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I traded my Vita, 16gb memory card and Final Fantasy X HD into Grainger for a bizarrely high £88 trade. Straight swap for Taken King and Mad Max.
Level 7 on Destiny so far, but I'm feeling like it's not meant to be played alone. Some of those global events that happen on the open world are almost impossible alone, getting silvers all over the place.

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I traded my Vita, 16gb memory card and Final Fantasy X HD into Grainger for a bizarrely high £88 trade. Straight swap for Taken King and Mad Max.

Level 7 on Destiny so far, but I'm feeling like it's not meant to be played alone. Some of those global events that happen on the open world are almost impossible alone, getting silvers all over the place.


Yeah, the Taken events definitely need a fire team. I'm level 40 with a high light level and I can't solo these missions never mind at level 7. When you got the Taken King you should have got a consumable that will level a character up to 25 and unlock the Taken King missions. You could use that to allow yourself to wear and use better gear.

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I traded my Vita, 16gb memory card and Final Fantasy X HD into Grainger for a bizarrely high £88 trade. Straight swap for Taken King and Mad Max.

Level 7 on Destiny so far, but I'm feeling like it's not meant to be played alone. Some of those global events that happen on the open world are almost impossible alone, getting silvers all over the place.

Yeah, the Taken events definitely need a fire team. I'm level 40 with a high light level and I can't solo these missions never mind at level 7. When you got the Taken King you should have got a consumable that will level a character up to 25 and unlock the Taken King missions. You could use that to allow yourself to wear and use better gear.

I just mean the low level base events in the middle of missions, like kill x waves of enemies.

I got that item but want to play from the start.

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I traded my Vita, 16gb memory card and Final Fantasy X HD into Grainger for a bizarrely high £88 trade. Straight swap for Taken King and Mad Max.

Level 7 on Destiny so far, but I'm feeling like it's not meant to be played alone. Some of those global events that happen on the open world are almost impossible alone, getting silvers all over the place.

Yeah, the Taken events definitely need a fire team. I'm level 40 with a high light level and I can't solo these missions never mind at level 7. When you got the Taken King you should have got a consumable that will level a character up to 25 and unlock the Taken King missions. You could use that to allow yourself to wear and use better gear.

I just mean the low level base events in the middle of missions, like kill x waves of enemies.

I got that item but want to play from the start.



All the story stuff in the core story is fine to do by yourself. The strike, you need a fireteam for, but there is matchmaking so you'll get paired up with people. As for those public events - they are intended to be just that; public. So other randoms playing on their own will see them and join in. It's pretty common to just give those a wide berth when you're quite low level though as you won't stand a chance. Some of the later story from the expansions is pretty fucking tough and probably better to do with friends. 


And yes, definitely play from the start; what's the point otherwise? Use that item when you want to do a second character... 


Are you on Xbox or PS these days? Happy to jump in for some of those later missions when you get there if you need a hand.

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Ah too bad.


Oh also, I didn't mention Raids. Those will come much later for you, but you need a team for them and there is no match making - there are a number of independent websites that people use to find teams to run Raids but people can be very snobby and dickish about it. It's a shame, but the Raids are really fun if you have a good team.

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Naturally raids are best played with people you know but there are plenty of decent players out there.


I have come across some utter dicks during raids though, my mate almost quit the game over some mouthy turd having a go at him in VoG.


Yeah I bought TTK hopeless addict that I am. Not even entertaining the new raid yet though.

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I traded my Vita, 16gb memory card and Final Fantasy X HD into Grainger for a bizarrely high £88 trade. Straight swap for Taken King and Mad Max.

Level 7 on Destiny so far, but I'm feeling like it's not meant to be played alone. Some of those global events that happen on the open world are almost impossible alone, getting silvers all over the place.

Yeah, the Taken events definitely need a fire team. I'm level 40 with a high light level and I can't solo these missions never mind at level 7. When you got the Taken King you should have got a consumable that will level a character up to 25 and unlock the Taken King missions. You could use that to allow yourself to wear and use better gear.

I just mean the low level base events in the middle of missions, like kill x waves of enemies.

I got that item but want to play from the start.



Yeah, jumped the gun a bit there.  :D



Naturally raids are best played with people you know but there are plenty of decent players out there.


I have come across some utter dicks during raids though, my mate almost quit the game over some mouthy turd having a go at him in VoG.


Yeah I bought TTK hopeless addict that I am. Not even entertaining the new raid yet though.


Some of the best fun I've had on Destiny was trying to beat Vault Of Glass raid originally. We spent hours and hours trying to do it. Crota wasn't so bad when it came out though. However they seem to have amped up the difficulty level with this new raid. I'm like you. Not even thinking of doing the raid yet. There's still lots to do in this expansion not even thinking of raids or nightfalls yet. Apparently the new raid requires much more team coordination this time though. Reading different reports on it's difficulty, I'm surprised to hear a fire team managed to do it in 45 minutes the other day.



If you struggle for groups use destinylfg.com or one of the similar sites, that's my go to if i need a team and nobody I know is on to play with.


Second this. Destinylfg.com is a god send. Especially with stuff like the Skolas mission and Nightfall missions when there's no friends available. 


Speaking of Prison Of Elders. Are Bungie going to do something to change that rewards wise seeing as there's no way of getting treasure keys any more.


EDIT: Just received a Treasure Key doing one of Eris' bounties. Nice.

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