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The UKFF [Nearly-Official] Questions Thread


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What is the on-screen status of Traci Brooks in TNA at the moment?I don't remember seeing her name mentioned lately in iMPACT! or ppv reviews and her profile on OWW doesn't mention anything within TNA since losing to Gail Kim on iMPACT! back in May. But it does show that she's been valeting and wrestling in indies right up until last month.

A few months ago she was valet for Kazarian and Bentley in TNA, then just dissapeared without explanation, but

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She is set to be announced as Bobby Roode's new manager at Bound for Glory
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Quick question (that may be better suited to its own thread, but I'll start in here):-


Does anyone have a definitive list of UK promotions that regularly tape their shows for TV/DVD release?



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First Peoples elbow was on British Bulldog on one of the first Episodes of Smackdown I belive.

Nah - that would put it at around Sept 99, and he was doing it WAY before then. It may have been the first time they'd refered to the move by that name (doubtful) but he was doing it as early as Wrestlemania 14.As for the stunner, can't give a definitive answer, but when he first started doing it there was no KICK-WHAM part to it, and he would sorta hold his man in position for a second or so. I always thought it made it look much more brutal and deliberate (witness his use at KOTR 96 for instance - the Marc Mero one is pretty great). Not that I'm saying he should have done it like that for the rest of his career, but it would have been nice maybe once in a while...
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First Peoples elbow was on British Bulldog on one of the first Episodes of Smackdown I belive.

Nah - that would put it at around Sept 99, and he was doing it WAY before then. It may have been the first time they'd refered to the move by that name (doubtful) but he was doing it as early as Wrestlemania 14.As for the stunner, can't give a definitive answer, but when he first started doing it there was no KICK-WHAM part to it, and he would sorta hold his man in position for a second or so. I always thought it made it look much more brutal and deliberate (witness his use at KOTR 96 for instance - the Marc Mero one is pretty great). Not that I'm saying he should have done it like that for the rest of his career, but it would have been nice maybe once in a while...
I too enjoyed that execution of it!
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First Peoples elbow was on British Bulldog on one of the first Episodes of Smackdown I belive.

Nah - that would put it at around Sept 99, and he was doing it WAY before then. It may have been the first time they'd refered to the move by that name (doubtful) but he was doing it as early as Wrestlemania 14.As for the stunner, can't give a definitive answer, but when he first started doing it there was no KICK-WHAM part to it, and he would sorta hold his man in position for a second or so. I always thought it made it look much more brutal and deliberate (witness his use at KOTR 96 for instance - the Marc Mero one is pretty great). Not that I'm saying he should have done it like that for the rest of his career, but it would have been nice maybe once in a while...
I remember the People's ELbow on HHH on the ladder at SUmmerslam 98, and Jerry Lawler referred to it as his favourite move. This suggests that Rocky used it waaaaaay before August 98. No idea when though.
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As someone said earlier, he used the People's Elbow against Legion of Doom during the LOD vs Nation feud in late 1997.I remember quite a few times he used it in the middle of a match and it wasn't a finisher until much later on.Didn't he attempt it on Austin at the In Your House: D-Generation X ppv in December 1997?Another question:Obsessedwithwrestling.com list Nigel McGuiness as debuting in 1999, but the write-up of his career mentions nothing before starting with Ring of Honor in 2004.Anyone know where he worked in the four and a half years inbetween?

Edited by dopper
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Another question:Obsessedwithwrestling.com list Nigel McGuiness as debuting in 1999, but the write-up of his career mentions nothing befoer starting with Ring of Honor in 2004.Anyone know where he worked in the four and a half years inbetween?

Les Thatcher's Heartland Wrestling Association. Not sure when he started with them, but sure he was there when WWF was using it as a developmental territory.
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Another question:Obsessedwithwrestling.com list Nigel McGuiness as debuting in 1999, but the write-up of his career mentions nothing befoer starting with Ring of Honor in 2004.Anyone know where he worked in the four and a half years inbetween?

Les Thatcher's Heartland Wrestling Association. Not sure when he started with them, but sure he was there when WWF was using it as a developmental territory.
A good few guys who became ROH regulars were there with him at the time. Off the top of my head, BJ Whitmer and Matt Stryker for two...
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