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Guest DJM

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I echo the thoughts about Nightwatch - once you got beyond the flashy editing and special effects, it was basically Highlander without Sean Connery.I also finally caught Sunshine and again, though it was good eye-candy, I'm not sure it was actually enjoyable. Cillian Murphy is too pretty to be a physicist anyway.I think watching No Country For Old Men has ruined the rest of this year for me though, I'm still thinking about it weeks later.

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Pan's Labrynth- Awesome film, if you can bare subtitles. Maybe a LITTLE overrated as it isnt anything groundbreaking, still still very enjoyable. Awsome costume designs too, aswell as the actress playing Ofelia being awesome in her role. The Captain was dislikable and harsh- Just what a bad guy should be yet is rarely done so well! 8/10Rise of the Foot Soldier- I liked it. Didnt get good reviews but id happily watch it again and again. Not as light hearted as Lock Stock/ Snatch/ Football Factory...but then again it doesnt pretend to be. Based on the famous Range Rover murders in Essex for those of you not aware and focuses around Carlton Leach. Some bits did annoy me, like how he went ape shit on his 2nd wife in 1 scene due to roids, and yet in the next scene she's still there as if nothing happened. None of the characters are particuarly likeable although towards the end Carlton Leach (whilst also becoming more of a bit part character) does seem to settle down and develop a consience and stays out of all the shennanigans. Brutal in parts too which is just what i expect from a film like this. 7/10Dodgeball- Yes we've probably all seen it, yes its funny for what it is with Rop Torn being esspecially funny as Patches O'hoolahan.However, Something about the ending of this film doesnt sit right with me. Yes White Goodman (Ben stiller) is the bad guy, who we are not supposed to like as he's vain, he's stupid, he's arrogant, he lashes out on females, but the ending still has be feeling sorry for him.The reason is, he's a hard worker. He's put in a lot of effort to get his body and to get into shape (which we see at the start of the film where he is 600 pounds) and has also (despite an inheritance from his Grandad) worked from the ground up to make Globo Gym what it is today. On the other hand, Vince Vaughn's character, Peter Le'fleur, is lazy, out of shape, and puts no effort into anything. Yet at the end of the film we are expected to be happy for him because he's won Globo Gym and are supposed to be happy that he's fired White Goodman, whos actually worked hard for what he has? Also baring in mind that Peter Le'fleur had actually sold Average Joes to White Goodman, fair and square for 100k. He then stupidly uses it to bet on his team to win against the far supiror Globo Gym team after, that same night saying they had no chance of defeating them. If these aren't the actions of a reckless, selfish man then i dont know what is. Lucky for him, it pays off.If Average Joes Gym was struggling against the big bad Globo Gym because of under handed tactics then fine, i can accept that. But Average Joes gym, was a shit hole with out of date machines, and was poorly run by Peter Le'fleur. In contrast, Globo Gym is high tech, providing an excellent service, and is trendy and attractive in it's appearance whilst also, playing by the book in the tournament WITHOUT added help from an ex pro to coach them. The loss of the Dodgeball tournament also see's White Goodman go into meltdown and pile on the weight he worked so hard to lose.So who is meant to be the good and bad guy here???? The film itself 6/10. The logic for the film 2/10.Evil Woman/ Saving Silverman- Great little cult comedy with Jason Biggs, Amanda Peet and Jack Black among others (inc Neil Diamond!). Made when Jack Black was still funny! Some great one liners and a nice little story that i saw myself relating too after also losing a good friend to an evil bitch who wanted to control his life. 7/10Guy X- Also starring Jason Biggs. Thought it was a comedy... it wasnt... it was just confussing! Biggs is terribly miss cast and the whole film itself is kind of a mess.Had they kept the story simple (Biggs is accidentally sent to Greenland as a Sergent or something under the name of Patterson, but cant prove thats not his real name) and kept it as a light hearted comedy, then great. Instead they try and go all thriller, and drama on us and it fails.The character Genseng was quite funny however, calling everthing and everybody a "piece of shit". 4/10The Pick of Destiny- Missed the start and finish so wont give it a rating. All i will say is it did enough to make me want to see the whole thing. Jack Black didnt actually come off as annoying from what i did see of the film and appeared to be showing signs of the old school Jack Black that made him popular in the first place. Kyle Gass is always funny, and Tenacious D themselves are always good for a chuckle ( if thats your kind of humour, which it is mine). Mixed in with some funny music numbers and ludacris plot with a sprinkle of cameos in frame and you have, what seemed to me anyway, to be a decent "Stoner" comedy. The scene i saw up too where Jack Black had eaten "shrooms" was on the floor funny for myself! Esspecially where he thinks he's in the strawberry river or something, only for him to actually be in a rapid river had me cracking up for a while!Still got This is England, Apocolypto, and Essex Boys to watch yet. Aswell of course as the Pick of Destiny once it arrives from Play.com!

