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Doomed anecdotal megathread #2

Sergio Mendacious

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I've had a girl's ex boyfriend walk in before. In my head I thought it would have been a merry old jape like in one of those Robin Asquith films. You know, where you'd hop it out the fire escape or something.


In reality he yelled 'who's arse is that' before stropping off into the adjoining room and causing me to lose rigidity like Val Venis in the Yamaguchi segment. Utter rubbish and I feel incredibly sorry for any human who has to view my Ted Crilly arse.


Steak, I was sat down most of the time, so didn't have to worry about the wellies slipping off. Seepage was a greater concern, I could feel it going the wrong way, like a reverse wee.

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Once I went back to this girls house and I found out she had a five year old son when I looked over in the corner of the room and he was stood in the doorway whilst his mum was riding some stranger. Part of me wanted to smile a bad uncle smile at him but I told his mum, who screamed at him to get out before returning her attention to my erect penis.

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I did have to tuck a 2am horn sideways and up into the band of my undercrackers back in 1999 in front of my ex's mam. 

I was staying over in their house as we'd just started going out, and I woke up and needed to pee. Walked out in a pair of tight Beano/Gnasher jockeys on a wake-up kinger, and made my way to the toilet to do the downward dog/splits while standing over the pot bending/aiming himself uncomfortably downwards to pee, but on the way, Laura (her mam) came out onto the landing too and like a flash I put the chap over and under the band.


Anyone who’s been in this sitch knows that the undercracker band isn’t the haven you’d hope it be as you can still see helmet and jap eye popping out, and that’s exactly what she saw.
Like a champ though, she didn’t flinch – even though we both knew what was what – and told me to go first to the toilet as I was the guest.


So I did, and aiming a horn, especially a rigid, strict 19/20 year olds horn, into the pot while your new girlfriends (and soon to be mother of my first born) mother was waiting outside, is fucking ferociously tense and I go and hit the floor/lino behind the pot with my piddle on the first burst.

At 2am, that cunting noise sounds like a typewriter being kicked down a flight of stairs, so I’m cringing and panicking and I finish off the most painful, confusing, tense, delicate pee I’ve ever had and then the I still had the indignity of dealing with the noise of rolling the toilet roll out of the holder and wiping the puddle behind the pot.
She smiled as I walked out mortified and defeated, and asked me would I like some Clonakilty pudding with my breakfast.

The more I think about that, the more I love that woman!


And I still had the horn.

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