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Guest DJM

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Was quite disappointed in that "Basketball Diaries" film with Di Caprio. What does everybody else think about it?Thanks.

ive always really enjoyed watching Basketball Diaries. Maybe it was because of being quite young when i first saw it. i just finished watching Alien Resurrection. Apart from meddling with the Aliens i think its a well made and acted and enjoyable film.
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Watched all 6 Star Wars' over the last few days. The originals spunk all over the prequels in every sense, storyline, acting and suprisingly, CGI-wise.

The (original) originals weren't CGI'd up. It was largely done with models for the vehicles and prosthetics for the actors rather than JarJar cunting Binks which is why it looks so "real." Some of the action sequences were tidied up a bit with the Special Edition retreads which added to them, but I still cringe everytime I see Jabba in New Hope. It's amazing how quickly Phantom Menace has aged already compared to RotS.
they should of stuck to the old way then. The explosion of the queen's ship in Attack of the Clones is the worst piece of modern CGI I have ever seen. Jar Jar is the only decent thing in the new films and only in film 1 is he any good.What do people make of them putting Hayden Christiansen (or w/e his name is ) in as a force ghost at the end of the Old films. I don't mind it, it allows Luke to remember his father as a young, pure, 'good-guy', rather than the shivvelled up mess he saw him as.
did i read that right :confused:
Seconded, I read it three times before I realised he is quite insane. Jar Jar is THE worst thing in any of those films (and thats saying something). Some times I fear for your sanity TB.
I can understand why people don't like him, he can be an annoying little shit, but he provided me with some comic relief and I said decent, not good or great
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Was quite disappointed in that "Basketball Diaries" film with Di Caprio. What does everybody else think about it?Thanks.

ive always really enjoyed watching Basketball Diaries. Maybe it was because of being quite young when i first saw it.
Just noticed that a few seconds are cut out of it. Didn't even notice..

1996 video release47s cut by the distibuter.Dream sequence where kids are shot in school was removed by the distributor in response to the Dunblane massacre.

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I watched Paul Haggis's Crash the other day. The film has a stigmata of hatred around it that I've picked up from various people, whether it be the stealing of the name of a film from Cronnenberg or the way it deals with its subject I'm not sure. I thought the film brought up lots of good points and makes lots of good arguments, without forcing a resolution down my throat. I was impressed with that, not many directors choose to simply state the facts without being objective to the nth degree.


However, it is how melodramatic the film gets that really made me think it wasn't as great as it should have been. Seriously. At the time when watching it, I was aware of how melodramatic the sequences such as the 'child getting shot' sequence were, but thinking about it a few days after it strikes me as almost laughable in its nature. A film like this needs to be raw and naturalistic to deliever it's message, yet the sheer ammount of melodrama makes the point it makes almost irrelevant.


However, for the most part a gripping and interesting film, even if it's not the classic it strives to be.

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What? Crash is a film about race? All whilst watching it i was wondering if it was but i couldn't think straight because i kept getting hit over the head with something. Just a feeble hollywood atempt to make a social commentary drama. I don't get the praise for Sandra Bullock at all, i thought she was overly stagey and melodramtic. Dillon and Ludacris were the standouts acting wise (although Ludcris seemed to be playing Ludacris). Am i the only one who found the Ludacris runs over chinaman hilariously funny?The moment with the kid just made me throw the remote up into the air with disgust.

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I hate Crash. It just repeatedly bashes you over the head with 'racial commentary', and the dialogue is really poor.I love movies with an underlying theme or message, but christ, try to tell it in a subtle, realistic way. It wasn't even an underlying theme in Crash, every single thing in the film pointed to it.

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The film has a stigmata of hatred

Don't you mean "stigma" ? Sure hope you haven't used that term in any of your coursework. As for the film, it's a preachy, disgusting movie of the week.
Yep I did.I'm not a student, so I have no idea what coursework your on about.
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I know I'm waaaay behind the curve, but I've just started watching Red vs. Blue. I'm two-thirds of the way into Season 2 and I love it. Great characters and some outstanding writing. Even my non-gamer missus is really enjoying it.

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Reads more like a studio press release than a review.

Really?In all honesty I'm looking for feedback/ criticism at the moment on my film thoughts as I'm taking a writing course and I'm looking to be able to express myself fairly coherently, especially with films as they are something I'm interested in. Re-reading it, I can see what you mean. To a certain extent, it does look like I've copied it off the DVD case to a certain extent.
That be where the confusion stemmed from.
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