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Guest DJM

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Strange you say that as I would easily rate Donnie Brasco above Goodfellas (which I find highly overrated)

Scarface is easily the most overrated gangster film. Goodfellas is fucking awesome.
I don't really put it in the same category as what you'd call 'Gangster films' really, but I think Scarface is great. Really awsome. I love the super-80s Giorgio Moroder soundtrack, and the general ludicrous excess of the film. It's really funny as well.
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saw the bourne ultimatum last friday great action movie with a dash of intelligence, its no die hard 1 but if you like the other two youll like this one even more. it really finishes the trilogy on a very strong note and is thoroughly enjoyable and suspense-filled just like the other two.

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WHEN A STRANGER CALLS The 2006 remake. Actually not that bad, if incredibly cliched. But it knew it was cliched and didn't try to rise above it into anything it's not. Worth a watch if you have nothing better to do.

I think you're being too kind. That movie was absolutely awful. Done correctly it could have been a terrifying, extended version of the first ten minutes of scream with Drew Barrymore. Instead, like you say, they knew they were making a bad movie anyway and just didn't put much of an effort in. Just because you're doing a cliched B movie, doesn't mean you shouldn't try. I'm sure they could have done a lot more with the material had they felt like it.
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Pans Labarynth - I didn't enjoy this as much as I thought I would. Visually it was fantastic (especially in HD), and the story was very deep and easy to understand. However, I feel it was a little overhyped. I'd heard a lot of good things about it, so going in I thought it was going to be one of those epic films that I would stick in my top ten. It wasn't a bad film, but I thought it was quite average. The only thing I really liked about the film was 'el captain' who I really got into as the "baddy". I hated the character therefore I liked him, if you get my meaning.


Hairspray - Right, I didn't go out of my way to see this, I just didn't have a choice after Harry Potter was still fully booked and sold out by the time we got to the cinema. It was a choice of this or Evan Almighty.


The first 10 minutes I'm sitting their thinking 'what the fuck am I doing here?'. By the time the film finished I was smiling from ear to ear. I loved it, really really loved it. It was cheesy, funny and had a real touching story to it underneath the glitter and outragous costumes. John Travolta is a legend in this film. The best thing he's done since Pulp Fiction IMO. I quite like funny muscials anyway (Little Shop of Horrors, The Producers), but I was really surprised as to how funny this was. Oh, and I was having very wrong throughts about Amanda Bynes and a lollipop all evening.

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Hairspray - Right, I didn't go out of my way to see this, I just didn't have a choice after Harry Potter was still fully booked and sold out by the time we got to the cinema. It was a choice of this or Evan Almighty.The first 10 minutes I'm sitting their thinking 'what the fuck am I doing here?'. By the time the film finished I was smiling from ear to ear. I loved it, really really loved it. It was cheesy, funny and had a real touching story to it underneath the glitter and outragous costumes. John Travolta is a legend in this film. The best thing he's done since Pulp Fiction IMO. I quite like funny muscials anyway (Little Shop of Horrors, The Producers), but I was really surprised as to how funny this was. Oh, and I was having very wrong throughts about Amanda Bynes and a lollipop all evening.

Agree with all of that.. I also went into it because of reasons other than my own interests.. but ended up loving it! I even ended up enjoying some of the songs! Quality film.. and Queen Latifa's line on the white people was just hilarious!Anyway...Little Miss SunshineFinally watched this lastnight after brilliant reviews. I thought it was a really good film.. the acting was top notch.. and that girl was so adorable! I just couldnt help but feel that it lacked a bit? Probably that 'must see it again' factor. It was a different movie to the usual 'girl has far fetched dream.. girl gets dream'. Had some really funny moments in it too. Overall.. I really good film to watch.. but just once. Edited by Murtz
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Little Miss SunshineFinally watched this lastnight after brilliant reviews. I thought it was a really good film.. the acting was top notch.. and that girl was so adorable! I just couldnt help but feel that it lacked a bit? Probably that 'must see it again' factor. It was a different movie to the usual 'girl has far fetched dream.. girl gets dream'. Had some really funny moments in it too. Overall.. I really good film to watch.. but just once.

