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Lock Up Your Sons - Channel 4 tonight 10.40pm

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OK, i'm too lazy to plough through 11 pages of this but here's my 2 cents after seeing the documentry last night and seeing some of the posts on here about it.It seems really apparent to me that Backyard wrestlers obviously have a lot of passion and love for wrestling. The extent to which they want to immitate the professionals shows that, as does the extent to which they go to make video's look as professional as possible and the fact they're willing to physically hurt themselves by using light tubes etc. To be fair to them in this sense, they are just wanting to do what the pro, the people they look up to and idolise, just as some people play football at the local ground as people have said. However, while it is comparable to football in this sense, there are a lot more risks and it is a lot more dangerous that say going for a kickabout as you are going out to "hurt" your opponent. It is much, much easier to seriously injure yourself backyarding that it is playing football and i'm sure no backyarder would disagree with me here. Fair enough, they say they know the risks and I'm pretty sure they do to a certain extent but is it really worth the risks? I think that fat guy from PCWA's reaction when he nearly got glass shards in his eye showed that maybe they don't realise until a situation like that came along. I'd have to ask Mr. Birch if he or any of his mates had second thoughts after he was rushed to hospital with that great big gash on his head and I wonder how Tony Scarlo reacted when he saw it. Does it take something serious like that to really drive it home how dangerous it actually is outside of a controlled environment away from professionals and the professional set up because i'd have to think that it would be.Picking up on something Elisar said that I did read, just saying backyarding is wrong is not going to stop people doing it. Smokers get told time and time again that smoking is bad for your health and the vast majority know that, but they still don't stop. As I said at the start, it's obvious that they have a lot of passion for the wrestling business, I think that it's more of a matter of utilising that passion in a positive way ie. proper training. As was mentioned in the program, and i think earlier in this thread, the backyarders themselves are realising that just smashing eachother with weapons isn't the way to go and that "technical" matches are the way forward. Now, surely in this case it'd be much better to do it in a proper ring than in a field somewhere on some grass as a) You'd be working in a ring as the professionals do and b) it's in a controlled environment so if something does happen (which would be less likely at a school anyway) you've got the professional help on hand. Granted, you wouldn't have the freedom you would in the backyard and it'd take work, but once you master the basics you'd be working in a proper ring, all your moves would be much slicker and more professional looking. There'd also be more chance of perfoming in front of a bigger crowd and surely that'd be better than performing in front of a few kids.I'm going to stop typing now because i'm starting to waffle and i've forgotten some of the other points I started out with so i'll finish off with this - While backyarders do only do backyard wrestling for fun, they need to realise that their actions could hurt the professional wrestling business as a whole. I can understand it's just a bit of fun and obviously you get to meet a lot of new people across the country, but you also need to remember that if something does go wrong and you do seriously hurt someone, people who aren't fans or who are just looking for an excuse to slag off wrestling are going to come down on the industry as a whole and it's going to be the people you look up to and enjoy watching that will suffer. I admire the passion, but i'd advise that you apply that passion in a positive way.

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I find it funny how they all say how 'hardcore' they are but when hit with light tubes they wear about 3 shirts and in the case when glass does go on them they scream like girls, like the fat kid did when he got a few cuts on his arm.

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The biggest joke out of all of this is the prick who made the documentary and the cocks at CH4 for actually showing it. He clearly wasn't a wrestling fan and clearly has no idea of the implications this could cause to the future of British wrestling.Maybe he should have done some proper research and looked at how badly BYW has tarnished wrestling in the US first, and while hes at it pick up a copy of Foleys second book and read the part about BYW there. Wanker.To steal a line from Moj i hope he gets cancer of the testes.

