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The UKFF [Nearly-Official] Questions Thread


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Where does the whole "surname said twice" thing come from? Obviously Kennedy Kennedy does it, and the guy announcing UFC 1 & 2 does it. But where does it come from?

I'm fairly certain that Kennedy used to call college sports games and on a whim, felt like announcing players in the old fashioned way ring announcers used to do - mentioning the name then repeating the surname so nobody missed it. One of his friends liked it so he kept doing it and took it into his pro wrestling where Paul Heyman fell in love with it and told him to keep doing it.
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January 1st 1996:The Smoking Gunns beat Razor Ramon/Savio Vega, Sycho Sid/1-2-3 Kid, and Owen Hart/Yokozuna.

It was an American football themed bout, though it was basically just an elimination match. The winners got the Lombardi trophy. Boom boom.
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I keep on seeing a game called "Wrestling Encore by MDickie" on torrent sites. Is it any good? Cheers.Its 200+MB, thats why I haven't downloaded it yet.

I tried it out a while ago. It's not bad, not great. Very basic but pretty enjoyable.
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What type of cameras are used to film wrestling in the WWE compared to the ones used in the Indy's?What are the differences in general specs of the filming as well?

Thats too broad to answer accurately since it essentially suggests every independent uses the same equipment. Some use cameras you can buy in supermarkets, some invest in TV industry standard top of the range equipment.
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