Would you say you were a bit dissapointed with the ending? I thought it just fell flat a bit...
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Hills Have Eyes 2 - this movie was pretty panned by pretty much everyone when it came out, it's pretty much a cash-in on the first movie (the remake), which was one of the best horror movies of the past couple of years. But as far as cash-in's go this was pretty good for me. The first movie was a pretty disturbing tale of a family being slaughtered out in the middle of nowhere, but where that one made you feel for the character this fucker just bungs a bunch of random (fairly useless) soliders into the same setting and slaughters 'em off one by one. It aint gonna win any oscars but it was some entertaining shit, it had that Final Destination thing going where you just wanna see how they next one is gonna die...it's goes all Descent on us at the end aswell which was pretty cool. Gory fun, nothing more nothing less.

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a couple of films from me as i currently live in japan..Dororo,newly released dvd here in japan, which is a fantasy samurai film about a young thief who travels andbefriends a woman on his way,cant understand the story fully, as i havent read the manga its based on but its fantastic and some of the CGI is brilliant,amazing stuff!Monkey Magic (2007),im not sure the title of this either, but its based on the wonderful cult japanese tv show of the 70s and 80swhich is a story about a travelling priest tripitaka and her group of followers,monkey the main character,pigsy and sandy, it has amazing cgi effects,great fun to watch but you just cant beat the original actors who were truly wonderful in their roles in the original show, its a nice movie butits not the same really.

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Little Miss SunshineFinally watched this lastnight after brilliant reviews. I thought it was a really good film.. the acting was top notch.. and that girl was so adorable! I just couldnt help but feel that it lacked a bit? Probably that 'must see it again' factor. It was a different movie to the usual 'girl has far fetched dream.. girl gets dream'. Had some really funny moments in it too. Overall.. I really good film to watch.. but just once.

Would you say you were a bit dissapointed with the ending? I thought it just fell flat a bit...
I know what you mean, it was just like "right, let's go home now". But it was a very funny ending.

and Queen Latifa's line on the white people was just hilarious!

Was that the 'suberb' line?
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Little Miss SunshineFinally watched this lastnight after brilliant reviews. I thought it was a really good film.. the acting was top notch.. and that girl was so adorable! I just couldnt help but feel that it lacked a bit? Probably that 'must see it again' factor. It was a different movie to the usual 'girl has far fetched dream.. girl gets dream'. Had some really funny moments in it too. Overall.. I really good film to watch.. but just once.

Would you say you were a bit dissapointed with the ending? I thought it just fell flat a bit...
I know what you mean, it was just like "right, let's go home now". But it was a very funny ending.

and Queen Latifa's line on the white people was just hilarious!

Was that the 'suberb' line?
Yep thats the line!And as for Little Miss Sunshine.. yeah I thought the ending was just like thrown in your face out of nowhere. It was probably the point of the movie I guess.. but it did feel like it was lacking something.Rush Hour 3I absolutely LOVED this! Its the kind of movie that I really get into. I loved Rush Hour 1 (and to a slightly lesser extent Rush Hour 2) and this was amongst them for sure.Some of Chris Tucker's lines were side splitting. This is the first film in the Cinema's ive watched where the audience was laughing that much since 40 Year Old Virgin.Great film for some cheap and immature laughs. Cant really go wrong with a Jackie Chan/Tucker combo
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Had a Bruckheimer-fest today.


The Rock is still awesome and possibly my favourite action film ever

Con Air is also still great, Cage's hair and accent are hilarious and Buscemi is delightfully creepy

Armageddon is very good until they get in the space ship and 250 things go wrong one after the other. :bored:


Gone In 60 Seconds next which I didn't think was anything special the one and only time I have seen it before,

then Enemy Of The State which is always a cracker.


I have over a dozen films on a shelf that I have never watched yet, but keep re-watching old dvds. :confused:

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