WTF?It was a cracking documentary, and showed BYW for what it was. It did no harm to the British wrestling industry, unlike past programs ie: Faking It.
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Basically I agree with the general opinion on this forum, I am dead against backyard wrestling, not sure how it can be considered a sport there's also obviously no technique to any of the moves, they're obviuosly just trying to copy moves they've seen on TV, hence why they look bad.Just been over to the forumUKBY and basically people are praising the backyard wrestlers which is worrying. Like this one:

first of all, i'd just like to say that everyone off the ukbyw board who featured on it(burch,selbs,NLW, the entire welshfest crew,frosty etc) that you should all be really proud, i thought you all came off really well on it,and you looked really mature and sensible, and you definatly did the community justice.seeing all of you on tv, coming across so strong and serious(non of you looked like fools) it made me really proud of you in some kind of way. and i also thought that burch and channel 4 pulled off a good looking angle, with it being quite emotional and suspenseful for the casual fan- burch retiring,and then not due to his love for the sport,good stuff  so all in all, well done guys, a really enjoyable and insightful watch, i think even the average people enjoyed that(i had friends ringing me up about it all night saying they found it cool and mad)

Edited by Sly
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Basically I agree with the general opinion on this forum, I am dead against backyard wrestling, not sure how it can be considered a sport there's also obviously no technique to any of the moves, they're obviuosly just trying to copy moves they've seen on TV, hence why they look bad.Just been over to the forumUKBY and basically people are praising the backyard wrestlers which is worrying. Like this one:

first of all, i'd just like to say that everyone off the ukbyw board who featured on it(burch,selbs,NLW, the entire welshfest crew,frosty etc) that you should all be really proud, i thought you all came off really well on it,and you looked really mature and sensible, and you definatly did the community justice.seeing all of you on tv, coming across so strong and serious(non of you looked like fools) it made me really proud of you in some kind of way. and i also thought that burch and channel 4 pulled off a good looking angle, with it being quite emotional and suspenseful for the casual fan- burch retiring,and then not due to his love for the sport,good stuff

Edited by Drazic, The #1 Sickboy
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I find it funny how they all say how 'hardcore' they are but when hit with light tubes they wear about 3 shirts and in the case when glass does go on them they scream like girls, like the fat kid did when he got a few cuts on his arm.

erm yeh I got hit with plenty of light tubes with shirts on ;)

Fuck off you cocky bastard. I seen you on the show, and you were very above yourself. You think you are a legend because you go through a table? Ha. Whats the recored crowd for a Backyard event ? 20? 25? And if there were 25 the commentry would be"look at the crowd, the backgarden is crammed to the rafters, i mean flowers."

lmao cocky for being myself? This is somthing within a community, you people may think im a prick, but the fact is I dont know you, and the other byw'ers do and they are going from when they have met me. Im not being full off myself. You cant handle the fact we do this for fun. Like sunday football you have different leagues its like BYW some better than the others. The reason im writing a book is because its for other BYW'ers to read it, and yes you never know as I go pro training one day I mite make something out of it, and then I have a book to sell.Like I said very doubtfull. Fine if you dont like BYW get over it! dont bother crying and saying how stupid we are, fact is we aint gonna stop doing it, and nothing anyone says will, because we are all good mates and we enjoy the sport.
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first of all, i'd just like to say that everyone off the ukbyw board who featured on it(burch,selbs,NLW, the entire welshfest crew,frosty etc) that you should all be really proud, i thought you all came off really well on it,and you looked really mature and sensible, and you definatly did the community justice.seeing all of you on tv, coming across so strong and serious(non of you looked like fools) it made me really proud of you in some kind of way. and i also thought that burch and channel 4 pulled off a good looking angle, with it being quite emotional and suspenseful for the casual fan- burch retiring,and then not due to his love for the sport,good stuff

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Fine if you dont like BYW get over it! dont bother crying and saying how stupid we are, fact is we aint gonna stop doing it, and nothing anyone says will, because we are all good mates and we enjoy the sport.

1) First of all i dont see any1 crying, im certainly not, byw just makes me laugh2) Say u enjoy the sport all u want, but hitting people with what was it light tubes, tables an god knows what else, thats not a sport thats people hitting each other with stuff so i dunno what kinda wrestling ur watching but thats certainly not what i see everyweek
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