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It isn't. Its really, really good but wouldn't make a BOAT list. You're wrong.

#5 on this one - http://www.gamesradar.com/best-games-ever/


Not that that's definitive or anything, but it took all of 2 seconds to find what was the first or second link on Google when searching "Best games of all time" to see it came in the top 5 on one of the most prolific gaming websites. Personally, I'd rank it at #2 on my own. 

There's probably a dozen more, but I can't be arsed to look. You said it wouldn't make a BOAT list and it did.



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Not a great example, seeing as they consciously ignored ocarina of time, for example. I'm sure you can find another though.


Its not even the best Zelda game on the GameCube. Hell, it's not even the best Zelda game in the box it came in.

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I'm sure I could, but what's the point if you're going to dismiss it's inclusion on the basis of them not including one you like? We'd go around in circles for days.

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To be fair A) I was doing what you were doing at the start of this thing, which was really the point and B) its not that its just some game I like, its Ocarina of Time, generally considered to be one of if not the best game of all time (for the record I don't think it is, but its miles better than wind waker if only for the lack of the treasure hunting). And gamesradar decided to not put it (or GoldenEye pr final fantasy 7) not only not in the top 10 or 5 or whatever,but in their top 100 and state in their intro that they've deliberately ignored them. I'm not being too unfair there, surely?

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I never played OoT when it first came out as I didn't have an N64, so my first experience was when it came out for the 3DS. Fantastic game, make no mistake, but I prefer Twilight Princess. It just seems like a more packed-out version of OoT. Although if I'd have played OoT when it came out, when considered so revolutionary, it'd probably be my favourite as there would be a nostalgic love for it too. Much like a Link to the Past. Now, THAT'S a Zelda game.


Edit: but yeah, OoT is still widely considered to be the greatest game of all time, let alone greatest Zelda game.

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I forgot about link to the past! I've never actually played it and really really should.


I know what you mean about twilight princess, it does feel like an extension of ocarina sometimes.

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Well seeing the passion you guys have for Wind Waker I dove back in today. Enjoying it more. Main gripe is if you die or fall off somewhere you often get thrown back to the start of an island. Will definitely try and see it to the end. How many islands are there?

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I didn't mind the stylus controls, thought I'd hate them but they were ok. They had some impressive ways of using the stylus, especially for certain items.


The two things that bothered me about the game were having to revisit that same place/building every time you finish a big bit of the game and also traveling across the sea. It was a bit boring and repetitive- shoot cannon at something, avoid sea mine, etc. Same applies with Spirit Tracks.


A Link Between Worlds for 3DS however, is shit hot. Best handheld Zelda I've played.


Are the Oracles of Ages/Seasons games worth playing? I really liked Link's Awakening so I'm hoping it's like that.

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Loved Phantom Hourglass, I'd definitely have it in my Top 5 Zelda games. Wanted to love Spirit Tracks, but using the Mic to play the instrument was a nightmare and I never ended up finishing it because of that. It's hard to name a bad handheld Zelda really, as they've all been pretty great.

Punkstep, Oracles are a lot like Link's Awakening, they're fantastic.

Edited by FelatioLips
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