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FLips's Sopranos watching thread


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1 hour ago, wandshogun09 said:

“I knew it, I knew it. But you had to be the big MAAAAN”

I always forget about this but it creases me every time. ON THE FRIDGE! ON THE FRIDGE! 

The shit music in that proper makes me chuckle.

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Rewatching the finale made me reminisce about when it first aired.

For series 6 I'd moved back to Feltham for a while and used to go round my mate Jamie's house to watch the episodes together. It was quite sweet, I'd buy the pizzas and he'd cook them and it was a small ritual we had.

But then for part 2, he'd gone back to Leeds for uni, but someone I was working with had managed to download and burn them to DVD. IIRC there was a good couple of months delay on the US and UK air dates.

So I got a copy and sent him one and we both made a plan to watch "together" separately, and even texted each other "press play now" so it was Nitro/Raw simulcast.

I'll never forget him ringing me afterwards as we had planned shouting "YOU GOT US SHIT DVDs, THAT CAN'T BE THE END!!!" as we both dissected the ending and what it meant. We genuinely thought there might be an issue with the DVD rip. 

Sopranos was probably the last big show where we could've done that kind of thing, what with everything released at the same time now, social media, spoilers etc. We don't talk anymore and every time I watch the finale it makes me a bit sad because of that, but I digressshhhh. 

I still love the ending, and I don't think he died there and then for what it's worth. It's just that that's his life now. He has to check every single person coming in that diner, and always will.

Chase played it beautifully, and he knew just what we'd all think with the camera following that lad into the toilet, the guy at the counter, the guy with the mustache, the two lads that come in. It's brilliant.

I do remember thinking at the time that Meadows parking issue meant she was gonna get hit by a car and killed, and the tension is still unbearable. 

I also like to think Sil survived.

One thing that I did think of this time. Tony uses Agent Harris to find Phil, so wouldn't Phil have his own "Harris" in the Jersey PD or whatever that could find Tony. After all, Carlo had flipped and knew where the safehouse was, so wouldn't that have filtered through that channel to Phil through his sources etc.

Anyway, bye bye Pop Pop you massive massive prick.

Greatest show ever, we go again soon.

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9 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

I still love the ending, and I don't think he died there and then for what it's worth. It's just that that's his life now. He has to check every single person coming in that diner, and always will.

I also like to think Sil survived.


That's the beauty of the ending I think. You can make it whatever you want it to be. I know on the first way through it, not knowing it was coming, it was a bit, oh that's it?

Second time around though, with the shock value gone, you can take time to interpret what comes next. For me, Sil also survives. In a show that had no qualms killing main characters off, the fact they kept Sil hanging in there means it's not unrealistic to think he pulls through.

I don't think Tony dies in the diner either. I also don't think he lives in as much fear as it implies either. His biggest rival just got popped with the go ahead from his second in command. Who, in storyline terms, wants Tony dead enough at that point to go pop him in a crowded diner? Or even after the fact, he has more allies than enemies left.

I think his biggest concern is Carlo flipping. There's more chance he gets locked up than killed, I think.

I won't lie, I'm already 4 episodes deep into Season 1 again and straight away I'm picking up bits I missed the first two times.

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Just remembered something that made me laugh that I'd forgotten. AJ saying that maybe he could be a private chopper pilot for Trump ?

Then Tony taking the piss about him taking time off from that job to do missions for the CIA. Tony is so fucking funny.

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