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When Cena pops back him and Cody should be money too. Two super humanly positive weirdos trying to compete to see who can be the biggest Cena. Doesn’t necessarily have to be a top heel just someone with aura. Once they get Cody/Orton out of their system there’s CM Punk, Cena, The Rock it’s just going to be hard going in between.

Edited by Mr_Danger
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The booking may be lackluster but the live crowd reaction seems as strong as ever. Cody does need a strong feud and that feud is going to be Roman again isn't it. When the swerve comes in the tag team match and Solo places the necklace back on Roman and the Bloodline stand over Cody to close the show Roman will be a bigger heel than ever. Perhaps. 

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Cody is definitely suffering from being on the same show as Roman Reigns, but let’s get a bit of perspective. Maybe too much fucking perspective. It’s a good problem to have. Two huge babyface superstars. A Rock and a Stone Cold.

Five or ten years ago even having one of them felt impossible. A real top babyface. Getting earnest, universal cheers. Like a bus, isn’t it? You wait twenty fucking years for WWE to get their act together and make some proper top stars, then two come along at once.

I reckon it’ll be fine in the long run. Either Cody or Roman can eventually move to Raw, or turn heel, but for right now there’s no denying the magic they have together. It felt absolutely massive seeing them interact on this show. Proper Mega Powers stuff. That Tag match with Solo and Jacob feels humongous. The one time I’ll forgive a, “Can They Co-Exist?” match. Their chemistry is electric.

My dream scenario is they somehow lose, with Jacob Fatu getting the pin, further solidifying him as The Dog’s Bollocks, and then Cody can go feud with Randy whilst Roman gets the band back together.

Roman needs to stop doing that thing with his jaw though. Constantly re-adjusting it and chewing on nothing, I’m sure he thinks it looks cool and it adds to his babyface act, but he just looks like he’s been on a massive coke bender. Contract tampering from Tony Khan confirmed!

But yeah, that five second clip of Roman putting his finger in the air and every single fan behind him doing it in unison, as the fireworks go off? Do not take this for granted. I don’t. I’m sure he doesn’t.

Years and years of him being booed out of buildings. Blue contact lenses. Hijacked segments. Brock Lesnar smashing him up hard way and it still not getting him cheers or sympathy. They finally did it. Promised land.



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