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LPW Nemesis - A real treat (Mention UKFF at the door for free entry)


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Not gonna happen is it. You've created a situation where too many people are interested in many ways and your attitude has upset to many (important) people. I still wish you luck but with the reputation you've obtained and the comments you've made, or don't hold much help.

In my opinion, the thread should stay open. Some of the creativity that has some from the UKFF fans has been gold and shouldn't be lost.

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Please could this thread be shut down as its causing too many problems for LPW and its show.


You brought those problems on yourself, M8.


You made your choices by acting like a complete man-child and threatening other people, now you have to live with those choices.

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Yeh I said a few things and I did say sorry BUT it does not give the right for people to push me, bully me and back out of shows. Its not professional None of us are when we act like this.


Its not professional to change the title of the thread or make fake twitter accounts saying the show is free to UKFF members when its not.

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Yeh I messed up and I understand that but it does not give the right for people to do what they did and make talent quit or ask for extra money. That is not professional either. Tiger made me a offer on here and I accepted that offer so why does he not stick to what he said as I will.

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this is a discussion forum, why should people be professional? We're all looking for fun away from work and day to day life. You've created a situation where people are having fun at you expense. Through this forum, your past actions and your behaviour full stop.

And this thread was running out of steam, the discussion had gone more serious then you comment - after saying you wouldn't - and it'll start again

Edited by reychampion
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People have every right to back out or ask for more money, as it's a business and your behaviour has only proven to any prospective person who wants to do business with you that you can't be trusted to run something properly and you've proven what everyone thought about you right, and you cry bullying when you're given a bit of light ribbing. I'd imagine wrestlers have seen that and now they don't want to be involved with you as you're unfit to run anything. Again, if you can't see that and insist on blaming anything and everything else but yourself on that you really are backwards. More proof of this is "doing a deal" with Tiger. What actually makes you think he has any power. Look to the left for his name. Does it say "moderator"? No. All you've done is harassed someone who this is nothing to do with. Well done again Adam. And no, I'm not locking the thread as it's funny.

Edited by PowerButchi
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If I have harassed someone report me. I made a mistake and I accept that. I would do anything for this to all end on here. even give them free tickets to UKFF members only if this shuts down and if you accept the offer of free tickets for this thread to be closed can the mod or someone tell me where to send the tickets

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Please could this thread be shut down as its causing too many problems for LPW and its show.

Adam mate, you're still not thinking positively.


There's some really good information in these late few pages that could help your shows no end. If Rocky Future doesn't want to be part of a show that had a thread with 20 thousand views in 48 hours, that's his loss. But don't let him pull you down.


Remember when Perry Saturn had the Moppy gimmick, and it was supposed to be punishment, but his positive attitude got it over and he made it a success? Don't stop believing in yourself mate. 51 pages isn't going to hold you back, is it mate? Rocky Future pulling out isn't going to hold you back, is it lad? Think positive! Believe! Turn every problem round so that it works in your favor! You can do it. Be like Perry Saturn. Be like the mop. Rocky's problem isn't your problem, is it? No! You're Adam Fucking Bowler, and you run LPfuckingW!


Twenty thousand fucking views, Adam! Twenty thousand people that wanted pie and peas, but you stuck to your guns and said no. Twenty thousand people that wanted a rumble, but you said no, because LPW is your baby, and you know what you fucking want. Ricky Future is one man. One man against twenty thousand. Twenty thousand, Adam. You've got the hearts and souls of twenty thousand wrestling fans in your hands, Adam. Are you going to give up just because of Robby Future? Of course you're not, because you've got more passion than that, haven't you Adam?


Look at yourself in the mirror and say with pride "I am Adam Bowler. I am a promoter. I am LPW to the end, and Rocky Furniture can piss right off".


Seize that mop, Adam. I have total faith in you.

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If a newcomer sees a thread with 52 pages, they're going to think your show is a pretty big deal, aren't they? And they're going to end up reading it and learning about your show, aren't they?


Positive, positive, positive.

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If any pie kind of posters turn up, you will be removed from the venue. Maybe your right but the abuse and parts of bullying from you guys don't need to be on here does it. I said sorry and I accept what I did was wrong. I just want this locked, deleted and removed

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You're trying to 'work' us now right? A page or so of proper chat about trainees/professionalism etc and then you re-appear amd change the subject back to you?


I actually almost agreed with you a couple of pages ago, that fake twitter thing was ridiculous and the whole thing seemed past its peak but then a sensible conversation breaks out and you re-appear with the same old 'I know I made mistakes but...' schtick.


Stinks of troll m8

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