Trek: Outpost (Deadwood In Space). They're gonna be awesome. ;)

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Hmmmm. Like I said, I didn't actively dislike the film. I just thought that even for a reboot, some of the changes were pretty extreme. I dunno. I think if you're going to do anything with Star Trek these days, it should be something new. Going back to the original characters just opens up cans of worms.


Some day I'm going to be JJ Abrams and I'm going to create two new Star Trek series: Star Trek: Academy (a/k/a DS90210) and Star Trek: Outpost (Deadwood In Space). They're gonna be awesome. ;)


Those two would be awesome, IMO.


But, whilst I appreciate the continuity factor can bug a bit, at the same time, it helps to think of it as an alternate timeline, which Star Trek has more than enough precedent for. And as the article Evolution posted says, it was to enable Abrams to write a Star Trek movie where people no longer could know what happened and actually introduce an element of drama to it.

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Some day I'm going to be JJ Abrams and I'm going to create two new Star Trek series: Star Trek: Academy (a/k/a DS90210) and Star Trek: Outpost (Deadwood In Space). They're gonna be awesome. ;)


I've got dibs on new series ideas. And they shall remain secret... as they already nicked an essay I wrote for school and called it Voyager ;)


Academy was a rumoured series many moons back, oddly enough.

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I watched X-Men 2 earlier, here's my review:


Rebecca Romijn's arse is magnificent.


Spooky, that is word-for-word the same as my review for 'Rollerball'. :thumbsup:


2 good things about rollerball


1)Rebecca Romijn

2) Paul Heyman's role- which i thought he did a pretty decent job of!


Rest of the Film.... Pile of drizzling Shits!

Edited by Kueller
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