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Podcast/Interview Thread (MMA/Boxing etc) ?

Egg Shen

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here's one for the Schaub fans...

his Big Brown Breakdown show has now morphed into some sort of weekly digital TV show through Showtime. Fair play, even if you hate the guy you cant deny hes done alright for himself.

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I watched that last night and thought it was ok. Looking off to the side camera for a line is Vieux Boulogne level cheese, though.

I prefer the sit down he did with Paulie to talk about the boxing HW division, which I posted in the boxing thread. Mainly because Paulie.

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I imagine the logistics of that are pretty difficult to sort out.

Does Rogan pay his guests? If so, I reckon that'll be an issue. Yoel would probably demand quite a high fee, yet the nature of the podcast will probably mean it'll be a super difficult listen, and only really of any value in video format. The language differences will mean there'll be loads of visual ticks and clues to help carry the conversation along, with or without Joey as a translator.

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He shouldn't have mentioned it so far out then. Should've waited until it was days away. Fucking teasing us with Yoel Romero then giving us more Shithead Schaub is  not cricket. Or MMA. Or acceptable. 

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I like shithead Schaub (will never not call him that now). He's a pest, but it's kind of adorable that a massive gorilla heavyweight so clearly defers to people like Rogan, and desperately wants to be part of the good time gang.

Callen? Now Callen can fuck off. It's not adorable in the slightest that he's so needy.

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Not sure how reliable, but the rumours are it will happen this month, but we'll see. Apparently Yoel will do Joey Diaz's podcast first then the Rogan one after that.

Rogan keeps bringing it up, so it's definitely happening.

Aye, Callen is the worst. I get that his schtick is being OTT, but it's very rarely that funny.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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