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I watched Deep Impact, literally minutes ago. As you may know, I have a hard-on for end-of-the-world movies and always enjoy a viewing of this, I've watched it at least once a year snce it was released. It's really well done and makes me wish the Earth was getting hit by a comet, things would be so much more interesting. So much better than the awful Armageddon as well. Plus, Morgan Freeman is the President. Who wouldn't vote for him?

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IdiocracyThis film was released in 2005 in the states but due to bombing in the cinemas was only released over here on DVD last year. I was really looking forward to watching this with Mike Judge (Office Space, Beavis & Butthead) being at the helms and Luke Wilson leading. The film deals with Luke waking up from a military freezing experiment hundreds of years in the future when human-civilisation is seriously dumbed down. The set pieces are great fun to look at, such as the mountain ranges of rubbish, and the coffee shop brothels, however it all appears a little cartoony and its very VERY obvious that a budget cut had been delt Judge with some fairly sub-standard effects.Also the narrative/ script is very dry. It pans out in a very linear fashion and the story itself is boring as hell (i.e. Wilson trying to get home by getting to a forgotten time machine). However, it does have some good laughs in there, and some of the observations are funny as hell. Its a shame this movie is not as good as Judge's other stuff, if your looking for comedy gold you won't find it here.

This film's showing on Sky Premiere at the moment, and I watched it the other night. Found it very funny. Sure, it's not going to get you going back to it in the same way that Office Space will (must have watched that about 7 or 8 times, though the fact that it seems to be on somewhere or other every month adds to that), but there's more than enough in there to want to watch it more than once...
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The DepartedAt places I felt a bit lost in this movie, I had a hard time trying to decide who to like and who not to like, the confusion lasts all the way to the end when I was hoping for the reverse outcome :D Saying all that I thought, that was what it was trying to do, it confused you, it made you hate those you wanted to like and like those you should've hated, clever story and very easy to fall into. I really enjoyed this.Smoking AcesIt's a fun little movie I guess, lots of hitmen go after a complete fuckup that you REALLY want dead :D lots of bloody moments, lots of those little "raaaaah!" moments... and then they just destroy the entire film at the end. Fucks sake. Anyway. Yeah it's entertaining enough but their need to be too clever at really took away from some of it.

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It wasn't very good. No siree. Elisha Cuthbert is lovely and all but this was 80 minutes of dross.


The worst part is her initial kidnap. They make it very clear that she is a global superstar with her picture on every billboard and available public surface, yet she travels to an event at a dingy nightclub with only her dog for company. Then, having realised that her drink has been spiked and that she isn't feeling good, she elects to wander as far away from everyone as possible. She then wanders into a bizarre little deserted red corridor where our kidnapper has taken the trouble to set up a camcorder on a tripod to film her stumbling. He then takes her, though how he gets her out of the club is anyone's guess. Then again, no one seemed to recognise her anyway so maybe they didn't bat an eyelid as she was dragged out. Seriously. From there on its all Saw/Hostel nods and a super-predictable twist. Avoid.

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