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The UKFF [Nearly-Official] Questions Thread


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Looking for some theme music...I'll put the instances I know they came out to the theme too, as I'm sure some of them have had different music at different times.Jake Roberts (theme at King of the Ring 1996)Psycho Sid (theme at Survivor Series 1996)Viscera (when he came back for a brief feud with Undertaker in late 2004)Heidenreich (HEI-DEN, HEI-DEN-REICH, HEI-DEN-REICH...)Boogeyman (current theme)Mark Henry (current theme)

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Is cole right when he said taker and angle have never tapped out? I swear Taker lost to Hart via submission ages ago, and I thought Kurt Angle lost a submissions match to Benoit.

I don't think Taker has ever tapped. Wait, he was facing Angle on a Smackdown episode a few years ago. Angle has Taker in a triangle choke, Kurt Angle was pinned and Taker tapped out at the same time. Leading to a no-contest or something.Thats the only time I can think of it. I don't think I've seen Angle tapping.
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Angle was in an Iron man submission match with Benoit at some point, and he tapped to him in that.I think Undertaker did tap in that match with Angle, but the match result was a draw so it wasn't recognized, so I don't think he's ever officially lost by submission.

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I think Undertaker did tap in that match with Angle, but the match result was a draw so it wasn't recognized, so I don't think he's ever officially lost by submission.

Surely just the fact that the match was declared a draw means that they're recognising that Taker tapped- if he hadn't, the result would have been a victory for Taker via pinfall.....
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Guest rmdstyles

Apart from the infamous Montreal screwjob, what other famous wrestling double crosses have there been? I'm sure I read one about a women's match back in the old WWF in Power Slam once.

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Apart from the infamous Montreal screwjob, what other famous wrestling double crosses have there been? I'm sure I read one about a women's match back in the old WWF in Power Slam once.

There was a dispute over money between Vince and Wendi Richter. So on the 25/11/85 in MSG Vince sent Moolah out under the guise of "The Spider Lady".Moolah rolled up an unsuspecting Richter to win the belt and Richter left the WWF never to wrestle for them again Edited by The Ratt
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Is Cole right when he said taker and angle have never tapped out? I swear Taker lost to Hart via submission ages ago, and I thought Kurt Angle lost a submissions match to Benoit.

I only heard Cole say that Taker had never tapped although i probably wasnt listening fully

Wait, he was facing Angle on a Smackdown episode a few years ago. Angle has Taker in a triangle choke, Kurt Angle was pinned and Taker tapped out at the same time. Leading to a no-contest or something

And I may be mistaken but i seem to remember that it was Undertaker that had the triangle choke on Kurt which means Kurt would have tapped and Undertaker was pinned at the same time therefore i dont remember Undertaker tapping out.
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And I may be mistaken but i seem to remember that it was Undertaker that had the triangle choke on Kurt which means Kurt would have tapped and Undertaker was pinned at the same time therefore i dont remember Undertaker tapping out.

