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Guest DJM

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Thought i would give this a try after searching the net and finding nothing, and not wanting to make a new thread.


Does anyone here have the Alien Quadrilogy? im trying to access the commentary track for Aliens, apparently you can only listen to it while watching the directors cut version. Every other disc in the series offers up the original theatrical version or an extended cut, Aliens jumps straight to the extended cut and seems to have only 1 audio channel, it should atleast have 2 or 3 right?


Theres no option anywhere in the menu's to access the commentary, this is kinda annoying since pish like Alien 3 works fine but Aliens with half the cast and James Cameron doesnt work. Anyway if anybody is willing to try their disc then thanks.

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Watched The Strangers last night. Awful, awful, AWFUL film. Words cannot describe how stupid and awful it is, so I'm not going to bother.


I thought the first 30 - 40 minutes were really good and had quite a scary feel to it.


Shame that they REALLY dragged out the tension and when they DID actually do something, it was a let down.

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There were some fine films on Channel 4 tonight. Silent Hill followed by Big Trouble in Little China. An uncharacteristic display of fine taste in Saturday night scheduling, long may it continue. Mind you, they are showing The Transporter tomorrow night, so it doesn't seem like the trend will continue for long.


I saw Ghost Town at the cinema last night. It was okay, funny in parts but a very forgettable film with one dimensional characterization. I was originally going to see James Bond, but I had heard that it was shit.

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I watched Road To Perdition tonight for the first time since I saw it in the cinema, where I remember liking it, but not loving it. It was definitely much better this time around. The acting is just exceptional, especially from Paul Newman, who is just masterful in it. I have to say Daniel Craig, who I don't really like, was quite brilliant as his jealous son. His facial expressions and dialogue delivery were perfect, especially when the kid asks him why he's always smiling, and he replies with:


"Because it's all so fucking hysterical." , brilliant line, delivered perfectly. Jude Law is also excellent in this, as is Tom Hanks. It's a film with great little moments, from Law and Hanks' tense exchange in the diner to the poetic silent shootout in the rain. The cinematography was wonderful too. Great film, and easily the best of Sam Mendes' career thus far.

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Here's a nice sub-plot for this thread. Really shit, probably TV movies that tug the heart strings and have a BIG MESSAGE in them, usually fronted by a long-running tv star who can't make it in Hollywood. Reason I'm feeling this right now? Well, last night whilst channel flipping at about 2am, I was confronted with the sight of Matthew Perry struggling to teach inner city black and latino stereotype children in tough, gritty Harlem, or is the kids who teach Matthew? As I pondered such a clich

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If anyone has seen the made for TV biopic on Michael Jackson they can share my pain. It's fucking horrible.


There is one hilarious moment though when after he gets married to Presley everything is all happy untill she see's Jacko playing with some kids in the park and you know this is a bad thing because SPOOKY EVIL MUSIC STARTS PLAYING! BECAUSE HE IS A MASSIVE KIDDIE FIDDLER!I was in tears of laughter.

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the strangers i enjoyed this although thinkin it was a bit dumb at times such as liv tyler having a sit down on the steps in the garden rather than trying to escape.


hot rod awesomeness been meaning to watch this for ages and if i knew it was half as funny as it was i would of seen it alot sooner.


step brothers loved it some great lines had me in stiches. will farrell and john c reilly are superb.

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After watching Burn After Reading, I've decided to watch a few other Coen Brothers films. I've already seen O'Brother Where Art Thou and No Country for Old Men and enjoyed them both. So I gave Fargo a watch the other day, and I have to say that I can't see what the fuss was all about. It's an OK film, but not Oscar winning. I thought Steve Buscemi was good especially, but on the whole I found the film a little annoying. The woman who played Jean Lundegaard had a really annoying voice. I thought Frances McDormand was good, but again, annoying voice. Also, why say it's based on a true story when it's not? Pretty pointless.


Anyway, watching The Big Lebowski next and Barton Fink after. Any more you can recommend?

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Yeah I agree, Fargo is not only the most overrated film in the Coen's catalogue, it's arguably one of the most overrated films of all time.


Miller's Crossing is their best, and if you haven't seen that, you're in for a treat. I also love The Hudsucker Proxy.

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Yeah I agree, Fargo is not only the most overrated film in the Coen's catalogue, it's arguably one of the most overrated films of all time.


Miller's Crossing is their best, and if you haven't seen that, you're in for a treat. I also love The Hudsucker Proxy.


Ah yes, that's another I want to watch but can't get my hands on at the moment. I've heard Raising Arizona is quite good to.

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