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Absoultely amazing, 1 and 2, its hard to decide which I prefer

Its got to be 2 all the way. :thumbsup:Rebecca Another Hitchcock classic I recently got round to watch, and for fans of Hitchcock fans this is something you will defenitley like, even if it is a different story to what he is famous for directing. The story follows the romance of a young lady who is romanced by the wealthy Maxi Dewinter. They marry quickly, and move to his big mansion in the country, where the young Mrs. Dewinter is haunted by the new social class and the presence of the former Mrs. Dewinter, Rebecca.This film is a romantic thriller, with the second half of the film dealing out twist and turns like its an episode of Lost, thus ensuring the viewers attention is controlled from the opening sequence to the revealing conclusion. Laurence Oliver is amazing, and is only shadowed by the beautiful and brillant Joan Fontane who steal the main leading roles. Everything from the use of shadows to the beautiful scenery is manipulated by Hitchcock throughout, to create a thrilling and chilling film.The film's strong undertones of class inequality and themes of loyalty are perfectly balanced by the endurance of the characters and the plot.This is easily one of his strongest films and possibly his most accepted by lovers of all genres of films. Even your nan who watches Coronation Street and enjoys rubbish Channel 5 afternoon films will like this (although she probably saw it at the cinema!).
It's a great film but I've not met anyone who hasn't liked North by Northwest. His greatest film and my all time favourite.
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Miami Vice- A huge disappointment. After the director's collateral I though this would have been excellent. The plot is all over the place it's really hard to keep up with and the end if baffling. The camera work and the soundtrack are good but you can't help but be disappointed. It's an enjoyable way to spend 2 hours.

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I also caught Miami Vice last night at the cinema and thought it was awful. Really was a waste of two hours, predictable, boring, just offered nothing.Had some good effects & the sound was brilliant as well as some shooting scenes.But just a big let down, to be honest I wasn't expecting an awful lot (never seen the tv series Miami Vice..although not sure if it had anything to do with that) but overall it just was complete shit, went far too long and it just didn't capture me at all.Also saw Final Destination 3 late last night also on dvd, nothing on the first two, but just light fun to watch really.And I just seen The Inside Man which I really enjoyed, I love clever films like this, won't spoil it too much, but I thought it was pretty enjoyable and is worth checking out if you like clever films.Caught a few films this weekend, very disapointed with Miami Vice, Final Destination I thought was nothing on the first two and The Inside Man I really enjoyed, glad I saw that one last out the three.

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i saw Miami Vice too...i enjoyed it, i think if id gone in without reading the reviews id have been disappointed but i was prepared for a slow, stylish thriller.its definatly a film alot of people are gonna dislike, i dunno why but i expect the average movie goer to be expecting this to be a Bad Boys style shoot em up. Like wbzuk said, there is very little interraction between the two leads, they just kinda know they trust each other and get on with their job.as for the plot, it aint a conventional type of story, you're not given simple infomation to follow you kind of become an observer to a drugs bust and have to try and make out what is going on, at times it's hard to follow but it makes you concentrate and by the end it all starts to make sense.i liked it, it's different...it aint the action packed blockbuster i think alot of people will expect though.i give it the thumbs up :)

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Miami Vice was incredibly underwhelming and frustrating. It looked and sounded amazing, but you'd expect nothing less from Michael Mann. I consider myself a fairly intelligent guy, but there were many times during this that I had no fucking clue what was going on. I get what they were going for, kinda like a day in the life of the cops, so why bother with backstory and characterisation, but Crockett and Tubbs had so little depth that you could barely tell them apart. Farrell did very well with such limited material, but he still hasn't proven himself. Foxx was unusually dull. A pretty dull and lifeless experience for the most part, and the closing gun battle did not top Heat, despite what some reviews have stated.I watched Last Of The Mohicans last night, not for the first time but it's still as good as it was the first time I saw it. Those last five minutes never get old. Chingachgook Vs Magua is mindblowing.

Edited by Mr. Seven
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Like alot of others I went to see Miami Vice yesterday. As most have said the flow of the film is messy, but I found it good enough on the whole and mostly enjoyable. No real depth to the main characters (with Farrell and Foxx also untested), and not as good as Heat or Collateral, but dark and violent and with enough action throughout to keep me somewhat happy. Not one of the best films of the year, but not one of the worst either, and never really boring or uninteresting.Saw a free showing of My Super Ex Girilfriend last week. Very average on the whole. Luke Wilson did his best (was not given anything good to work with though), but the film was never really all that funny or interesting. It also had a strange cast (Uma Thurman as the eye-candy? Eddie Izzard?). Seemed to be made to cash-in on the release of Superman, and it was probably about as good/bad!Also watched a few DVD's over the last week or so...Primer - interesting but seems to aim to confuse rather than entertain with its vagueness when it comes to explaining anything. It is a commendable effort from a first-time writer and director though on such a small budget and with a small cast. With nine-timelines in total by the end of the film there is probably need for repeated viewings, but the problem is that film is not the kind that you really want to force yourself to watch more than once!The Tesseract - Pretty good. From Oxide Pang (one half of the Pang Brothers who made The Eye), it has an interesting story but jumps around a lot which could put people off. Good use of music and an interesting filming style, but not for everyone.Wedding Crashers - Very good, very funny at times, a good cast (Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, Isla Fisher, Rachael McAdams, Christopher Walken) and great performances from them all.Collateral - A very good film, with a good story, a strong cast, good acting, and great performances from Foxx and Cruise in the lead roles. Strong believable characters with depth to them, good action and a good soundtrack.Candyman - A good film, with a good plot, some good effects, and good acting from all of the main cast - with Virginia Madsen & Tony Todd in particular putting in strong performances. Bloody and violent, and with a good soundtrack, Candyman is very enjoyable viewing on the whole.Candyman 2 - Not as good as the original, but still a worthwhile sequel. Kelly Rowan is good and Tony Todd is very good again as the Candyman. A good continuation of the original Candyman movie, adding more depth to the Candyman character. Also a good soundtrack (much like the original).Candyman 3 - No bad as a stand-alone movie, but an unnecessary sequel which adds little if anything to the Candyman story. The film has a somewhat weak ending and details of the Candyman character described in the first two films are changed in the third. Donna D

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Kung Fu Hustle - holf fuck this was insane! Japanese spoof-kung fu comedy, some of the stuff in this is just wild, Stephen Chow is clearly a very strange guy. The goofy cgi effects fit the film perfectly and some of the fight sequences are great! As for the comedy, it's hit and miss, obviously there's alot of in-jokes and references i didnt get but there was at least 3 times that i fell out of my seat laughing at some of the crazy shit going on. I reckon it would be funnier a second time round too.

I hated that, it seemed like a big budget Kung Pow, only less funny.
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