This is CRZ's review of the match in question: -

WWE UNDISPUTED CHAMPIONSHIP: KURT ANGLE (challenger - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - 237 pounds) v. THE UNDERTAKER (champion - Houston, Texas - 305 pounds - on his Beautiful Bourget Python bike)referee: ChiodaI'm PRETTY sure we'll have to have an ad break during this match...there's twenty minutes of show left, but I guess I can worry about that later. Well, damn, Taker done found his ride! HERE WE GO: Lockup, Taker shoves him away...and smirks about it. Angle back up. We do it again - side headlock by Taker, grinding it in and being rather vocal about it. Angle powers out, but Taker connects with the shoulder. Angle goes outside to think about it. More jaw jackin'. Angle back in and we go again. Angle goes behind, floats over, side headlock, grinds THAT in - Taker powers out, then lets Angle bounce off him when he tries a shoulderblock of his own. Angle isn't terribly happy about all this. Taker shuffles. One more collar and elbow - Angle grabs a single leg, floats over to a facelock, into a cover - 1, 2, Taker kicks out. Angle is a little more pleased with himself - Taker lunges at him and Angle slips outside again. Angle back in as Chioda hits 3. We go again - arm wringer by Taker, yanking and cranking - whip into the ropes is reversed, Angle with a drop toehold, Taker walks into an armdrag, another armdrag by Angle, Angle goes wooooo and Taker puts a boot in his face - and Angle goes outside again. You know, this is why I love BOTH of these guys. Angle back to the apron at 4 - and back between the ropes to get back in. Angle holds up a hand as if to ask for a moment...but then shoots out at Taker with a shoulder in the gut and takes him down! But Taker pops back up and throws the lariat - and *Taker* gets 2. Angle in the corner - Taker with a clothesline - into the opposite corner, snake eyes by Taker - big boot off the ropes - cover - 1, 2, Angle kicks out. Taker stays in command - got the choke...but Angle slips out and goes behind, grabs the waistlock and unleashes a German suplex upon the Taker!! Angle to his feet first - death suplex and that may have hurt both men. Holding his back, Angle drops down and hooks the leg - 1, 2, no! Angle stays on him - right, right, right, right, right, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stands on the neck for 4. Front facelock out of the corner - Taker shoves him towards the centre - but Angle backs him to the adjacent corner - Chioda counts to 4 and Angle lets go. Angle with a right hand - another right, shoves off Chioda, right, right, right, Chioda shoves *Angle* off - brief discussion is just long enough - Taker switches positions in the corner and goes off - soupbone left soupbone left soupbone left, soupbone, soupbone, back elbow, making Chioda flinch, another soupbone, into the ropes is reversed, Taker ducks the swing and hits a shouldertackle. Soupbone, soupbone, ducks a swing from Angle, gutshot, DDT! 1, 2, Angle gets the shoulder up! Taker waits for Angle to get up - scooped up on the shoulder - Angle back to his feet, grabbing the waistlock, Taker with a back elbow to break it. Scoops up Angle - going for the TOMBSTONE!! but Angle climbs down the leg and hooks in the ANGLELOCK! Taker flips to his back and kicks away but Angle hangs on and spins him back to his stomach! Taker is feeling the anklelock but is fighting it - standing on his right foot - then flipping Angle up, over and off! Big boot is CAUGHT - Angle counters with the OLYMPIC SLAM!! 1, 2, FOOT ON THE ROPE!! Angle thinks his time is now - DOWN COME THE STRAPS - and AGAIN Angle goes back to the ANGLELOCK!! The left ankle is bent at an awkward angle and Taker's feeling more pain than he may have shown in a dozen years. Taker reaches but the ropes are so far away. Taker won't give up - to his right foot again - another flip - and DOES manage to kick Angle away! Taker is a one-legged man - Angle runs in - but gets caught in the choke! CHOKESLAM!! But Taker can't follow up - he can't stand. Taker crawls to a body press - 1, 2, NO! Taker shakes his head and gets back to his feet. There's the international sign of the Last Ride as he shakes out his left foot - Angle up - Angle holding on - Angle has scissored the head and Tazz calls the triangle choke! Taker drops to his knees, fading fast - Angle tries to grab two handfuls of hair but Taker slips his right arm between Angle's legs and grabs Angle's neck - but Angle adds an armbar! Taker is losing all kinds of oxygen - back to his feet - Angle's shoulders are on the mat and Chioda counts 1, 2, 3!! But wait...TAKER'S TAPPED!! No closing bell - and Chioda looks confused. Ohhhh no. Cole and Tazz each think a different man has the victory...and the title. Tony Chimel tries to coax a decision out of Chioda by announcing "The winner of this match is..." but no dice. Angle is up and insisting that he made Taker tap. Taker's up now, and raising HIS arms. Ohhhh if only Taker had managed to hold out for another brief part of a second...whaaa? We ARE going to take that ad break? Baa baa baa. "Ruthless aggression" count: 3 Coming back, referees Sparks & Korderas have joined Chioda in the ring and the "bullshit" chant has risen up from the crowd. We take the replay and sure enough, Taker happens to tap out JUST as Chioda's hand hits the canvas for the third time. Angle tries to point to the replay to prove his point - three zebras, three opinions - Sparks raises Angle's arm, Korderas raises Taker's arm...but there's only one opinion that counts in this match. Chioda finally tells Chimel to announce his decision: a draw. No closing bell, so rewind it to the third count and tapout and officially call it (Draw 10:20). Angle registers his opinion of the decision by taking Taker down AGAIN and giving him the anklelock one more time. The refs pull Angle off and out of the ring. "I made you tap!" Play his music so the crowd can chant "You suck!" Taker and Angle each make threatening jaw movements, and as the credits come up, Tazz says "The Undisputed title is in dispute!" CRZ[slash] wrestling

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Guest Ray Vonne

Could somebody please post all Vampiro's upcoming European dates scheduled in the next couple or give a link to a website that has them.There is a ring announcer in the North/the midlands who has worked for EWA, RPW, etc. He is quite tall and has long, black hair and really tries to get thr crowd pumped up. He usually wears a white shirt and black trousers. Does anyone have any information on this guy?

Edited by Ray Vonne
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